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Unholy Husk

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Hi, thanks for the feedback. I was originally planning to add more upgrades that would cost the same resource as you progressed + more enemies, but the time limit got to me. So a few rounds before submit time I decided to finish the core game (shooting + enemies in several waves) and call it. 

All the things you pointed out are reasonable, but my time management wasn't good enough. I hope I can improve for the next jams.

Thanks for playing!

It's supposed to freeze for a few a few sec to load the map, but I wonder if it varies depending on hardware.

(2 edits)

Would have liked to see any theme here, the characters look very close to untouched, it feels like a prototype for a game rather than a game. 

The mechanics almost work properly. After some time I cannot hold objects for longer, maybe it is intended.

There is nothing stopping me from ignoring the enemies and just rushing to the door.

I assume the last level is the one with the yellow door, as it bugs when I enter it.

It is fine for a prototype but I don't really see it as a full game. Maybe you could have used some free use assets.

Nevertheless you delivered something that works and is playable on browser in the short timeframe.

Good job!

Edit: I don't like the implementation of the limitation personally.

I actually really like this game.

The concept is solid, the win conditions are clear and the game plays well with the limitation. 

It is fun to play and there is variation with the playability of the levels.

I would have liked to see some art variation for the level, or an effect applied on the chicken armour showcasing the built up heat. 

At times you can imagine the chicken skating on ramps, I wonder whether it would be more fun if the character carried the velocity after sloping down a ramp and onto the other ramps.

Good job with the game! It is solid!

Simple game, clear win condition.

The art reminds me of the good old stick figure flash games back in the day, so it's pretty enjoyable. I consider it an artistic choice.

Adding the cover makes it more tricky with the timings, only bad thing I noticed is the enemies stacking on top of each other while im hiding in cover and when I come out to shoot them, both die at the same time, like all of them get hit by that same bullet.

Sounds and music are missing but it's a jam so not really expecting that.

Overall a pretty good game! Good job!

Interesting game!

It is a bit tricky to play and also a bit too hard for me. 

Managing both shields is very very hard, its like drawing 2 different drawings with both hands.

Music and sounds are good, they fit the theme.

Would have loved a scaling in difficulty, as right now it feels random how fast some projectiles are. So in turn the difficulty becomes very all over other the place.

Nevertheless, great job! Please do keep making games!

(1 edit)

Pretty simple game, though I like it's simplicity.

Sounds are fine, some tunes for music would be appreciated but it is a short jam after all, so not really expected.

Some variation in the textures could be done to spice the visuals up.

The campfire doesn't have collision and always appears on top of character.

Overall it's a working game, the controls are simple, there is a score to keep track of progress and limitation is implemented well.

Good job!

Edit: I also really like the cover art!

The idea is interesting, but I don't think it is executed too well.

There is no reason to dispach your guard on the first wave, no one is attacking the cart.

The cart is moving too fast for the guards to attack properly. 

The assets are pretty simple but they do the work, I can see the time wasn't enough to colour all of them and thats fine.

The music is pretty good, fits the theme and not repetitive.

Overall it is an interesting and semi-working game. I say that because the enemy AI doesn't work most of the time.

Still, it hasn't crashed or completely bugged so props for that.

Good job on delivering a game! See you in other jams.

Hey, thanks for the detailed comment.

I don't have a fully laid out story but I had several pointers when I was making it so if I ever have the time and motivation I can write it up!

I initially intended for the resource to be used in an upgrade shop as you progress, so I was very loose with the amounts given. As the time for the jam to close neared, I had to cut some ideas and that was one. 

Would love to add music and sounds, but as I started late I had even less time. This version was done close to 3 hours before close time and it was 2am, so if I wanted to add more I would have had to skip sleep. :D 

Thanks for the pointers though, I will address some of these issues and probably do an update with several more systems added so it feels like a proper game.

Glad you like the visuals!

The UI is simple and it does it's job, but it could use some work. The music is great though, really atmospheric.

The pause button doesnt work, also the Exit button after clicking pause ingame doesn't work.

When I started playing I tried to shoot, thinking a projectile would come out, but it's basically click on the enemy. I do think the game would have been more fun if you shot a projectile instead. 

The sprites could use some walking animations.

The world itself is pretty good looking, so good job on that.

The barrier looks like a skewed 2.5d? picture.

The gun should rotate at a point on the handle, I think it's easy to fix. but maybe it was overlooked in priority of other things.

