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A member registered May 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! I thought I fixed this bug in development so I have no clue what is causing it now :(. And yeah the speed should definitely be faster, something to keep in mind for next time.

Thanks for playing! Yeah unfortunately I have zero clue what is causing that bug :(.

Yeah I was thinking about making them faster but when I wanted to start to do that it was already too late to rebalance it all.

Thanks so much!! I spent a while trying to get things working and looking decent hahaha :).

Hahaha thanks :).

Very cool idea implemented very well! The sharers on top looked great. Some of those enemies were tricky to dodge though 0_o. 

Cool idea, definitely more original than most of the duck hunt games I've seen dotted around here, also I saw it was written in rust-- definitely the first I've seen of that here!

Very cool, I could definitely see this as some sort of multiplayer game switching players from duck to shooter and vice versa. 

Some form of intro or tutorial would have been useful, I was just randomly clicking trying to see if anything happened, but once I figured it out it was quite neat! 

Very cool game, it did seem to be a bit repetative with just flying around in circles around the target, maybe could add new targets or have the world be scrolling so there are other obstacles? Just ideas. Really cool shader used here as well. 

Thanks! Working on the art tends to be my break from programming during these types of events hahaha :).

Cool game, felt a bit easy at times, you could make it something like the bullets pass through the waves so you need to do more dodging? Just an idea :)

Really cool concept controlled well, it was a little bit buggy at times but also I really liked the art style of the 2d ducks in the 3d world. 

Cool concept, I could see a game like ramping up the difficulty by creating harder and harder challenges as time goes on

I would say just on grounds of accessibility try to make the text a little bit easier to read, the black text on dark blue background was a rough. Cool idea though!

Very simple game yet fun for a bit-- I literally burst into laughter when I first hit a car.

Cool concept, I feel that it could have been aided by making the dragging slightly smoother, and maybe indicating which axis things could be dragged on, I got a bit confused at times. Also what is the weird diamond question mark thing? I could not figure out what to do :(.

Interesting idea, the paddles do seem to be a bit buggy though, with the ball just phasing through them sometimes.

I think if there were a few more mechanics it would be better, just swimming up and down avoiding bombs can get a bit dull, not to say the game was bad, just could have been more. On a separate note it looked amazing those visuals would fit in among commercial games. 

Interesting concept for a game, I feel like if there was more going on it would make it much better (more intersections? idk). The way it is right now isn't too difficult, I was able to keep all four traffic lights green for quite a while without crashes. 

Interesting idea, but the jump felt a bit floaty making platforming longer and slower than what could have been preferable. 

Neat concept, but I think the screen updating didn't work fast enough causing the blocks to stretch and shrink when in motion.

The super mario galaxy gravity mechanics were cool! I'd say it could have been better if the gravity were higher, it did feel slightly floaty at times, but having a system like that is quite impressive regardless. I also felt like the camera was a bit funky at times, but third person cameras can be a nightmare. 

Thanks for playing, I thought I fixed the workers non placing bug, do you remember what circumstances they weren't placing or was it just random? Also yeah having to select workers every time may not have been a great move because of the amount of workers needed to win. Thanks for playing!

Awwwww thank you so much I probably spent as much time on the drawings and dialogue as I did the code to keep it all running :), also I didn't even think of that but being able to talk to them beforehand to try to gage what they would want would be so sick that is such a great idea!!!!

Thanks!! And no sound effects :(, I really wanted to create some and compose a simple piano track for background music but I just ran out of time. Thanks for playing it though! :)

Aww thank you  :) I spent a lot of time trying to make the art and dialogue cute and entertaining

The game was interesting, I agree with some other commenters that the ladder was overall kinda hard to use but overall the game was good! I think my main problems with it is if you fall behind it's difficult to catch up if that makes sense, and I think the controls can be a bit funky at first but once you get used to it it becomes somewhat natural. Overall a nice experience though

This game was more addicting to me than I thought it would be hahaha, I could totally see this as something for mobile

Thanks for playing the game! I was happy when I thought of this idea because it did seem like a good way to get some wild cards involved without needing to really stray far from the original idea. And I think you're right about the visual elements or lack there of, some progress bars to better demonstrate the numbers I think would have made it easier to wrap one's head around dealing with eight billion people hahaha.  Also I have a similar strategy with it of just pumping in as much money into advertising as I can to maintain trust and make money (which is partly why I capped how much trust you can get per week). Anyways thanks again for giving it a try!

This idea of the player growing as the time progresses is an interesting idea, and It does definitely have some potential, just so you know a glitch I found (albeit while looking for this glitch) is the game appears to soft lock if you are under a platform or wall, and then grow causing you to get stuck in it. Also just one more thing: I think the timer added to the game, but it would have been better if it had either been made using a mono-spaced font or something similar so that the corner of the game is less busy. 

(1 edit)

Thanks for giving it a try! I'm glad you liked it :), and I wanted to write a small piano piece just as background music but due to poor time management I never got around to it and my weird brain is against just using free music in my games for some reason hahaha

The game has a interesting concept, but I have a few knitpicks on how I think you could make it a bit better: 

-I think the movement was a bit off, a higher jump and probably less slippery controls I think could aid it
-I think that reset should be harder to hit because I found myself accidently resetting instead of flip flopping the state of the blocks 
-I'm guessing its a bug but when I reset I think the blocks didn't return to their original location

Other than those though it was a nice concept!

Thanks for playing it! I thought I'd be able to have all the time in the world to work on it and then suddenly I found I had like an hour left and had to crank out the end of it hahaha- I definitely wish I was able to include some sort of sound but its a game jam game, what are ya gonna do?

Thanks! I forgot to put the controls in the description so I just updated it, because I don't mention in game that you can press "R" to remap keys and restart the level-- Sorry about that hahaha

That was great! I think that other levels than the last one should have tiles that change as you go down through the stack as to prep the player for that in the final level, but other than that there were some great puzzles in there!

The swapping and exploding were added a surprising amount to that kind of game! I'm not sure if this is a bug or not but when the player dies blocks that were blown up don't respawn. Other than that though it was a nice polished experience!

Thanks for playing! I do agree that at times the way to deal with some of the enemies feels a bit exploit-y, and I definitely need to tweak in future games how possible it is to navigate the level without being shot. 

Also who's to say what's behind the button :)

Yeah hahaha reloading is a smidge important :), and thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! And yeah I think I should have put in a bit more leeway in there so that the player could have a better chance of running from cover to cover without being shot.