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A member registered Jul 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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One of the best 3D games this jam. Movement felt pretty good and the only thing I was missing was either a map or different wall textures for orientation. Got lost once or twice

Very polished game. Some checkpoints would have been nice but loved the style

Very fun game. I had some trouble with timing when switching lanes near an automatic switch but that might be solved with some practice. Looks very polished too

Really fun game that should be expanded on. It got a waiting game though once I had the spawn points circled with turrets. Easy to farm iron that way but not much of challenge anymore. But a really great game and quite polished for a jam

I'm confused. I had fun and I won and did something that worked but I still have no idea what I was doing. Highly enjoyable but a little more introduction would have been good for my slow brain.

Great puzzle and simple to learn. Very fun to play

Pretty fun but a little buggy. Enjoyed the idea but kept forgetting to pull my knife back. Fell of the map a few times but I love the idea.

Fun to play. Mouse sensitivity was a little high for my taste but a very ambitious game for a jam well executed

Good game, felt fun to play and the difficulty was hard but fair. Great entry

Very enjoyable, pretty good effort for a first game. I'm sure you learned a lot doing it and I hope you had fun. I enjoyed the story and did get both endings. There were some collision bugs but nothing major. Looking forward to your next game :)

Great start, didn't notice anything the others didn't already mentioned. Keep working, there's a lot of potential

Wow, that's an ambitious project. And well executed. Still room for improvement but very impressive for the time limit

I noticed. No idea if it was on your end or mine. Usually, there's a lot less lag. And thanks for playing and the feedback :)

It didn't feel like there was a reason to mix a shooter with blackjack. They didn't do anything for each other. Progress was pure luck because it only depended on blackjack and the shooting didn't do anything to improve or reduce winning prospects. Maybe having to shoot the cards or making the enemies the cards. Trying to stay alive while not getting over with shooting them or something.

But the way it was done it didn't feel like the concepts improved each other

Relaxing little game. Enjoyed it very much :)

Fun idea but I found the difficulty to be all over the place. It also didn't feel like destroying things made any difference. So it was easiest to just rush through and don't care about destruction.

Good game. The RTS felt good. Some minor bugs (got stuck once and it didn't always register me dying) but fun game for a jam.

The idea is fun. Would be fun to be able to write scripts. Could even see this a fun little multiplayer where you can build your own little library of scripts and patterns before. And if something unexpected happens you have to code your way through it quickly.

Very fun game and a neat concept. Got very hard though

Fun idea and a very ambitious game. And great use of the assets. I had severe clipping problems though and some trouble figuring out what to do. The grappling hook felt fun though and the voice acting was great

I missed the clock. No idea how that happened. So add glasses and more sleep for me to the list of useful updates...

Cool game, the gem mechanic was a good idea but I feel it makes catching up very hard.  The idea to just use a second camera for the mini map was smart but I would have preferred it a lot smaller with better visibility for the carts. But well done overall

Glad to see you didn't get discouraged from the leaderboard. The overall polish sure feels nice, glad you put your time in that rather than security overkill :)

An easy and maybe more gradual tutorial, I didn't find the map too useful the way it was, tooltips, a clock so you can get home by nightfall, a way to move multiple objects at once in the inventory. Might be I just missed some of those if they are already in. Also nothing that missed so badly it impacted my enjoyment

But I'm definitely going to play again so maybe more to come :) Oh thinking about that: saving and loading games ;)

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it :). You caught me just back from vacation. Wasn't able to jump in all week but I'll try to as much as I can for the rest of the rating.

You caught a new bug though ;) Shouldn't be able to reload spam but I already found it :)

Very fun, good feel overall but a little difficult. Loved the story telling in the beginning

Very fun game. Nothing much to critique. Very impressed with how good the bots work. Would have loved that polish and gameplay for my game but I wasted that time on getting the actual multiplayer working ;) 

Fun idea, got a little tedious watching the bots but it would be a fun little game with multiplayer. Also very polished for such ambitious project. I'm impressed

Really cool puzzle. Quite unforgiving but a good challenge once the concept sinks in. Felt very polished

Cool game and great polish. Might sound weird but although I think the pacing feels pretty well the game feels to slow. I think gameplay wise it feels right but you are not going very fast. Took some sense of action and danger out for me. But I don't know how to fix it without reducing reaction times.  Also jumping and projectiles did me in quite often ;)

Really fun game. The controls never really became natural to me but with some active thinking about what I wanted to do I could get it done. Great concept and the levels felt quite well designed. Also, good polish for a jam game

Great idea. Path finding needs some improvement and I'm not quite sure how to keep my skeletons together but I had a lot of fun :)

Wow a lot of content for a jam game. Felt pretty good gameplay wise. Missing some comfort features but very impressive given the time limit. Also fuck wasps...

Nice game. Very hectic but quite polished

Quite liked the gameplay and love that you made the leaderboard work (remembered the discussion in the forum when I stumbled onto your game). Only thing I didn't like about the game is that I suck at platformers. But that's nothing I can hold you or the game responsible for ;)

Great idea and well polished. I agree the camera feels a little too tight and some levels felt better than others but overall, it was quite good. Would play more of it

Fun game. Would have preferred the arrows a little bigger and the controls took some getting used to but overall very fun and quite a lot of love put in the details

(1 edit)

Really cool use of the assets, the challenge picked up quite well, great design overall and it felt quite polished. Quite cross with the spirits, though. Annoying fellows

We might have different ideas of working well ;) I agree it's pretty bad at getting many meaningful ratings because it's hard to rate without bringing friends or getting lucky with a random other player. But the again I learned how to do multiplayer with real world project, tried out some other ideas and got a better understanding of the engine all while having fun doing it and getting a lot of feedback. 

Might not work to get a good ranking or the most plays but it worked well enough for me ;)

I liked the atmosphere but the game lacked either in-game story or a difficulty ramp. It felt too easy to be a gameplay challenge and while the mood told a good story it wasn't enough to carry the game. 

With the mood and concept you could go in both directions but at least one needs to be expanded on.