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A member registered Jan 09, 2024 · View creator page →

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Hello, I played your game! It was very fun. I did 2 runs, both reaching about 4 minutes. I like the fact that you can only shoot in the shadows. I didn't really put much attention into the upgrades. I figure the idea was having to decide which enemies you want to kill, but for the most part you could just kill all of them, that's what I did. Tbh I don't see that as a problem because it was fun just watching groups of zombies explode. Something that could be improved upon is more feedback when the player gets hit, since I didn't really notice sometimes. Overall, great game!

Hello, thank you for trying out game!

Yes, we have also received feedback from other players that the ranged weapon feels uninteresting, and I do agree. During development I spent much more time fine tuning the sword to make it feel good than the ranged attack. We did have a different enemy type, weapons, upgrades, and a boss in mind while developing the game, but we couldn't implement them due to time constraints.

As for the art, I agree. The art for the environment was honestly rushed, and on top of that this was our artist's first time doing any pixel art. If we properly continue the game, we plan to redo all the tiles and sprites

Thank you for your feedback and for playing our game!

I'm glad had fun! You are right, time caught up to us and we had to cut some ideas. We plan to readjust the movement to make it feel more precise when the game jam ends. Thank you for playing!

Thank you for playing! I'm glad you liked it!

Hello, thank you for playing! We might continue developing the game after we adjust the combat and movement. As for the story, during development we figured we would like to have different bosses themed after the past events on the character's life that lead up to the their current situation, and that after defeating them, the player would have the option to go into a memory in the form as a small RPG section where you get to play through the memory. This was, of course, very much outside of scope for the game jam, so it was mostly an idea that we took into account when thinking about the story. If we keep developing the game, we might decide to do it differently.

Hello, I tried your game again! The first time I got to night 8, noticed there was no new item in the shop, and for some reason assumed nothing would change from that point onwards. Up until that point everything went smoothly and I never got attacked. This time I kept going and built a more balanced character. I died at night 10, and I can see it gets a lot more hectic. I would have liked the difficulty curve to be a bit steeper, since the game initially lost my attention, and the bartending part felt a bit repetitive the second time I played (especially because it took me about 20 minutes to get to level 10). In general, I think the game is very well made, your team did a great job!

Thank you for the encouraging words and for playing our game!

I'm glad you liked it, thank you for playing our game!

Thank you for your feedback, I'll be taking it into account. I'm glad you had fun!

I enjoyed this game. Both you and the enemy attacks move slowly, which lead me to think about my positioning. The  deflect mechanic was fun, I first I assumed it was also a melee attack but learned very quickly that this is not the case after trying to hit an enemy. While playing, I did not fully understand the mechanic introduced on level 8. I knew that some bullet types might destroy some shields, but wasn't sure which. And I didn't feel the need to figure out which, because I could just throw whatever was in front of me and hope for the best. I also finished the game without being sure which shade of blue represents water or air, which could have added to my confusion regarding which projectiles destroy which shields. Making them totally different colors (maybe changing air to green and earth to brown) could have helped. Good job!

Thank you very much for playing our game! I'm looking into ways to make the movement feel better, I will definitely experiment more with different accelerations.

This was a fun game, and a very solid experience! I Don't see any major flaws, the mechanics and level design fit together very naturally. The only moment when I thought something should be changed was when I read the intro text, and it automatically skipped after a few seconds instead of waiting for the player's inputs. This was not an issue for me since the text gave plenty of time, but some players taking a while to read or not paying attention immediately is still worth taking into account. Great game!

The platforming was very hard, I kept overshooting my jumps after falling. Honestly, I don't know if it was because of the player's movement, or a skill issue. Eventually, I got the hang of it. The idea is very cool and I got a laugh from the dialogues. But kept losing because I was paying attention to what the characters were saying, and that annoyed me a bit. Maybe putting an exclamation sign dialogue boxes, or playing a distinctive sound when the player should activate the switches might prevent the player from missing the window and allow them to pay attention to what the characters are saying.

Hello, I played your game! Some suggestions I would give are having a dedicated button to cancel a worker selection, maybe binding it to the mouse wheel click, and communicating when the player finishes an upgrade (maybe through a text popup). Good job making this!

The artstyle and music are great, and the game feels overall very polished. Enemies did not attack me much, doing something like spawning some enemies that are immediately aggressive (or having more ways to make the enemies aggressive) would give the player more chances to engage with the combat. Great game!

Hello, I played your game. The art looks great and I like the realm switching mechanic. The first time I started I immediately deleted my spell thinking that's how you equip it, at first it was not clear to me that slop is supposed to delete spells. I like the loading screens. I feel like pressing h while moving should stop the player's movement and start the healing animation.

This was a short but very sweet game. You did great making a simple mechanic feel interesting. The aesthetics are beautiful.

(2 edits)

This is a great take on the vampire survivors formula! The flag mechanic opens up a lot of options, especially when it comes to maneuvering the minions without placing the flag. For example, since the minions are faster that the player, I found myself quickly sending them to free other minions, or moving them behind the character to bodyblock bullets. One quality of life improvement that I would like is being able to recall the flag before placing it with right click. I also think some way to aim the minions while the flag has not been placed would (maybe they could shoot in the direction of the closest enemy). I don't think I played the game was intended way, but I enjoyed it a lot!

PS: I did kill the frog, but it was a pain because other enemies where always on the way, stopping me from getting close. Once I isolated him, he died fast enough. Despawning enemies when the boss spawns would solve that problem, and also put the player's attention on the boss. The big enemies are a bit too bullet spongy.

Thank you  for the feedback and for checking out our game! Looking back, I agree that the camera does sometimes work against the player. I'll look into ways to make pitfalls stand out from the walls, and to and make the camera feel better. I'm glad you enjoyed the mechanics, I put a lot of thought into them!

This is great! I don't know if that is supposed to be a joke since are sometimes crossroads lead to chests and such, but I think the narrator saying there are empty pathways in both sides is funny.

I like the music a lot. My only problem is that the mechanics are not communicated in-game, so it took a while until I scrolled down and noticed there was a slide button. Good job putting this together!

I enjoyed this a lot. The artstyle and music are great, and the difficulty curve feels very natural.

Your automaton is indeed very cute. I like the concept of her being  initially unable to recognize humans, and how that ties with the theme. Well done!