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A member registered Feb 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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A great dynamic piece with different well composed melodies. Feels like a battle with pigeon flock since it packs a lot of drive too. Really enjoyed it!

Very fitting pigeon theme. Loving the recognizable melody and accompanying bandlike backing rhythm. The chaotic quality of some sections gives good balance and rhythmic change to keep the listener engaged. Those bird fx add quirkiness and funfactor. Solid work!

Truly a jam! Good flow throughout the whole song. The sudden section change around 1:28 helps to bring out that bossfight vibe. The ADSR setting of those each noise based drum is perfect. They sound impactful yet alive. Absolutely neat!

Loving the dramatic quality of the piece. To me it sounds very "Yuwal". That brass line brings out the thematic characteristics while low strings keeps the blood pumping. Enjoyed listening to this!

Catchy yet creative. Lyrics are fitting as well. Really fun entry!

Those fast section changes really amp up the overall vibe giving the song more bossfight like feeling. The LFO racheting of lead synth around 1 minute mark was one of my favourite details. Very good!

Very fitting theme for Yuwal. Lots of tension and drama, all well composed for that pretty difficult time signature. Quality work!

SC link:

It's interesting to hear how others have interpreted the optional theme. Your vision was so different from what I had in mind, but it works. You don't hear sung songs in jams too often, bonus points for that!

It's fun to hear DnB beats in an odd time signature. The track still flows well, and you get that rush you itch for in this kind of music.

Well-crafted structurally. All parts have something to offer, providing a pleasant listening experience as a whole. A very interesting piece!

Reminds me of some old Amiga game. Can't really put my finger on it. That saw synth and the drum kit definitely fit together. I like how it gets more intense at the end.

Definitely a jam! Lots of vibe and character, and it rolls like a breeze. I like the clear riff and plucky synth on top.

Highly magical and enchanting piece. It fits your theme most definitely. Good instrument picks. They elevate your idea a lot. Good stuff!

Great blend of plucky arpeggios and serene, touching strings. You've captured your theme perfectly. It definitely gives me a vibe of snowy mountains, somewhat reminiscent of Chrono Trigger.

Who doesn't love a dramatic choir? It's a great way to build mystery and grandeur, which are the primary feelings I get from the song. Those ascending brass swells give it an extra bump. Good work!

I love it when a song drops down to just one instrument and then starts to build up again. It's a great way to rejuvenate interest and add a more dynamic feeling. The piano melody works wonderfully with the time signature!

Celesta's cold gave me the feeling of a snowy town the most, making it fun and intimate, just as it should be. Great stuff!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! These jams are rare, and my SNES-type instruments were gathering dust for too long. Hopefully, there will be more like this in the future!

SC link:

(2 edits)

Hello. A composer and SFX designer here on a lookout for a team. I have previous experience with jams and looking to have a good time with this jam as well. Check out my Soundcloud and see if I might be the guy for your project audio stuff Feel free to dm me on Discord (Turismo#3022) (team found)