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Ukevy Oltew

A member registered Mar 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Really fun game! I had quite a lot of fun playing it. I also liked how all the levels were unlocked so even if you do get stuck on one, you can still try out the other levels!

The aesthetic of your game was great! I think your game has a lot of potential and can be expanded on to include more enemy types. I liked fighting the boss too!

Your game is really fun! I'm not sure if this was intended, but I had a bit too much fun just ramming the targets and then healing the carts.

If anything, I can assure you that you did better than me :D

The visual effects look amazing. I also really like the simple design, both aesthetically and mechanically!

The game is really fun! (I am so bad at shooters though...)

The frog is very cute! I liked how the buttons are a part of the world rather than just a UI.

Thank you!

30 bugs is much more than what I was able to do, so you're doing great already!

Thanks! I wasn't sure what direction to take the game so I just leaned towards the chaos 

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing my game!

To address your comments, I was actually unexpectedly busy in March so I didn't have much time to do a better ending or other extras I had originally planned :(

There's a chance I may update the game in the future, but we'll see!