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A member registered Jul 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Haha yes, we noticed that just before submitting but forgot about it. As you may have noticed the level design did not get the time, attention nor love it deserved. With some better time management, there are a couple of things we would have liked to work on a bit more.

Thanks for the feedback! It's an honor to have the capybara guys give us some advice!

Those are some really nice ideas. We definitely wanted to add some element of pressure that would force the player to think / act quickly to avoid exploiting the editor mode too much. I like the idea of a lifespan to the platforms placed, maybe make them glitch out to make it coherent with the theme. Our idea was to have some incoming danger like the blue screen that appears in one of the rooms, but generalized to the rest (forcing the player to escape and thus not taking too much time placing 100s of platforms). 

Thanks for the ideas and the feedback!

yeah, definitely would have liked to balance the character more, but had to get started with level building before there was no more time. In the end we sticked with a very floaty character with big movements to try and experiment with using the editor mode while in the air in slow-mo. I think many of the ideas given in these comments would help turn this into an actual fun game rather than the experimental state it's in. Thanks for your feedback!

hahaha I'll give it another try then. Thanks for making this game!

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MONKEY MODE! (what a great soundtrack)


The game presented itself as a very well made game, with cool art and really extensive level design. I actually liked that you introduced the mode mechanic later on because it took me by surpirse. A completely differetn artstyle? Music and sound changes?? That's crazy and it all changes pretty smoothly between the two modes.

I've been playing for maybe an hour, this is great! I also tried the hard mode but I'm convinced it's impossible after the first checkpoint (or maybe i'm just not worthy of the capybara martial arts yet..)

In any case, great job everyone, very solid game

Love the spin on the classic minigolf games. The art is great, the game works perfectly, the setting is hilarious and the levels are fun! Great job everyone. Like someone else said, I guess the biggest weakness of the game is not representing the theme as strongly as other games might do it, but I'm betting you'll be killing it in all the other categories. Amazing work everyone!

It might be a problem on my side, but when I play it on the browser, the player sprite is not in the same place as it's colliders. Might be some issue with scaling or something

I still managed to play through the first few levels and wow is the game looking good. The player movement feels awesome and the magic mechanics are great! I love the feeling of wieght you give to the no gravity with the acceleration it gets, it's really polished, looking and feeling great! Congrats!

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Incredible! Really amazed at this, had a lot of fun playing. The explosive punches, the sound design the particles. This game FEELS good and it's both funny and fun.

The only thing that will probably impact ratings is the Theme category. It personally feels like a stretch to say this is survival mode and thus represents the theme. But to be fair, I didn't like the theme so much either, and this is one really fun game.

Whether it is success in this game jam or elsewhere, I wish you all the best, you clearly know how to make games. Congratulations on this one!

Also, I was surpirsed with the big mole/bear thing destroying the walls of my cabin, was not expecting that but it was real fun!

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Wow, everything is so detailed. The ambience you create is so well crafted. From the writing the the extraordinary sound design and use. The lighting was spot on. This definitely felt like a good horror shortfilm and I loved it very much! Congratulations on making this great game/experience, i can't believe you made it in little over a week!

Only thing that might affect your overall ratings is how well this fits the theme of mode. It feels like you were already planning on building this and tried to find a justification to fit it into this jam. Still, it doesn't change the fact that you should be proud of what you made, and I wish the best of luck for your next projects!

Nice and fun concept! I'd love to hear more about what you mentioned about into a roguelite. Adding some more complexity and utility of the different modes would be cool!

What I thought could be cool is having the gun use the different modes at random so that the player has to adapt to the "gun's choice". Every mode could also have a disadvantage, like the car could make the enemy faster but has to respect the direction and flow of the roads or something like that.

The point is, if it got me thinking this hard it's because it's a nice idea and proof of concept, congrats to all of you!!

I really like the game over pictures, they are really funny andI'm so bad I really managed to take a look at all of them hahaha. Congrats to you two, it's fun!

Just wow. We had a similar idea for our game, but the way you brought to life is amazing. From the interface, to the mechanics to the levels themselves! Everything is just amazing, I'm truly in awe. 

I have so many questions I want to ask, how is everything so clean? You can drag windows around, the levels and options are tabs that are functional. And everything seems to work with no bugs. Incredible, best game in the jam so far

Was definitely expecting something else from the title. Very smart and creative writing, congrats!

I really laughed at the different sound effects and the game felt nice to play. The thrust mechanic felt pretty reliable and responsive. Great job!

