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Uppon Hill

A member registered Jul 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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Sure thing. email me at and we can catch up on discord.

I haven't decided yet whether I should upload the incomplete code from part 1 or wait until part 2 comes out and publish the finished code then, as a proper resource. What are your thoughts?

You've pretty much just described it. I have a function called Map() which basically lerps a value from one range (max velocity, min velocity) to the sprites in a list (0, sprites.count). Velocity goes in, animation frame index comes out.

The Map function code looks like this

public float Map(float value, float istart, float istop, float ostart, float ostop) {
     return ostart + (ostop - ostart) * ((value - istart) / (istop - istart)); 

Sure, you can use it!

You can see here, the build time started before the current hour.

(2 edits)


I've been working on the game on stream, with compiling going on just as the clock ticked over, shown here .
Would I be able to submit somehow? I haven't changed anything since before the deadline.

For further proof, see the screenshot below.

Many thanks,


Haha thanks for the suggestion. I appreciate you dropping in to share it, and I'll keep it in mind for the game.

Could you post a screenshot of what you mean by "white space"? I'm not sure I understand what you're seeing.

The character used in the screenshots is 64x64, but the shadow effect is designed to be any size you want, just enter the width in the inspector.

Yes, but you might need to replace the Sprite-Default material in the renderer from the prefab with URP's Sprite-Unlit.

It was built in 2020.2.1 but should function in any version. As far as I know, there are no dependencies on anything introduced in at least the last 5 years.

Yes! Sorry for the very late reply. I've included an image above that contains all of the additional characters available in the font.

I used a MIDI keyboard for the music, the KORG MicroKEY 37. It's quite small, but that means it fits on my desk in front of my computer keyboard which makes it easy to use with FL studio.

Thank you so much! It felt like a bit of an impossible task to tell a story that worked with the mechanics while being nuanced and effective in the middle of a game jam. I must have spent less than an hour on the writing, all things told.

As you said, there were so many ways it could go wrong, and I didn't feel equipped to be explicit about any kind of traumatic experience without alienating some portion of the audience. So I omitted a lot of the detail and focused on the emotional component. All we know is that Amy identifies as a girl, and feels guilty about feelings she experienced that led to falling out in her relationships. We don't know Taylor's gender, or the coworker's. We don't know whether Amy acted on her feelings or to what extent. We don't have enough data to judge her, so all we can do is empathise with the parts we can identify with.

Trauma happens regardless of justice, morality, ethics etc, so I just avoided them altogether and focused on the process of confronting the feelings that build after trauma. I couldn't do it justice in 10 minutes of gameplay but I at least wanted to try and convey that sometimes truth can lead to hurtful outcomes, and that acceptance of truth is better than avoidance, especially where that hurt is outside of our control.

Thanks for the report! I've rebuilt the player controller since this version of the demo, so this bug likely isn't in the game currently, but on the off-chance it is, I'll look into it. Thanks again!

Hey there,

Thanks for your submission! I like your interpretation of the theme and the "escape room" vibes this gave. I noticed you checked "All Original Content" for this submission, but the painting on the wall doesn't seem to match your other graphics in the game. Could you confirm how this asset was created?


You can press enter to bring up the pause menu, which has the options you're looking for :)

You can add NSFW content like gore, but just be conscious that many players may avoid this kind of game during the review process and I may not be able to stream myself playing it as I keep my content SFW. Best of luck!

I've chosen to allow the pack to be downloaded for the same price, rather than splitting it up. Let me know if you have access to the beach add-on now (for no extra cost)

Hey there, You can use the font in any context other than straight redistribution of the font file itself. Feel free to use it in games and other media :)

(1 edit)

Hey! I'll do my best to solve this problem for you ASAP. Thanks for letting me know!

Here you go!

Maybe in the future :)

So sorry this happened! After filling out your name, the game should begin once you hit enter. Which platform were you playing on? Maybe I can find a fix for you. 

