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Tin Knight games

A member registered Jan 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! This game is kinda at a weird state though. I made the main attack have a bit of delay for the animation which really sucks for some gameplay sections. I will definitely fix that in the future which will hopefully made the game a lot easier. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! The games saves at the beginning of each level and if you lose all your soul health the save data is deleted. This is an intentional feature for story purposes. I wanted this game to have that feeling of taking a big risk by giving it a bit of an unforgiving feature.  Also in the future I'm still going to keep the game relatively short to make up for the unforgiving setup. I'm planning three levels in total (currently the game has 2 levels and 3 bosses). As for the intro yeah I may have made it a little too long (I definitely may have spent too much time on story over actual game play on this one).  I will work on trying to make the game a little more fair and enjoyable in the future. 

Quite a neat game. I loved how all the travelers had different ways to scare them. I'm usually not too big on heavy rng based games but this one was pretty fun to play.

Thank you! I had a lot of fun making the intro! I apologize for the iffy gameplay thus far.  Gameplay was probably what ended up getting neglected the most within the game's development sadly. I do plan on coming back to this game and fixing some gameplay problems (main one being huge projectile delay) and overall fleshing it out more. Thus far the game is only two levels and three bosses (due to lack of time I had to reduce level 2 to a cutscene).  As for the game length in the future I'm thinking of still having 3 levels as planned although I plan to redesign them to being a little longer and more interesting design wise. I hope I can make this game more fun of an experience in the future. Thanks for Playing!

(1 edit)

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! What was your favorite part for humor?

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.

Thank you! Sorry about the fireballs I'll fix that up at a later date.

The fact that you used the GB Camera for some parts of this makes me so happy! Love the vibes of this.

Thank you! What was your favorite part?

Dang quite a cool and creepy game. Nice Work!

This game was really cool! I had a lot of fun playing it!

Love the music and sprites.

Very neat and charming game! I had fun playing it.

Quite a cool game. Loved the sprite work.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Sorry about the fireballs. I set a wait between clicking the button and shooting the fireballs for animation sake. The delay of the fireball does make it a little harder to time. I'll try to make that a little nicer in the future.

This game is incredible! The fact that this was made in such a short amount of time is insane. I could see this being an official Castlevania spin-off. Great Work!

Great game. I had a lot of fun playing it.

I love this game!

I was quite a fan of this game. A great mix of spooky and funny which is something I can always appreciate.


Wow I'm glad you liked them. Some of them were quite pitchy but I will try to make them sound better and make way more for the full game.

What do you mean by advertise? 

Thank you for your feedback. I do know the RNG kinda did suck in certain areas.  There will be way less RNG based weapons and attacks in the full release. Thank you for playing. 

Thank you for your feedback. Later on there will be more phases and I will add more to the music. Thank you for playing.


Thank you! I will have some visuals to help tell the HP of a boss later on. Probably not an HP bar though.

Thank you for your feedback. I will keep all this in mind when I make the full game. I did a little research into QWERTZ Keyboards and I will make sure it works for that too later on.

Thank you for the feedback. Yeah the music is very incomplete. I will add more add fix it up a bit later on. Later on I will add more phases and lessen the HP. Thanks for playing.


Thank you. Yeah you were doing damage but I gave the bosses way too much hp. Later on I will shorten it down and add more phases plus more bosses.

Thank you for the feedback. I will add on more phases later on. idk about an HP bar but I will do something later on.

Thank you for playing. I will change the weapons a little plus add more Weapons and  Bosses later on.

(1 edit)

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Thank you for your feedback. I'm glad you liked it. I will be working on the full game and I will make sure to give more hints on what to do.

Yeah there is not too much for music yet. I will add on more to the music later. Thanks for the feedback.

Yah some of the Boss fight would be come quite laggy with weapons and some of them kinda are.  But I will take all of this into consideration  in the future making the full game. Thankyou for the Feedback. And Thanks for playing.

Thankyou for the Feedback. I did fix the Invisible attacks problem. And I have changed the weapons system up quite a bit. And I will be adding more bosses phases and things later on. 


Hey thanks for the feedback. I fixed the visibility problem a little by removing a attack spam and raising  attack level. I play tested it after and it's a lot better.