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A member registered Oct 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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hi dansmith127, the cards fit into a 32x32 pixel square (with a 2px brush, so technically 16x16). 

They are 32px tall and 28px wide.

once i got it i got it. I wish there were extra points for shooting them in the dark where you make a right "guess." fun game! 

Nice use of psychic powers to reveal things. and the sound and darkness clues were very intuitive once i got the hang of them. Thank you for having a cohesive keyboard control scheme. Those ghosts are jerks! 

This game looked like it was going to be really fun, but i couldn't get the hang of the controls and then the level was over too soon. Looks great for such a quick jam, and I look forward to an updated version if you all plan to pursue it. 

It was fun to punch fishes in the face with bubbles to make them shrink. Nice soundtrack and gfx were fun too. 

I like your diver. I had a diver in my game too except he dead! :D

I agree with some comments below. Some more options for faster bubbles or happier frog. I also wanted to be able to change the radio station to make the frog happy. Maybe this frog likes a different song and generates bubbles slightly faster? Eating flies or taking a dip in the water could also be options? Super cute frog! 

I like the cartoony visuals and sound effects. Pretty nice and rare to see Scratch used so effectively. Have you ever tried making games in Flowlab.io? It is similar block based programming but is a LOT more versatile. 

Super cute style and relaxing gameplay. Reminds me of the old Orisinal Flash games from way back in the day. Simple but engaging. Nice entry for 9 hrs. 

the graphics are pretty utilitarian, but somehow I still managed to care about the hostages. kept me engaged for a couple rounds. Interesting concept. 

I really like your limited colors and low-res pixel art. The HP is a little unforgiving, but I like that the different fish have different movement patterns. well done! 

thanks! I don't really make a lot of platformy puzzlers like this, but I do like the psychic powers and mines concept. I'd need to use some of my Mario Maker level design skills and come up with some clever twists. The psychic powers were also supposed to call the yellow fish "aquaman style" into a circle around him and then aim them forward to do something. attack things? Access tight spaces? Idk. The multi tool was also going to have several powers to access.  

thanks for playing. I definitely ran out of time for polishing the controls. The 3 -builds-in-one was a concept I thought I could pull off, where the same level got better and more refined and you got introduced to the next "theme" each time you went down (The game increases in depth literally and figuratively) but you know... 9 hrs. 

thanks for playing! I used to love Monkey Kickball back in the day and had a long love affair with Doofus Drop. I may go back after judging is over and add some mechanics that I ran out of time for. There will be more differences between inside the mine and outside plus the hard hat and pick will have upgrades and be more useful. I definitely want to add a little more control but here's a tip in the current incarnation: the nudge button always nudges UP in the direction of the head, so don't push it if you are facing down. Also triggering a cave in if you get pushed up too far off the top can save you... sometimes 😄

hi! Thanks so much for the kind words. It makes me really happy to hear that you connected with the mood and art and the "no hand holding " exploration aspect. That's how it was in the old Swordquest games - no clues on what to do, just wander around until something clicks. 

The art style was just a test that I've been kicking around in the back of my head. The combination of contrasty b/w images with a color overlay and a super low res single color player was inspired by old game systems where you had to put a transparent static cling on the TV screen for your "white dot" to travel within.  

There were more ideas I had to put in the game but I wanted to be done with this one before another jam started. But maybe I'll go back in and add the prize for killing the thief (a ring that keeps the thief and the eyes from following you -- and also finishing the boss battle to make it more coherent.

Did you get stuck or confused anywhere? Did you feel like you saw everything? Did anything NOT make sense? 

Also if you enjoyed this game, give Night of the Attack of the Giant Brown Marmorated Stinkbugs from Hell. It's also has a lot of hidden surprises below the surface of a hunt and explore game 🙂

ah! yes thank you. that did the trick. I tried to brute force it, but since the numbers weren't showing up in the safe digital display I couldn't tell if it was accepting any number. I guess I played too many different games in a row and my brains were a bit mush. Solid game of the genre. 

nice concept and mechanics. Interesting rogue-like element with the remaining statues. 

well made. nice challenge. I like the sprites, but i do wish the brick tiles that block your character were a little more apparent. 

I love escape room games, but i wasn't able to get the safe open. everything else seemed pretty intuitive. I got the slip of paper that seems like the clue to the safe code, but the safe doesnt seem to accept my inputs. 

wow! a solid entry for a week long jam. very polished and super fun graphics. i played this longer than most entries. 

Really nice aesthetics. love the flickery pixel look. Smooth and relaxing gameplay and satisfying "thonk" when you hit the other skeleton. 

Tad is good and pixely. I like some good chonky sprites and old school beeps and boops. I kept flying off the board, but I stink at parkour. 

not my favorite genre, but a well made and nicely realized game, especially within a week. Love the sprites! 

pretty fun! the cops didnt seem to pose much of a threat, but there was a nice balance between collecting ammo and running around shooting. nice work! 

A solid game for a week. lovely color scheme and i enjoyed playing it. 

I'm a big fan of chonky pixel graphics. love the simplicity of the game but also the depth of the story. beautifully concise. 

Bright and colorful! I didn't know I was supposed to leave the first screen for a few seconds. I thought it was going to be a grow sim or a defense type game. Love the retro vibe. 

poor little blobs. I felt bad making them splatter all over the walls.( O-o)

Fun puzzle game. Challenging and well presented. I like the sound effect of the eyeball gods and the scrub brush to clean up with. Nice work! 

awww. i love feeding those little guys into the festering mouth hole. good fun! 

love the graphics and audio. nice and spoopy. great title too! 

fun game. i played through and got 2 different endings. in classic rpg style, i talked to everyone twice to make sure no one had anything extra to say. haha! 

stranger danger stranger danger! fun stuff. I'd play a whole game of this. 

a little slow, but a cute concept that could definitely be tightened up after the jam. Nice spooky ambience for pumpkin growin'

simple gameplay but I played through the whole thing (which is more than I can say for most). I agree that a couple well placed sound effects or a spooky puzzle game theme would go a long way. 

In case anyone gets stuck or wants to see the whole thing here's a walkthrough https://youtu.be/209Ir-2mwnM

Thanks for playing. Glad you enjoyed it. It’s definitely a little buggy and the sound issue is one of those Flowlab engine specific quirks that is still getting worked out when making an embed zip. 

Returning to the Home Screen after collecting an item would be a neat idea. Originally there were supposed to be some ghosties following you around or diving from the sky in the over world, but you know… time limits. I barely got the boss sequence (such as it is) in place in time. 

This is absolutely based on Atari 2600 Swordquest series and is nearly as opaque. Haha! 

love the gfx and the color scheme. nice work on the music too. 

nice creepy platformer. love the Dante references.