(1 edit)

Hey there! Thanks for taking the time to give your feedback. This is something I think is worth considering. I've thought about maybe implementing some kind of Accessibility feature that lets you skip portions that require a lot of dexterity. Personally, I really like the difficulty. It's just a part of what I find appealing about games. That said, I know that what I'm creating is designed to be inviting and immersive for its own sake, the environments, story etc. So I agree, it would be wonderful if I were able to offer an experience that allows people to enjoy that without demanding a high level of skill and finesse on the input side.

I will say that at this stage it's not a priority as far as the level designs go, but I believe that it's worth taking time before release to figure something out that makes the most sense. I'm sure I'll be able to resolve it somehow, in a way that feels suitable and not too much of an afterthought.

Thanks again :)

Here's the link: 

Here you go! added in the description also: 

Hey, thanks for your feedback! If I'm understanding this correctly, are you saying that the button prompt in the save screen is incorrectly labeled? Did you change the key bindings at all while playing the game? Just trying to understand the nature of the problem so I can work out a solution.


Hey there, Waylon.

Thanks for your support! It's heartening that you've made a commitment to support the project before being able to play it. I must admit, I don't have any current plans to distribute the demo to Linux. If I find some time, I can do a very quick export through Unity to see what comes out but, as I don't have a Linux machine, I can't attest to the game's stability on the platform and won't have a path to resolving any issues that will likely arise. There are already a few cross-platform problems that I have to address between Mac and Windows, so I wouldn't be surprised if Linux drags its feet one way or another.

Feel free to subscribe to this thread, I'll likely respond here again if I get around to trying a Linux build.

Thanks for reaching out, and for understanding.

Hey there, Pals.

The following is a dump from Git to let you know what's changed in the time from 1.5.2 - 1.5.4. As you can see, I'm working very hard to make the game as seamless as possible, though it's my intention to back away from this chapter of the game asap to move on to developing new content for the full game. Thanks again for your support and patronage.

Patch 1.5.4 Updates: 

37cf4e4 - Updated all sound references to use GameSystem.PlayClip (thus, AudioClipMixer) instead of PlayOneShot
44412ee - Enemy Helathbars now reset counter when showing health gained.
9c59d57 - Updated enemy health bar numbers to jiggle on hit
2cc169c - Updated Armin's Ledge getup speed slightly
8b13cff - Small changes to goat and mountainside terrain.
fffeeb4 - Small changes to Mountainside terrain, updated armin's ledge getup to be slightly slower
bdf3b41 - Allow armin to ledgestumble if air attacked, even if we haven't jumped
44a2c17 - Fixed tolerances for armin to snap up small bumps while rolling to be tighter.
6d64fb9 - Actually fixed rolling backwards off ledges instead of forwards
d4eb35d - Updated Questflags to have "noSave" toggle, for tutorial flags. this prevents the player from saving mid-tutorial.
467340b - updated bridge rail to align with terrain
3b287ae - Updated armin's slope handling to check angle between positional change and slope normal to kick in when armin is moving with the slope.
4b27603 - Switched ledge drop button to down instead of  down+jump.
910ae11 - Added jumpLock delay for getup on ledges behind armin
c783ee1 - Updated Armin behaviour to attack after long falls
d7e2dd5 - Reset to default pitch when wolverine dying
c0e67fb - Gave guard an extra invincibility frame
d4b3d5c - Adjusted auto getup variations to better reflect armin's position
15b1ec9 - Added auto ledge getup if stumble box hits ledge
875be59 - Added box Colliders for ledge and wall checks
b54cbd8 - Added RaycastBoxes to armin's prefab, not plugged in yet
e69da26 - ledge getup now finishes fully unless interrupted by horizontal input
d7272c9 - Added air resistance variable to Armin
a49c274 - Updated Ledge Grab / Drop mechanics to be tighter and independent from IsOnWall
3298fa7 - Small bug fixes, added inspector variables for ledge grab
1713c35 - Fixed glitch when attacking spiders caused by issue with UpdateGaze refactor, added glaive tests
0fabb6a - Added check for "enabled" within InventoryFlagCheck to be compatable with QuestToggle
5ffd952 - Added SFX to Lumberjack Cutscene
d0fa0cb - Added public coinYield variable for Enemy script
88ef7e8 - Updated Guard tutorial to move prompts out of the way of Armin's Rations menu
ac4f576 - Updates to Chest OnTriggerStay functionality to be more robust at detecting armin's presence
a7683c8 - Changed System scenes to comply with widescreen camera solution
d769e2e - Update eat logic to turn node null after eating, rather than moving the index
dc8e15a - Updated Rations Menu to revisit same object left from. Still need to resolve eat action. Also Updated appearance
15565f2 - Rations Menu now cycles through null nodes when insufficient items to fill list (still incomplete solution)
ee0ee74 - loading into watchtower tutorial no longer softlocks game
095595d - Added sfx to old man sequence
064f968 - Added sprites to forge menu items
905c793 - Adjusted parallax in ohrenstead
c8a0a88 - Slight changes to audio levels
5bc1597 - Added Force Stops between each dialogue Blip
7c1fd29 - Slight changes to erik and rupert's positioning
e2f8714 - Changed default audio settings to 10 7 7 7
174679a - Flipped erik's position in Ohrenstead
359a1fa - Added voice blips for dialogue
03ed63f - volume 0 in audiosettings now actually means -80 dbs (silent).
70968f6 - Updates to backpath doors
2a5cdd3 - Updated Keyboard Wizard to actually save changes to keys (d'oh)
107e24c - Broken up Wilhelm's dialogue, allow armin to inspect Harriette's painting.
7aa454f - Added version number to Title screen
5639474 - Materials and consumables no longer have dialogue sequences on first pickup. Added item names to itemLogUI
639ad78 - Small changes to some sequences to break up dialogue
80d8119 - Small Fix to spider boss spawn position, slight changes to neighbourhood
be5bb48 - Updated Item Log to show new items through forging.
b20f640 - adjusted audio settings to be somewhat louder
ef3c04c - Fixed issues with item counter not displaying / animating through proper values
7b4864c - Updated layer for Quest UI to keep it at 640*360 resolution regardless of zoom scale
8186f9a - Small changes to fix mountainside geometry errors
93f55b4 - Adjustments to giant spider followup scene

