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A member registered Apr 18, 2016 · View creator page →

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Using non-game making frameworks for making games can be interesting, but it will throw up roadblocks that you don’t need (like your multiple sound issue). People who usually make a game in a non-game framework usually do it for those specific challenges, like remaking Doom in Excel.

IMO if you just want to make a game, I suggest using a made for purpose tool. Try Unreal (my tool of choice), Godot (really good open/free option), or Unity (if you must :P).

It’s usually easier to learn a new tool than fighting against a tool you’re familiar with, it will also open possibilities that you may not have thought of (just don’t go too far, feature creep is a beast).

(2 edits)

It would be great if we could mute games site wide per tag, so if I don’t want to see any games tagged Adult or Erotic it will hide those results (loooots of NSFW stuff in the Top Sellers list* :P) You can add a button in the list labelled “Some search results are hidden per your muted tags”.

* I mean, good for them, but it’s not something I want to see every time I check out sales trends.

Thanks for the feedback, I really enjoyed our chat.

This has real potential especially as a mobile game with two-player swipe controls.

The style is cool, and I like the idea of a tethered infinite runner.

The biggest problem for me was that the controls felt unresponsive, probably because only one character can move at a time, presumably so that they don’t try to occupy the same space but that’s not an insurmountable problem to solve.

Really cool entry.

Cool entry. The doubling is pretty smart, and I like the visual style.

The physics can get a bit janky at times, I’ve knocked portals through floors and had teleportations that didn’t launch me out completely so it just goes in a loop.

That issue aside there’s a seller in here.

This is pretty crazy, but cool. This is the kind of game my wife would sink hours into on her phone.

Who knew that a removal man knew the secrets of quantum entanglement.

This was a cool entry and with a bit of a graphical polish and more levels this could be a seller.

Cool idea, but that entanglement is WAAAY too finicky, I couldn’t make it past level 3.

I enjoyed your visual style and the music too.

I like this idea. There are two technical problems that really frustrated me though, namely the hit test for pickup felt very fiddly, and not knowing exactly where you’re going to put the object down.

That aside the overall idea is solid, your style is cool, and the music is catchy (if short).

Really cool.

It doesn’t feel that there’s that much strategy involved when the resources come at you seemingly at random. I played 4 games before I saw that there was food to be snagged.

Having some kind of control over your islands movement, even if it’s indirect, could add a lot of strategy and make the game much more fun.

Firstly props for using UE$, REPRESENT!

I had absolutely no idea what to do. I threw the balls at everything I could think of but nothing happened. I had to quit because the music was kinda grinding.

I don’t know if the funhouse/hall-of-mirrors effect was intentional because I found it very disorientating.

Cool idea, took me a moment to realise my shadow could stand on shadow platforms.

This game is goofy as hell. Good job!

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It just needs a little refinement in the controls and the world, the world feels too frantic, requires very accurate control, and the controls are a bit too imprecise; you can only have 2 of those three ;)

This has many similarities with my entry.

I hope you work more on it.

The game looks really good, and though it’s not my kind of game I can definitely see the appeal. There is a shippable game in this, no doubt.

I like the look of the game and most of the feel of it. I did find it basically impossible to pick a corpse up when there is even a single zombie in the room with you though.

I think it’s between the AI being too accurate with its “decisions”, the time it takes to pick a corpse up, and the speed of the zombies, especially when it seems they get faster the more corpses they eat.

I definitely want to carry on with the game, but the game does end with the player dying (mostly due to obligations that came up during the jam.)

Yeah, the tutorializing could do with some work, I tried onboarding the fuel mechanic in the dialogue, but I agree that it was very subtle.

I’m glad you liked it and thank you so much for the feedback :D

You have the ingredients for a banger here, I hope you take it further.

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Cool game, though the music did make me sleepy.

Really great, polished entry.

The game looks great and I enjoyed the mechanics a lot.

That said… I got frustrated quite quickly. The launching power of the teleporter feels unpredictable, it seems that you need to launch the ball at the exact moment the bar is full for full distance and if you hold it longer your range decreases, if that is intentional it’s not indicated (that I could see). If there was no shot limit this would be much less of a problem, or replacing the maximum shots with maximum teleports could work too.

Cool game. Simple clean visuals. Linking attack to your flock is brilliant.

Crits: Knowing which “sheep” you’re going to fire would be great, I found myself firing completely misaligned sheep when attacking.

Suggestions: Different sheep would be cool, like a bomber that does area damage, a “persuadotron” sheep that increases the range of your influence, speed sheep, increases your speed but is trickier to catch, etc.

I enjoyed this one.

Tighten the platform controls a little (coyote time, more forgiving grounded state check) and smooth out the difficulty curve (I’m 95% convinced that I solved that one through illegal means).

Cool entry, I eventually made a meta-game of seeing how many pieces of junk I could pick up in a single “breath”. A few similarities with my game, as a matter of fact; kudos!

Found myself playing this one a bit longer than expected, but it does reach a point where you want to do something more. It definitely has a moreish quality which is good. The controls need a little streamlining but this may have the makings of a good tablet game.

And a longer soundtrack ;)

This game really looks cool, and I like it in theory but I found it unplayable. It seems that no matter how many soldiers I spawn the enemy has 3 times more, I wasn’t able to capture a single lighthouse and it seems my workers have more of a taste for war than my soldiers :P

Everything about the game is really cool, except it is basically unplayable (by someone who didn’t make the game :P )

Even though I played single-player, I enjoyed this.

My only real criticism is that maybe the hit-boxes on the characters could be a little bigger for the pickups and the level exits, I felt that I had to dance around the items before overlap was registered.


Cool entry. I did run out of drones pretty quickly and found that I could play most of the game without them. Having the drones somehow buff your character directly or have a bigger impact than they currently do would have been nice.

I like how when drones are dropped they will carry on firing if they were when connected; it has that “this was a bug that we decided is a feature” feeling about it that I really appreciate.

Good choice of sound track, especially when it starts rocking out in a firefight.

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You make a good point! Thank you :D

Future pro-tip to self: Don’t fill out your submission with seconds on the clock…

Float RGBs are possible, and believe it or not the framework of the custom presets is in the app, I just need to wire it to the UI, I'll see what I can do about this.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Hi all,

My scene/object annotation tool for Unity, Grease Pencil, is now available on! It's also part of my Winter Sale funding drive, check it out here.

C&C most welcome!


Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. I'll be dropping an update sometime soon.

I'm having issues downloading at the moment, from the site and from the link provided (modified for 23.6.3 download), I get to about 3mb then it fails. I can download source without issues though.

Any suggestions?


It's not impossible for me to convert this to an Electron app (ala Discord, Twitch, Slack, etc.) but I'd have to slice some time out for that.

I'll keep it in mind :D

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Can we get some sort of warning on this when we submit our games in the not too distant future? I've just released a paid game and already posted a few social announcements and had no indication that my game would be held up like this.

Please don't misunderstand, I 100% understand and agree with the policy, and it's an obvious safeguard on your part, but it took a bit of searching to find out that this was a thing, and knowing it before making any announcements would have been nice :P 


Edit: Removed some sass.

If there is any feedback on Texture Grid Generator, please feel free to send some feedback.

If you've used it in any Works In Progress I'd love to see screens or vids. And I'd love to include any works in the screenshots here ;)

Have fun!