Fun platformer. The jumps/puzzles are well crafted: not too easy but not too difficult either.
I would have liked some additional sound effects, for example when using your electric shock move.
Good entry to the jam, well done.
The game might be a bit too challenging for me :D
Nice that you added a skip button after a couple of tries, so that I could experience all the levels though.
The difficulty of the levels does not ramp up in a linear order though. I would reorder the levels a bit.
I did enjoy the 2d + 3d artstyle. Good job :)
Very cool game (a bad-piggies-like :D).
The game mechanics work pretty neat. Impressive you managed to get this out in only one week.
Some improvement points I can think of:
but these are all very minor. Very solid entry to the jam. Well done :D
Pretty good adaptation to the theme. I really enjoyed the mechanics (eg standing up to jump higher).
I would have liked a bit more levels, but given you only had a week of time, it is fine :D
Maybe a tip for future games: Try to use an alternative key than ESC for pausing (full screen web export players will thank you :) )
Well done.
Game looks pretty cool.
Encountered a couple of bugs though: if you die the markers sometimes disappear. This happened on my first play, so I did not know what to do or where to fly too :) For some reason, I was also able to sell my cargo over and over without picking up new ones.
I really liked the idea and the upgrades you could buy for your ship. Also the art style is pretty neat (and I like space). I wish you were able to also shoot the asteroids :D
Well done finishing this game in only one week.
I really like factory games. Happy to see one in this jam.
Nice that you have a tutorial on the factory mechanics. It got me to start playing right away. I did not really get the approve/deny mechanic though, I usually used it to remove angry customers haha. It was not really clear what approving or denying actually did.
Found it a bit surprising customers were asking for singularities, as this is an end goal of the game. I did manage to make one :)
Overall a pretty fun game to play. Well done!
Very nice narrative driven point and click game. I really liked the conversation between the narrator and the protagonist.
Also well done with the music. Graphically, there could be some improvements: for example the weather through the windows always shows rain, while when you click on it, it tells you something different.
Couldn’t have picked a better time to play this (Friday), I made it to the weekend IRL too :)
Well done.
(BTW, you deserve more ratings :D)
Pretty nice looking graphics. Did not really understand why I only started on two hearts though. I agree with other comments that it might be a bit unclear when you are hit by a tree.
Gameplay was a bit too short in my opinion. I was missing a bit of an additional incentive to cut down the trees.
I did like the trees falling over and turning into pieces of wood. Good entry to the jam.
A little bit hard to understand from the game alone what to do. With the help of the screenshots and gifs, I managed to complete a few of the puzzles. Sometimes, the instructions follow in too quick succesion in my opinion.
I liked the sound effects and the idea. Good job finishing a game for this jam :)
I like the fast pace of the movement. The game is a bit too short and lacks a bit of gameplay in my opinion. I would add a coin counter always visible to the player somewhere on the screen (it gives a bit more an incentive to collect the coins, rather than just running to the end).
The assets are nicely done, good job.
Game looks nice and a funny idea with the hand. Unfortunately I could not play much of the game as the difficulty ramps up too quickly. I was not able to get past the jelly like walls right after getting double jump.
My advice would be to ramp up the difficulty a bit slower so you can get accustomed to the dash/double jump combos you sometimes need. For example, first let the player double jump some easy gaps, then jump + dash, double jump + dash, followed by a single time you need to clamp to the wall dash from it and jump up (like the thing you have to do right after unlocking double jump)…
Good entry to the jam, nice job.
Fun artstyle and sfx. I agree with some of the other comments (e.g., inventory being in the way of the dishwasher). Also wish there was an always visible counter to your ingredients so you know how many cooked burgers you have and stuff.
Sometimes my order did not want to complete even though I was very sure it was correct :(
Good entry to the jam, well done.
Very satisfying game to play. One of the better ones this jam :D There also is a lot of mechanics going on (repairing, shooting, ejecting people…)
I feel the balance is a bit off though. It is very hard to buy upgrades for your train. It takes a while before i was able my first upgrade :)
Also I think the train moves a bit too fast to be able to hit the ammo/scrap boxes. Maybe you could make it that the first few stops, the train moves a bit slower, and speed it up over the course of the game?
Art style is very unique and cohesive.
With some additional polish, a bit more content and some tweaks here and there, this could become a very nice and enjoyable full-fledged game :D
(FYI: my stats: )
Stunning sprites, amazing. The red-with yellow letters are not very readable though.
Gameplay is a little bit finicky: the monster glitched through the doors some times or doors could not be closed. One time, it just got stuck on a wall until the end.
Good job putting something together for this jam :)
Very nice and consistent art style. I really like the blood particles (and the fact you can clean them with your broom).
Camera movement was very jittery. This was a bit distracting to me. I also think the healthbar was not working. (well in a jam with the theme “nothing can go wrong” that is an acceptable bug :D)
Well done putting a game out in only one week.
I liked the art and animations and was able to play all the way through the end. It is nice you have these transition animations between various parts of the levels.
Some feedback:
Would be nice to have some egg-stra levels in the future :D