While the gameplay is simple, you really managed to recreate the chrome dino game experience and its responsiveness. What truly shines in this game though, is the environment you created around the minigame. I'm not talking only about the amazing art, but also the little details, the dog pressing the spacebar when you do, the desk explaining the character's personality and lifestyle, and the little storyline this small game is telling us. I particularly appreciated the interactive typing into Croogle as an introduction to the situation, it's a really nice touch!

Congrats on this game!

While the gameplay is simple, you really managed to recreate the chrome dino game experience and its responsiveness. What truly shines in this game though, is the environment you created around the minigame. I'm not talking only about the amazing art, but also the little details, the dog pressing the spacebar when you do, the desk explaining the character's personality and lifestyle, and the little storyline this small game is telling us. I particularly appreciated the interactive typing into Croogle as an introduction to the situation, it's a really nice touch!

Congrats on this game!

Really fun little game, would love to see more levels that take advantage of the different characters. O is my favorite, I love how he spins around hahaha. It's very cute and with a nicely designed level. 

Also, not cool pointing signs towards the spikes (that was hilarious)

Love O! haha, I wanna see someone do the whole level using only O. Great job!! it's a really fun little game

Really clean and polished, I especially love the chat. Great job everyone!

At first I thought Mode was meant in the sense of fashion, but it was interesting to discover that the music was meant to be a central part of it! I find the concept very interesting, even if I wasn't able to really use the music to play (relying only on the visual icons), it was very interesting to hear how the music changed with the different styles. Maybe a slower game would have allowed my not-very-musically-inclined ears to participate in the experience more.

The idea definitely caught my attention and I'm sure the merging of the different music tracks must have been a non-trivial technological problem. The art assets as well are very complete and cute! Congratulations to you all and I hope you're proud!

love it!

Very much of the increible. Buen trabajo a todos

Incredible game

(jk 0/5)


It just stays like this:

La lecture de ce code a litteralment change ma perspective sur la vie. Le melange d'optimisation, elegance et facilite de lecture creent une sensation de compilation dans l'esprit du lecteur, de facon a ce que la machine ne soit qu'un outil complementaire a l'algorithme. 5/7, code parfait.

Jokes aside I'm really into the art you made and pretty amazed at all you made good job!!

The UI and game are so polished it looks like an actual released and popular mobile game! It amazes me that you were able to do all the AI and stuff in so little time! 

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I didn't manage to get it running on Windows 10. Looked like an iteresting concept tho

Some gravity guy multiplayer vibes there~

It was pretty entretaining trying to outdo my scores, nice job!
P.S. I love the trailer btw

I'm completely into the aestethic of this game, it looks real nice and every things blends in together nicely. I spent some time playing it and discovering what the spels do was real fun! Thanks for making such a cute game!

Thanks a lot! We did an update where we added the prices for the employees! Hope you like it

Hey! Thank you very much! It was indeed very hard to manage but it was a super fun experience. We were 8 people total working so we managed to split the work and make something cool, even if not completely functional.

Thanks a lot for your feedback! You are right it has issues with the game over because the game (even the quick-fixed version) is not finished. This was mainly because it was our first game jam and we did a terrible job at managing our time. We are planning on updating a finished version later on so if you want you can follow the progress on GitHub if you wish.

Also, thanks for letting us know the bugs you encountered, we will work on them for the finished version whenever we have time.

One last thing, you probably "finished" the game as in you didn't die. The plan was to make the game finish whenever you finish the visual novel game. However, because of some sloppy code, you are not showed the last frame from the visual novel and are directed to the Game Over screen directly. This will obviously be fixed but you at least you know that you didn't die. We will add a health bar for this matter.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated! It really does warm our hearts to read such an enthusiastic review. Thanks!

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You are correct, as you can see by the "submitted 15 seconds before deadline" we didn't have enough time to fix these issues and some minigames are non-functionnal. This also was our first game-jam so we didn't get the time managment quite right. We did some quick fixes and reuploaded the game (not finished but somehow more "functionnal") to share with our friends. If you are curious as to what it looks like it's here: https://wendrul.itch.io/penguins-fixed.  Another thing to note is that full-screen breaks the game.

Thanks for the feedback! It is greatly appreciated. With the experience we built during this jam I'm sure we will do a much better job next time!

Thanks a ton! 

That's a very good idea, we were actually trying to figure out how to convey the controls to the player in a subtle manner, but as this is our first game jam we just ran out of time and had to leave out a lot of important details like this one. Glad you could enjoy it though!

Hello my big friend

The game kind of broke when we exported it. But we are glad you could at least enjoy the art!

Merci beaucoup!