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A jam submission

Cyber slayerView game page

Submitted by — 3 seconds before the deadline
Rated by 16 people so far
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Use of the limitation
The character is controlled using two mouse buttons with two functions. The right mouse button controls movement and shooting. The left mouse button is used for dashing and slashing.

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I enjoyed the game a lot! Very nice mechanics and the upgrade system gave me something to work for.


I really loved the dashing and the visual effects, I sucked at the game because I tried it using laptop mouse, I will surely play it again later tho, GG.


Thanks for playing! I'll release a more balanced and refined version after the end of the jam.


Upgrades felt great! It would have been cool if the player character moved a little bit faster


Thanks for the playing! I wanted to add this type of upgrade, but time was limited.


The dash feels great and I like the usage of the limitation! I wish the background had more detail so I could tell easier that I was moving while shooting :)


Thanks for the feedback! I'll add more details after the jam is over!


The visual effects look amazing. I also really like the simple design, both aesthetically and mechanically!


I'm glad you enjoyed it!


I liked the idea of controlling everything with just the mouse. You could take it further: actions for double-clicks or holding down the mouse buttons, like pushing enemies away or using a laser. I also liked the effects, they look great!


Thanks for the feedback! I thought about adding more abilities, but time was limited.


Very cool concept to control everything with your mouse. The art is also very nice! This game is fire!! 


Thanks for playing!


I really liked the feel of the game, and the minimalist style suits it well. I think the enemies have a bit too much health; on my first run, I ended up with a blob of enemies chasing me around XD


Thanks for your feedback! I think you didn't fully understand the game mechanics (which the game didn't mention, so that's my fault). Enemies have 2 types of health. Pistols deal damage to the physical type. When the physical health goes down to zero, the spiritual health starts to get used up, BUT it also adds a WOUND (blue circle), slashing it will kill the enemy instantly,  pistols will lower the spiritual health for a longer time. 


I liked this artstyle and gameplay! I will say that the 1 color background made it hard to tell where I was moving to, as everything else is moving to. I liked the music as well :) 


Thank you for the feedback! Unfortunately I didn't have time to add all the necessary graphics. But I'm glad you had fun!


Great game i really liked the idea and will be honest was surpised when I started getting shot at a bit later in 😂

I found it rather diffcult would be my only feedback. I did enjoy it though and would love to see it developed further at some point if you carry on with it 😊


Thanks for the feedback. Balance is hard for me, I really want to release a more playable version.


I really liked the feel of this game! The sound effects and the particle/glow was great. I think more balancing would have made really super, or maybe it's a skill issue lol. In my runs I didn't do enough damage when the big guys came and it built up, then I got squashed pretty quickly. Unless I'm like a Korean super gamer or something. Maybe I'll waste some more time on it to find out .-.

The concept is really good, nice job. 


Hi, thanks for the feedback! I don't think it's worth getting good at this version of the game yet, I added the big guy 15 minutes before the deadline, so he's a bit UNBALANCED, so the problem isn't your skill. If anyone can overpower this guy, let me know.


really creative way of using the limitation, also really cool particles

Developer (1 edit)

Haha, it was the only thing I could do well in this project). Thanks for playing and commenting!