thank you so much! i'm glad you felt like coming back to it, that feels great to hear. I definitely agree that there's something here, and I'd be willing to give this another shot (with less slipperiness and better tutorialising) some day! I appreciate the kind words
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Cool stuff! I did ragequit a little bit because I didn't expect the random magnet areas halfway up to kill you, but other than that I thought this was a decent little idea. It *can* get confusing when there's a bunch of stuff that *looks* like platforms but can't actually be jumped on, but I got used to that quickly enough. I would just highlighting stuff that can be dragged when you hover over it, too. All in all, nice work!
The style is genuinely fantastic, and it's super fun playing around with the grapple hooks. I did get to a point where I was scaling a super long ramp that ended in a structure I couldn't scale, and then I died and went back to the start, so I haven't quite made it to the end. It's hard to tell when the longer chain is going to break, and the way that it pulls you towards it can be a bit weird (it pulls you directly towards itself, even if that means trying to go through obstacles, rather than trying to pull you along the length of the grapple) but overall this was a cool experience!
good god this is so clever, it never really felt like i was solving the puzzle in the "intended" way and that always feels so cool (it never quite felt like i was breaking the game either). adorable little nesting dolls, very nostalgic feeling style, and puzzles that really got me thinking about how to do things. fantastic work
I'm glad it made you feel that way! You'll be happy to know that the background was incredibly simple, because I just copied it from here:
Chuck that shader on a ColorRect and play around with the variables to get what you want :)
i loved the style!i thought it was cool that the medium slime jumps higher than the small (and big) one and i particularly liked the obstacle that required you to jump as the medium slime and then switch to the smaller one to dash. i did a have a few issues though; first, i only used the big slime a single time. second, i feel like the dash from the smaller one hangs for way too long! can definitely do with making that a bit faster. and third, needs more puzzles! of course this is just a game jam, but definitely felt like it needed at least one more level to round it out. good work though!
nice! i love this sort of minigame collection stuff! i think the rule explanation could be more clear, e.g for the coal minigame, having all three buttons visible, but the inactive ones greyed out. it just helps to more fully understand the game in the split second before it actually starts (of course none of the games are particularly difficult, but it's just something i thought i'd say)
i'm not sure how well it maps to the theme but oh well! still a fun little game with cute theming
not bad! there's definitely something here, but it's just a bit of a slog. i'd suggest making everything a bit faster: make the player move a bit faster, make attacks come out a bit faster and make enemies do and take more damage to make combat a bit faster. also, let the ladder do damage to enemies! the throw is satisfying, there's definitely a physics-based puzzle here that could be good, but the "puzzles" aren't really particularly difficult or interesting, and there's really nothing new once you're past even the very first obstacle. still, not bad!
Fun game! Played it for long enough to actually catch a bug! I wish I could give specific replication steps for this, but essentially...the player character disappeared! I had thrown one spear, and when I tried throw my other spear, I disappeared. It's possible I maybe tried to dodge at the exact same time or something though. The game continued, but the wolves never returned, so the rabbits just started covering the screen (it never went above a certain number, which was sad. I hoped they would just keep replicating lol)
Not sure you're willing to bug fix this long after release, but thought I'd mention it anyways.
i love the style! the jumping pipe at the end that gets swarmed by enemies was a little bit annoying, since it's pretty common to get hit by one of them on the way up (and since it's random chance which one is right, there's a good chance you'll die and have to repeat the level). also, i was able to just run past the pie boss and end the game lol, not sure if that's intentional. otherwise, other than being a bit short, i thought this was a neat little game :D
you're right! we wanted durability to still be a concern because we had two other mechanics planned; watering and removing. watering would let you keep plants that you want to keep by spending a bit of water on them, and of course removing would let you remove plants. but we weren't able to implement the latter, so keeping durability fairly low for the plants was our workaround for this. thanks for playing!
Thanks! The sound effects were ours, but the music is by Eric Matyas from :)
I think I found a bug:
If you set the acceleration and deceleration to very small, the movement is very strange. Moving right and then immediately moving left makes Kit slide, but if you stop completely, and THEN turn left, Kit starts moving immediately. The latter should be how the game always responds, I think.
this is a very cool game, but i do have two issues with it (and one smaller issue). the small issue is that i have no idea what the main character is supposed to be (skull with legs? a cloak? shadow feet?). my first real issue is that the tutorial level is a bit too dull. reducing it to one left movement rather than two should be enough, right? and finally, on level 12, the black box directly above the guitar is solid. this make the level a lot easier than i imagine it's supposed to be.