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A member registered Feb 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hi Rizky, thank you for playing my game!

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Hey, yep, the confusion is understandable.

I think I got too bogged down into all the minutiae that I forgot to make the game understandable to the players. One thing I realised is the game is too fast so it’s really difficult to understand what’s going on especially for an experimental game like this; because as it stands, right when you’re just starting to learn, the combat ends.

Thank you so much for highlighting that issue with not understanding the game. I’ll make it a point to ask myself “If I were not the dev, would I understand how to play my game?” in my next game.

Haha yeah, it seems that’s the general consensus.

This a case when my dev’s insider knowledge blinds me to what an actual player would experience. 

Thank you for the feedback! I will work on making the controls and the feedback from your actions more obvious.

Yeah, I agree. Making it player-friendly is a good call I think especially in game jams.

Speaking as someone who hasn't played a horror game for more than a decade, this game is immersive and scary as hell lol. It's impressive that this was made in just a week. Well done!

Wow, this is indeed innovative! Great job for the team.

It's quite easy if you just stay in blue. I'm not sure if the score from a kill changes depending on the speed you're in, but if it doesn't, maybe reward the player for staying in the red because that's when things get crazy and tough.

I really like the hand-drawn and charming art. And the background music really elevates the mystery and feeling of lost (though the character is smiling all the time; he's an optimist I guess haha).

Though, I was enjoying the experience but I got stuck at a place where I was supposed to click "E" but nothing happened.

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Ah, sorry about that. Thank for you for the feedback

Yeah,  the effect rewind and fast forward is not that evident especially for the normal slash attack; rewind, for example, has a clearer effect if you use it after the monster's charge attack. Also they don't work especially if there’s nothing to rewind and fast forward.

One way to see if it works is when you see the hero’s health is 0 (red hp bar) and bleeding out, the background  will turn reddish and you can pause with space and drag a line from the rewind button to the hero’s sprite. That would bring him back to his previous health. But sometimes, the monster is too fast and the rewind will not be enough to save the hero. Upgrading the pause ability or lowering rewind cooldown, ideally both, can make it more manageable.

If you give the game another shot and it's still unclear what to do, please tell me. I would like to learn what I did wrong and learn from that.

No worries.

Keep it up!

> but I overscoped by approximately 3000%

Haha very relatable.

Best of luck to you too!

I didn't expect a platformer to come out of that prompt,  but you managed to do it in your creative ways (if I were the one who got that prompt, I would be stuck with making a point-and-click game or a visual novel).

I managed to get to the part where the hole opens up but then find myself stuck lol. I saw from the comments that I need a pair of high bouncing shoes so I'm glad to know I actually missed things.

I also like the calming music and the boy (girl? genderless mushroom/fungi?) fishing on the crescent moon is a nice touch (which I think is a reference to Dreamworks).

Thank you making the game and I hope you'll keep up the good work.

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Truly creative intro sequence!

I think the fish is being very kind to the player because the AI car is so easy to beat and gets stuck a lot.

Great job on following through with the prompt.

The dialogues are very funny! I didn't expect that; I thought it was all going to be cerebral and serious and stuff.
Yeah, as Remoraki mentioned, having more feedback from our actions would be nice and can make the game feel more rewarding on top of the accumulation of score.

I really enjoyed my time playing your game and I hope you keep up the good work.

Oddly relaxing and a tad trippy. I don't know how cocaine actually affects people's driving, but the slippery movement is how I imagine a cocaine addict would drive when they're in withdrawal.

Thank you for making a fun game.

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I really enjoy the aesthetics and music. I felt claustrophobic and being stuck in a small space with the enemy made it even more nerve-wracking; plus, the fitting music made me want to escape but I know there's no escape and the only path forward to kill the enemy. It's exceptionally immersive.

 I agree that the controls do feel experimental and I have no clue what I'm doing lol except trying to run away from the hostile knight. 

It's a great entry and probably one of the few games I've played that delving into the abyss feel like one.

Glad you liked the concept!

And thank you very much for the encouragement.

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Hi, yep definitely pushed my comfort zone a lot. Going from building a space invaders clone to a Survivors-like game is a hell of a leap, but I learned a lot and that's what matters.

And thank you very much for hosting this! It's less restrictive than other game jams so I find myself having little pressure making my game.