I think you should try to stick to one style, as I am seeing Pixel art (on the main character), non pixel art on the Level itself, and what looks like a 2.5d skewed picture on the barrier. Also some of the text is Pixel art and some is normal. If you made everything consistent with one style, it would be way more uniform and pleasing to the eye.

I think the time limit affected you a lot here, but it is still a working game, the gold covers the limitation as one resource.

Great work delivering a working game! And please keep making more games, see you in other jams!

(1 edit)

I really like the game.

The character reminds me of Link. Sprites are well made and animations are good. I really like the death effect!

The music of the first 4 waves is too low in volume and on the 5th wave it gets way louder compared to previously.

The game is a bit hard, mainly the hogs that chase you are harder, as their hitbox seems a bit bigger than usual. I don't think this is strictly a negative for everyone, only for some. Casual/easier games are usually received better.

Enjoyable game, no bugs, cool music. I don't really see the One Resource limitation implemented that well personally, but that could just be me.

Good job! Keep making games!

Edit: Also it's a bit on the bigger side (1.2GB after unzipping). Could be a negative for some. Though I assume it comes from the Engine of choice.

The menu looks good, cool background and music.

The ingame music could be spiced up a bit, it sounds like the same 4 tones and they get a bit repetitive. 

One problem I have is, when I jump the camera moves very tightly with the character, so I can't see the ground (that is on the original window size), but when I go full size window, I can see outside the playable area.

The textures could have more variation.

I like the character sprite and the theme is consistent.

The colors as a whole could be improved, the character color is a bit bland, pretty sure he would pop out more deservingly with a better color!

The bat's head isnt moving but the body is, when making an animation its generally good to have every part move a little, otherwise it doesn't look good.

Consider adding "Coyote Jump" on your next platformer. It improves the gameplay a lot!

Overall it is a working game and I feel like the colours and some other small things hold it down.

Good job and keep making games!

Interesting concept, music is good. 

Couldnt figure out how to get more sticks.

The text under the game is not in English.

There is no indication when you hit a boat with your attack, maybe make it blink a bit?

Up and down dont work, if you want to move up, you have to also hold left/right direction key with the up/down.

Could be executed better, but it is still a finished game and no major bugs/crashes occured.

Good job delivering a working game and also don't stop making games. Most developers stop on their 1st one. Break the norm!

Yea, I tried to play it but it says This app can't run on your PC.

First of all, the character is cool, likable design. 

The environment is also pretty good, though some sprites appear on top of the character, some behind, some have collision some don't have collision, a bit inconsistent.

The attack on F key is a bit hard to see, I would appreciate some kind of an effect in front of the character to more vividly show the attack.

Sometimes the blackouts bugged out, they didn't happen fully, but when I went downstairs and then upstairs again it happened. Not that gamebreaking tho.

I was just about to compliment the music as it reminded me of old sonic games, but noticed that it's not homemade. Would appreciate some custom tunes next time (I know it's hard with such short time).

The minigame is very confusing, it feels like it has to be rotated -90 degrees and the controls would make sense.It always confuses me.

Overall a pretty enjoyable game, nothing gamebreaking happening, music fits the arcadey theme, character is likable. Good job!

Don't stop making games!

I managed to play the game without a problem, though in the initial walk to the restroom, there were no collisions and nothing to guide me. 

The sounds and music are really good, they fit the theme. 

The art style is also interesting and it does serve the horror creepy theme very well. I had a problem with the voice lines, they kept repeating and playing over each other at times. 

There was no indication for how much spray I have left, or at least I didnt see anywhere. 

There is a timer above your head, which took a while to see, maybe placing it closer to eye level would be better.

Overall interesting theme, it is almost well executed, but some of the bugs are holding you back. 

I'm sure if you had time to polish it would have been way better!

It is still a shipped game that has a clear end condition and works (most of the time).

Good job and keep making games!

(1 edit)

I like the art of the menu and the music, though it is a bit loud, but I understand it's not easy to universally tune the volume. 

Not having a tutorial in-game is a bit annoying, but time is low so it's fine too.

Some of the sprites look stretched, for example on the UI itself.

When there is a cell on top of a tower, it feels like clicking on it doesn't always register.

Maybe a better indication for what each cell type does would serve better. Even after I read the mechanics, I couldn't understand them.

I really like the music tho, simple and not too repetitive that it gets annoying.

Overall pretty interesting, good job making this in such a short time, I can see you focused on the mechanics. The concept is really good too. 

Keep making games!