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As mentionned in the rules :


You may use a smaller resolution if your game engine of choice does not produce 160x144. The play area should fit within a gameboy screen. Black bars or 'super gameboy' frames around the outside of the gameplay area are fine.


Hey! Nice job on this one, the game is fun and the rolling robot too ahah. I wish the controls were less "floaty" tho. I also find it a little bit frustrating to restart the entire level when I touch a spike. But I like it, and for a game done in 4 days, it's fantastic!

Really cool idea and nices VFX, unfortunately the game was a bit too hard for me. A larger FOV would have been nice to anticipate a little more. But I had fun, thanks for making it. :)

Thank you for you kind words ! Glad you liked it, and thanks for the feedback ! <3

Thank you for your feedback. I'll try to work on the problems you adressed after the jam, I already had them in mind but couldn't do it in such time.Thanks again for playing !

Thanks ! Glad you liked it

Yeah, we didn't have any musician in the team sadly. But I plan on adding music and sfx after the jam. Thank you for playing and commenting. 💓

Thanks you so much for you feedback. 💓💓

Nice ! The atmosphere and setting are really good and the premice is fun, fighting against yourself is a nice idea. Bug report : If you walk against a wall, the IA deactivate itself, so you can cheese the game like that.

(2 edits)

Hey. I loved the atmosphere at first but got stuck early, and could'nt change form anymore, I don't know if it is intented or not :c I don't think I understood.

Hey. I think you forget to change one setting in the Project Settings in godot. Right Now, the "camera" and the menu are off. Under "General, Windows, Stretching," Set it to "canvas_item". It should fix your problem. =)

The idea is nice, also I may be dumb cause I find it pretty difficult, but it was fun, nice job!

I can't say I understood everything, but I had fun playing it!

I have trouble with wall jump at first (retried it like 10 times), I'm not sure I do it as it is intented. But the game is cute and fun, well done!

Fun, original simple but hard, I like it !

Damn that was hard ! But that was fun ahah, nice one!

I was so cooool ! I love the fact you can hide before the cats and the owls get you, I had some adrenaline pumps ahah, really nice game loved it. <3

I Love tetris. I love buying upgrades. So I had fun ahah. Nice little twist on the tetris we know.

Cute little alien <3

Congratulations on your first game. I've just finished it and I had fun, the idea is great and I'd like to see more of it. :D

Thank you for playing our game and leaving a feedback. <3