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A member registered Dec 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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Really love the art! so cute! The player's AI could be better and the playing field could be made bigger. Sometime the demons were to fast for me to even react. Good job!

This was a little difficult for me. But then again I have never even been able to beat the normal Mario lol. Great art and great execution overall! good job!

A very different take on the theme from all the games I have played so far. I managed to score 2230 or something around that. The design was very clean. good job!

There is a population balancing mechanic in the game. If you convert too many enemies into allies and over populate, then everyone on your side dies. But a lot of people have pointed out that the game has been giving them infinite money and so it is really broken. I should have paid more attention to that. I'll try to fix that after the jam. Thank you for your feedback!

uughghh!! it happened to you too? All this because I decided to not let the villagers have a trigger collider instead of a normal one. I'll fix it after the jam. I'm glad you still had fun lol. Thanks for playing!

I did plan on adding different units. If you look close enough the goblins have different clothing. They were supposed to be different type of enemies. But given the time of this jam, I decided against it, since the game was already getting too big for me to code lol.
Anyways, Thank you so much for playing our game!

Really cool game! It comes of as a finished product. That is something really hard for me to achieve in a short game jam. The puzzles/levels were also not too hard or too easy but were moderately difficult. I don't usually play puzzle games but I even cleared the bonus level in about 5 tries. Well done!

Thank you! Yes, I checked your game out and commented just now. Good job!

The music/sfx really give you a feel of as in you are in an actual prison. The pixel art is also pretty well made and I didn't find any bugs in the game either. Good job on all that! You should add a restart button and also spawning traps/guards was a little hard without the cursor visible. But great game overall! good job!

Tried but couldn't make it to the leaderboard lol. Really nice game. The art, music, sfx and design are all very polished. great job! (games with a leaderboard are always a 10/10 for me lol)

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it's not a secret lol. You should try out blender's grease pencil and add the noise filter to it and set its strength  according to your liking. Then make an animation of the noise and export each frame individually.

There are a lot of tutorial on this topic on youtube as well. I'll recommend this one: 

The art in this game is well made and I don't know how you implemented the fish pulling mechanic but it was smooth. The sfx were also spot on especially the crowd one in the menu. Good job!

Thank you so much!

Thanks alot! I used blender grease pencil for the art with the noise modifier filter.

Thanks! You've got a cute game aswell. I played and rated it yesterday.

I have implemented population balancing in the game. If your population exceeds the total population your houses can provide then everyone dies.  And also you require gold to cast the reversing spell so if you spam it you could run out of gold. I think even after that the reversing power might be a lil too op. If I ever work on this game in future I'll definitely try to come up with a better limitation. Thank you for pointing that out. I'm glad you liked the game otherwise.

Thank you for playing our game! Yes, balancing was definitely something we should have paid more attention too. 

I used blender's grease pencil for the art. Really happy with how it turned out. But it wasn't made during the jam. I had those assets unused so, I used them for this jam. Since making decent art and programming the game in just 48 hours is really not achievable for me lol.
As for the audio I had two team mates working with me. Both of them were really good at their craft. Their accounts are linked in the description of the game.

As someone who wasted half a day to implement an online leaderboard in their game and still failed :( You get 10/10 just for achieving that xD. I really liked the sound effects and breaking blocks was somewhat satisfying.

100k??? 💀 I knew there was some problem with the villagers acquiring gold but didn't know it was this bad! Massive overlook on my part. but thanks for playing! I'm glad you liked it overall.

I don't know anything about 3D art but the fact that you managed to create all this in 48 hours and have the game ready is pretty cool. I really liked the housefly model. The game too was overall so colorful. good job! (it did get a little laggy but its okay since you cant really go for optimization in such a short jam)

Hey, thanks for playing! I'm glad you liked it. yes, it can cramp in villagers if there is no space to move. But converting them into troops all at the same time is so satisfying to watch xD. 

You have a pretty good game as well. I rated it just now.

CUTE DINO! 🦖 The art with the lighting, music and the hit feel is really good. This idea was pretty clever. The game can definitely be expanded into something even bigger. Maybe the Dino could shoot out fireballs as a power up you could collet just like coins and hearts. Or different sized room and a dash ability.

Cute and simple! Pretty balanced as well. I don't know what the coins were there for but I managed to score 232 and I found myself playing again and again. good job!

Controlling the bullet is very satisfying! The character art and music is also really nice. I wish the game had developed even further.

Ayo! This game is really cool! I made it to round 9. And I would play it even after the jam. Really great game to pass time. 
That's a pretty big team you've got there. Everything from the art, sounds, UI interface and design is so well done! Good job you guys!

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I loved the character art! and the shooting was so satisfying, both on the player's and the demon's side. Well done! I wish there was some kind of score system to keep track of progress would have given incentive to play even further.


Cute game! 

I laughed so hard when I so the piano! xD. My favorite was definitely the old man and the part where he is about to tell the story. You guys killed it with the voice acting. I wish it had a proper conclusion.

Everything is so polished and well made. From the music to the art and the level design. Great job guys!

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Haha, thanks for pointing out the bugs. I was aware of them and was worried that they might make the game too easy. But I'm glad they aren't too game breaking and the games' still enjoyable. I ran out of time in the end and couldn't really fix them. Thank you for playing our game!

Thanks alot! I'm so glad you liked our game. I'll check yours out too.

You should have seen me towards the end of the jam. I was panicking and thought I had over scoped but it did work out in the end. Thank you for playing!

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Thanks for playing! This was my first game I ever made way back in 2019 lol. I will look into the collider stuff if I ever get back to working on it.

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bOOtyful!!! 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍

Hey, Thanks for playing my man! nice suggestion. If I work on it further I will add a leaderboard system of some kind for sure!

The art and sfx of this game are so polished! It also had a good difficulty curve. very well made. good job!