Hey, thanks for checking the game out in spite of the bugs.

Yeah, I allocated 5 hours for testing and virtually 0 hour was actually spent on that. I'm indeed considering giving this idea some serious development time, but optimizing the end product might be hell especially if I want to emulate Vampire-survivors level of craziness lol. But there's no harm trying tho.

Good luck to you too!

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Thank you for the kind word. I am fairly new to Godot and I underestimated the amount of time needed to learn the engine and build a game at the same time.

I considered not submitting, but I did it anyway, so that the game will be a reminder for me to dedicate more hours to a game when I’m feeling ambitious.

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Yeah, definitely not optimized lol. And I was planning to add some indication of being hit but didn’t manage.

Levelling up and all the genetics stuff I didn’t manage to complete because I spent most of my time on the basic combat mechanics. I underestimated the amount of effort needed lol.

Thank you for playing!

(2 edits)

Great game! I left a comment on Reddit detailing my thoughts on it. Anyhow, congratz on the release.

Hi there, found your game on Reddit. Here's my feedback:

1. The control screen uses white text with transparent white "image" on top of a black background. Poor contrast so difficult to read.

2. I like the UI elements. But the font probably needs to be replaced with a font that melds well with the style.

3. The cute animal following the player is too shy haha. Maybe make them follow the player from the left or right so that it's easier to see them.

4. Cancel button when choosing an attack should probably be at the left or right edge , or at the very least not on the same row of the other attack buttons.

5. The time delay between turns should be a little bit faster. Or maybe add a sound effect so it doesn't feel like the delay is too long.

I played until I got Origin.

Hopefully that helps.

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I tried the demo and it's quite a fun game. Though, I find myself overwhelmed trying to figure out where my character currently is, but that's probably something that can be fixed by playing more; I also haven't looked at the map so maybe that would improve the experience as well.

Hi, thank you so much for playing my little game! The peace ending, along with the 3  do nothing endings, should be one of the easiest endings to get. But that  depends on the player’s play style too.

Thanks haha. Yeah, it’s indeed weird and I was actually afraid it would turn people off. At least one person find it interesting, so that’s a win I suppose lol.

Hi, I’m glad that the game captivated you! I apologize for the lack of polish; I had to make do with my virtually zero knowledge about the Twine engine.

Hey thanks, glad you like it! Yeah, I’m a mildly serious person in real life, but the Butter Chicken object really forced me to make things sillier that I’m used to.

Ah, very sorry for the inconvenience. I read the twine guide on submitting to itch and they mentioned something about making sure the Story Format works on mobile before choosing that option.

To be on the safe side, I didn’t toggle the option. But I guess I should’ve checked if the story format I used, Harlowe, supports mobile before I default to not checking the option. I will also look into the portrait alignment when I update the build.

Lesson learned and thank you for bringing that to my attention.

Hi, thank you for the compliment! The plot was cobbled together on the fly, so I’m glad that it somehow made sense to some people haha.

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Hi, thank you for the great feedback!

You’re very right about the time thing. This is my first time using Twine and I spent the first few days of the game jam learning it. Inexperience plus the time limitation made it difficult for me to add anything other than text, so elements that could enhance the experience like audio and styles I had to ignore if I want to get the game somewhat finished. The writing itself is weak; I focused exclusively on the dialogues and descriptions for the environment and characters are sorely lacking.

Good point also on the block of text. While writing, I was actually worried that I’m going to forget what the dialogue is going to be, so I just dumped everything when inspiration striked and didn’t consider the how the text would appear to the readers. It’s all on me and I want to improve upon them if I write anything again in the future. Also, good point on adding more variety of choices.

Anyhow, again, I greatly appreciate your feedback. I’ll do my best to improve what I can.

Hello, glad that you liked it! Yeah, this is my first time using Twine so everything is set to the default settings. I spent the first two or so days of the game jam learning the engine; even learning how to make the text to appear right is difficult for me so I wasn’t able to customize the UI and add audio and images. Even the writing is unfinished, tons of lore left unexplained, plot holes and logic unfilled, and I had to scrap some conditional logic for the endings, dialogues and whatnot.

Anyhow, thank you for playing my little game. Much appreciated.

That's good. Yeah, I should've added a restart icon to all screens but being new to Twine, I need to add it manually to each one and I didn't have time to do so.