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A member registered Sep 06, 2017 · View creator page →

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on Linux you need to escape spaces in filenames. try "chmod 777 Anger\ Foot.x86_64". or you can just put quotes around the filename, that should also work.

A really clever combination of genres! One of the stand out games of the jam for me. I'd love to see you expand on this concept!

Hiya! Thanks for the video review, very cool! I'm glad you liked the animations!

Thanks so much for your kind words! Yeah that transparent bg was a make-or-break setting for me, it's basically the one thing I really REALLY wanted to do for the jam, haha! I'm glad it's so easy to do in Godot!

Definitely one of the top games for me. I'd make a list of everything I like but let's just leave it at "everything".

Everything about this is fantastic, even though I'm really bad at it! I LOVE all the animations, holy crap they're amazing.

Friggin loved it. What a great concept and awesome execution.

I LOVE the aesthetic, well done. The little flourishes with the working clock in the kitchen and the cooking system are brilliant. A great start to what I hope you keep working on!

Cute! I like the customization options for the frog and the minigame was interesting if a little unbalanced. The art gives me really good vibes!

I could have sworn I commented on this already but I really liked it! The music and art are super charming and the minigames are fun!

(1 edit)

Cute! I really liked all the different animations!

Zooming around at mach speed chasing squirrels while my poor owner flails around behind me. The complete dog walking experience! Good times!

This is a unique take on the virtual pet genre! I'm a fan!

This is really charming! I love all the customization options and the memory game!

My cat is instantly bored and constantly whines for food. In other words a perfect 10/10 cat simulator.

Adventuring to get funds to take care of the Hydra is a cool mechanic! I like the variety of interactions you can have with your pet, especially with so many different items. Nice job!

Charming! Love it! The race is really cool!

Thanks so much, the rhythm game has gotten a lot of love and I'm so happy! Removing the border is actually really easy, it's a combination of this video and calling get_tree().get_root().set_transparent_background(true) in your main script's _ready() method. You will have to add your own drag bar and minimize/exit buttons but that isn't too bad.

This is SO GOOD. WHAT. I was worried at first because I couldn't get it to run, until I checked the game page and found the rpg maker runtime. I'm so glad I did, because wow, this is amazing! I'll be coming back to this one after the jam for sure.

Thank you for your kind words! Mug ghost has turned out to be most everyone's favorite, it's quite the charmer! I'll see what I can do about getting the source up somewhere too. That would be a good excuse to figure out godot/github integration.

What a weird game! I love it!

Okay it is working now, thanks! I like it, sort of a mix between a vpet robot and a resource management game. I'm having a little trouble with the shop since it's not clear how to close it? But if I push buttons it does eventually close and I can continue.

I really love the vision behind this one! Raising a band of chupacabras to hunt and forage and have babies is a pretty sweet concept. I think this was an ambitious project and I applaud you for it. Unfortunately I had some problems with the user interface which hindered the experience, such as menus popping up over each other and inconsistent feedback when clicking on things. I think highlighting things you can click on when you mouse over them would be a big help. Also, changing the way you assign your guys to missions would make it a little less confusing. I ended up having to type in random numbers until the mission eventually started...I'm still not exactly sure what I was supposed to do there. I would like to see you improve on what you got done during the jam, I really think this has potential!

Pretty fun! I made so much money that I have negative money.

This is ADORABLE. And so well made! And there's so much content! Wow!

help they're getting in the awy fo me witring thins I lvoe thm

10/10 would roll up a melodic, extradimensional, fluffy pistol shrimp that eats emotions and poops crystals again.

That was RAD! I loved the art style and the music, as well as how the stats and encounters worked. Definitely one of the stand out entries for me.

This was fun! I like the balancing act of keeping grass available while preventing the sheep from getting out of the box. Not sure what the candy does although it's nice to be able to give the sheep a treat once in a while!

If I try to launch the game from within the Awtron - x64 folder I get this:

Unfortunately I can't seem to get it to work, this is what I have in my love-11.4-win64 folder after I did all the extracty stuff. When I click on love.exe it just gives me a balloon duck that says "no game".

This is very calming to play! I suppose I will have to wait a while to see what fish colors I can get, but the content I can reach now is solid. I would love some plants and stuff to put in my little aquarium!

Ahhhh thanks, I'm glad you liked it! I will definitely figure out how to do a native linux build, I just hadn't set that up by the end of the jam unfortunately. Also, there is only one minigame available at the moment, which is the snake's minigame! You can get to it by switching to the snake and then selecting the musical note on the bottom left!

VERY charming! I got the mustache :3

It's short but it's got a vibe. I loved it, I hope to see more!

I like that this one is more action-based, it's a fun take on the typical vpet formula!

Really fun! I love the level of polish and that there's multiple slime types and upgrades. I'll be coming back to play this one after the jam!

Love the hide and seek mechanic! The sounds are also delightful. Good job!

Hi! Is there a way to control mouse sensitivity? The default is super duper extra high with my machine.

I LOVE this! I am a gigantic shmup nerd and this has great graphics, great sound, and great gameplay! It comes across as simple but there's a surprising amount of power ups and unlocks and other mechanics to enjoy!