Oops! Thanks for letting us know, I updated the download to remove the debug stuff.
I'm glad to hear you all enjoyed the game! We had a ton of fun working on it!
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This game is a wonderful idea that not only ties to the jam but also encourages direct real world participation and rewards you for making better transportation choices. The presentation of the game is clean and well polished, with a nice simplistic art style, and a wonderful music track to back it up. A few issues I noticed while playing; although I enabled location services on my phone I couldn't get any nearby locations to show up on the travel menu, all of the ones that appeared were multiple states away no matter what I typed in. I also found that its easy to accidentally move the camera too much in the island view and lose sight of your island, making it difficult to get back to normal without restarting the app. Although I unfortunately could not try out the travel features, I think that overall this game presents a wonderful and innovative idea that I would really love to see polished further and published to the app store beyond the jam. Great work to everyone who worked on this!
This game was really nice. The presentation is ambitious and wonderful, and its come together really nicely in the timeframe of the jam. The 3D designs on top of painterly 2D backgrounds with a limited color palette is an art direction that works really well, with super lovely music to tie it all together. I also think that the themes of the game are woven very neatly into the context of the fictional world, and I really enjoyed the little story of each animal character that tie into how different animals react to light pollution in the real world. There were a few things that I noticed while playing through it; I think that respawning to the checkpoint when you fall from certain areas should be done automatically rather than manually by the player, and I also think there should be a visual difference between the spinning platforms and the regular platforms as those caught me off guard (such as a hinge in the middle of the platforms, just to name one suggestion). I also noticed a bug where I couldn't click the back button to revisit previous notes whenever unlocking new ones.
Overall, fantastic work to your entire team! This project turned out lovely and it would be great to see this polished further in the future!
This game has a very wonderful premise and presentation. The world is vibrant and colorful and the animation of the main character is lively, and I enjoy the interactions with the other characters. However, it did feel like the goal of the game was unclear/unfinished. I knew I was supposed to be making food but if the mechanic was implemented I didn't figure out how to do so. It also took a minute to figure out how the collectables worked, and some of them were really small and easy to miss, like the strawberries. Overall though I think this submission is really nice and I think your team put a lot of wonderful work into it, I would love to see this continued and polished more in the future!
I think the premise of this game is very neat, and I think the designs of the enemies look cool. I think my biggest suggestion would probably be to trim the fight animations to make them feel more responsive to the controls. Right now they not only feel heavily delayed but also have a huge start up before the actual attack occurred. I think it also takes too long to beat one enemy for how many there are, I think if it took less hits for them to go down the combat would feel a lot better. Other than that, I look forward to seeing how this project progresses through the final sprint, keep up the great work!
I'm very pleased to see the direction of this project after having played the previous prototype. I can tell there is a strong vision here, however there's still a lot of room for improvement. I love the design of the main character, but to me it feels like its being held back by the way the game runs? The animations are quite jittery and pressing jump lifts the character into the air while their animation is still bracing for a jump. I'm almost wondering if this may be an issue caused by having all the enemies loaded into the game even when they are far away, causing performance issues? (This is speculative of course but it may be worth investigating)
I would also highly recommend implementing a health system as right now touching a single enemy restarts the entire game.
Otherwise, I think this project is moving in a good direction I can't wait to see the game after the final sprint! Keep up the great work!
This is a nice prototype, just a few things to note: the pacing of the game might be a little slow, and I think that could be improved either by allowing the boat to go faster or adding more than one dump station around the map. There also doesn't seem to be an end goal as the trash pieces seem to continuously regenerate. I think it would be a nice goal to clear all of the trash from the water and not have it constantly regenerate. I also assume the functionality of the yellow blocks isn't complete yet, are those meant to be more trash or something else? Otherwise, there's a lot of promise here and I look forward to how the game progresses throughout the rest of the jam, keep up the great work!
This is a promising prototype with a cool idea and neat character design! It just needs some of the physics bugs to be worked out going forward. If I may offer a suggestion, in Unity you can lock the axis that a rigidbody can rotate or move on to avoid certain issues such as the character's movement being offset from the intended 2D path. Keep up the great work!