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William Ritson

A member registered Mar 28, 2015 · View creator page →

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I would recommend adding instructions to the game page as it isn't obvious how the game works.

If I understood correctly the idea is to survive a certain amount of time and you can roll which may create more hazards and may create more useful things like health. That idea seems neat and fits the theme of the jam well.

The game has a nice cohesive feel.

As an asset pack addict, its super impressive that you made all the assets yourself.

The biggest issue is that it feels padded out. Given the limited amount of unique content, which is 100% understandable in a game jam, the levels overstay their welcome, lasting too long and becoming boring. I think it would be better served by simply reducing the repetition in each level so they are shorter.

The second main issue is that shields seem too generous. I can AFK in certain parts of the screen and my shield will just block all damage. The regen rate should probably be slower.

But overall, it's a well-done game and captures that arcade feeling.

Good work.

This game has great style and art assets.

The menu is beautiful and nicely animated.

I did run into a few issues. First the player character doesn't always face the right direction. The math for choosing which sprite to use seems a bit off.

Audio wise, I would prefer that the scream be used a bit more sparingly.

The tactical mode required me to read a lot of text to use and seems a bit awkwardly integrated into the rest of the game, which is otherwise intuitive if somewhat repetative.

This is a neat and polished game.

The biggest issue is that unless you maximize the window, the upgrade bar might not show up, which makes it easy to miss out on the mechanic entirely. It might be fixable by messing with the viewport settings in

Balance wise, bounciness seems like the most dangerous upgrade. I was able to get to the point where all upgrades were fully maxed out without upgrading bounciness once without much trouble. Once I got that first bounce, I was almost immediately deleted.

Good work.

(1 edit)

The game has a neat theme and the minigames are fun and thematically neat.

My main criticism is with the UI. The transparency makes it harder to read and doesn't add much IMO. Also while explaining the mechanics for each game once is great, it quickly becomes repetitive. Once a player successfully completes a certain minigame, they shouldn't need it to be explained to them again.

I did run into an audio bug a few times where sound effects got stuck in loops. This occurred first in the leaderboard at the end and occurred in the WebGL build (I have not tried the desktop version)

Thanks for playing! Glad you had fun.

From the feedback I have been getting it definitely sounds like the player needs some more navigation tools for level 2. Also, level 2 might just be a bit too big  and desolate for its own good. 

Things I liked

  • Great environment design
  • Neat particle effects

Room for improvement

  • Gameplay was a bit confusing.
  • Once I figured out how it worked, it was a bit tedius to do the same plateforming several times over because I had to die then respawn to progress.

Glad you liked it.

I had to scale the grass a bit oddly to prevent random holes from appearing in it when the player moves. Might be making it look a bit off.

Thanks for playing.

I am planning to add a compass that points the player towards bosses next.

Things I liked

  • Good number of platformer mechanics with no bugs I could see.
  • Lots of levels.

Opportunities for improvement

  • The elevator platforms stand still for too long, which makes them a bit boring to wait for.
  • The rules for whether the ghost can go through laser doors seem inconsistent, sometimes it can sometimes it can't

Things I liked

  • Art is nice. I especially like the tileset at the beginning of the level.
  • Cinematics were cute

Opportunities for improvement

  • Had a fair number of bugs.
  • Enemy projectiles moved a bit too fast causing frequent deaths
  • No checkpoints (might not be needed if the enemies were less murderous).

Things I liked

  • Nice fever dream aesthetic
  • Gameplay is neat.

Opportunities for improvement

  • Shouldn't it be Seppuku not Sudoku? Or is that deliberate and I am just being obtuse?
  • Fire guys seem a lot better than exploding guys, even given the higher price.
  • It wasn't initially intuitive that I needed to manually control my "tower" guys. Had pop out of the game and read the description.

Things I liked

  • Neat visuals from simple meshes
  • Gameplay is simple but fun.
  • Transitions into ending scene before the gameplay overstays its welcome.

Opportunities for improvement

  • Made me a bit dizzy while playing it, might be worse for people prone to simulation sickness.

Things I liked

  • Visuals are excellent.
  • Feels polished for a jam game, I didn't notice any bugs.
  • Overall, very well executed.

Opportunities for improvement

  • The difficulty ramps up a bit too slowly.  There were quite a few waves that felt too easy before the challenging ones came.

Things I liked

  • Elegant and consistent art style
  • Nice looking UI
  • Gameplay worked smoothly with no bugs

Opportunities for improvement

  • A single bullet killed multiple enemies, making staying alive a bit too easy.
  • After enough waves it gets a bit too repetitive, some enemy variety would be nice.

Itch will let you replace your uploads with newer ones as many times as you like. 


Can I use other people’s work in my game?

Yes, but only if:

  • You obtained it legally (e.g. you downloaded free assets from the Unity store, you bought a font from a graphic design website, etc.).
  • The author/creator has given you their permission, in writing, to use their work in your game.
  • The work (such as music, art, etc.) has a Creative Commons license attached to it or is known to be in the public domain. If you’re not sure what these terms mean, spend a little time reading about copyright in advance, so you know how to identify and use this work. There are many, many websites and search tools for finding free (and 100% legal) art, music, and so forth. They are great to use in a pinch if you don’t have the time or desire to create your own assets.

Great voice acting and a spooky atmosphere. The voice actor sounds very calm and collected which is kind of odd for a horror game.

Hello everyone! Please try my game Fifth Aeon. It is a 100% free and open source collectible card game featuring ~135 cards and counting. Play offline against the A.I. or online against other humans. You can even create your own custom cards in the card editor and share them online.

Browser version at

Downloadable versions at

Upload says its missing UnityPlayer.dll Might want to upload it as a zip with all the needed files.

When I try to run KeepingTabs.exe it asks me about a missing .pck file. Are you missing the game data files?

Ok, I updated to love 0.9.2 and the game ran just fine.

It was a very nice game and quite a bit of fun. It feels quite polished for a game jam game. A few thinks I noticed while playing.

It took me a minute to tell the difference between walls and unseen areas. Perhaps some visual distinction would be useful?

While running into dead ends with a horde of zomboids behind you can be exciting it also seems like getting far is a matter of lucky navigation. Perhaps some way of hinting towards the right direction would be a good mechanic. Footprints? Bloodstains?

Neat and interesting game although the mechanics seemed a big opaque at first (maybe that's just me). Definitely one of the more polished games in the AI game jam.

This is very neat. It would be nice if you could download individual faces as images. I think they would make good forum avatars or game characters (If you are willing to allow people to use them in such ways).

Hello I am attempting to play and give feedback to the other games in the AI game jam.

When I attempt to play this in Ubnutnu Linux version 14.04 and Love version 0.8.0 (default version in software center) I get an error message.

The error message reads

main.lua: 80: attempt to call field 'setDefaultFilter' (a nill value)

I am not sure if this is a problem with my system or the game. Do I need a different version of love?