Hey DawnMachine, I'm sorry you're having this experience.

What you're describing is a really pesky bug that arises because of a core implementation issue with how the game handles this kind of cutscene. I've had numerous reports about it, and I'm working on a complete rework for it soon, but for now I've just uploaded a patch (1.5.4) that might fix it for you. It's a hard one for me to fix because the sequence works fine on my machine.

Hey! could you let me know which version you're on. I did some work on this yesterday to resolve a similar issue, so I'm wondering if you're encountering the old bug or if it wasn't properly fixed in the new one.

Hey, Infinite

Did you try enabling v-sync? There's a setting in the pause-menu under "Video". That might resolve your issue. Right now there's a bit of a bug that sets up the default video settings just before you open them, so you might experience v-sync enabling before you even open the menu. Let me know if it has anything to do with that.

You can send any feedback or links to

(1 edit)

Hey Matej,

You should definitely have a sword once you speak to the old man. Did Armin say or do anything after the old man drops the sword? The intended behaviour is for armin to pick up the sword as part of the cut-scene and continue speaking for a while before the scene ends. I've personally never experienced what you're describing, so if you're able to recall what you saw as accurately as possible, that will help me try to figure out how to replicate and fix the bug.

I really appreciate your feedback, and I'm sorry you had that experience! The game would have been unplayable without a weapon beyond that point, which is a real bummer :/


Nevermind, I was able to replicate it almost immediately. Patch incoming!

Hey JustCamH,
I really appreciate you taking the time to play the demo. Lucky you, I'm actually updating it with a newer one for 2019, being tested right now. Of course, the game is still in active development, you can catch me online weekdays live at twitch or on discord.

Thanks for playing, I hope I can continue to produce content you'll enjoy even more.

In the most recent version, I noticed that tile layers get displaced automatically on the Z axis. With no warning or visibility over this, it was pretty frustrating  to have layers disappearing out of my camera's culling depth and not understand why. Does this really need to happen, and can we have an option to set the Z-offset if so? 

So fun!!! I 100% the game first try, 0 deaths. for the record.

Hey there!

As of Alpha Demo v1.1 I've added gamepad button mapping (and keyboard mapping) to deal with this issue.

Thanks again.