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A member registered Jan 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi, I made the silly mistake of thinking the jam ended on the 31st. Is there anyway I could submit my game a little late?
I totally understand if that's not possible.

Yeah, I wish we'd had time to make that more clear. If we'd had another couple of hours it probably would have felt much more polished, but sadly, we did not. Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks friend! We're definitely gonna continue working on this one for at least a while.

Oh no! Because browsers  mess with the timers in the game, and you can only place walls once per second (its a timer) it may have been messed up by that.

Thanks for telling me that! I've changed it now.

(1 edit)

I actually just checked with Wolfie (who did the sound). Turns out we used no prexisting audio. (If this comment could stay at the top with your likes so people read it that would be great, thanks) EDIT: Fixed it!

I'm glad you like the concept (I really love the way the artl looks too!)! I (we) am/are gonna do are best to get a better tutorial in as soon as  possible.

Thanks for the feedback. I've already impleimented a better system of placing but obvious that's not on the jam page.

Thanks for the feedback, the team and I realise the obvious problem with the instructions. I'm pretty sure we're going to continue working on this, at least for a little while, and I'm pretty sure we can nail down all those problems in that time. (I changed the colour of the page)

Thanks for the feedback! Its really appreciated. This, of all the games I've made, is definitely the one I'd most consider continuing to develop (which is a good sign, because it shows that I'm improving). I realised whilst making this game that its really only the kind of thing that will only ever appeal to a niche audience. Whilst we could definitely improve usability and expand the audience in the ways you suggested, I personally think we struck on some really fun mechanics. The instructional text could maybe use a little improving but we tried to make the idea as easy to understand as possible without adding in an in game tutorial (which we should definitely do).

Your score is written in the bottom right of the screen. It goes away after the you lose screen sadly.

2958 first run. Great game!

Thanks for the feedback! I added a colour guide on the game's page, I shouldn't have forgotten that.

After rewriting the rules text twice once by me and then by the guy who helped me design the game we should have something you can understand without too much difficulty. Please reply if its still unclear its useful to have the perspective of someone who didn't make the game.

This is a solid game although I frequently feel like I am screwed by the RNG.

I definitely agree. Whilst the controls are easy to pick up its hard to win and the first time I did I did not understand why.

I would like the text to have a higher contrast with the background to make it more legible.

Agreed any sort of scoring system would have been great.

I basically agree with Unityst. More gameplay would make this better, it has the potential to be a really interesting experience.

Whilst the music on the on start screen had me prepared for the worst I was pleasantly surprised by the sound for the rest of the game. The gameplay was well done and I liked the idea.

Interesting game. I'm not a horror person but I enjoyed this. The art was really good and the audio allowed the game to feel really polished.

I really enjoyed this game. I like the way you used colours to indicate things you could interact with and the art made it very clear what everything was. I don't have any real criticisms to offer for what I would expect from the time constraints. I'm not sure how much of the art you had already made but its cool and I'm not giving a very high score for music because none of it was made in the jam, sry.

(1 edit)

Game feels polished (mostly) and the controls are tight. I enjoyed playing this. The randomly generated levels are cool.

(1 edit)

I enjoyed this game. I thought the puzzles were fun. The lack of collision is a big bummer because more than once I would press to move and then the level would switch and it would move me out of bounds, when that happened I had to restart. It feels like the game eats my inputs quite a lot.

Gameplay was solid, overall a fun experience. I'm a little confused as to how the whole evil vs evil thing fits in. A little lore dump on the game's page would have been nice.

For some reason none I couldn't do anything. I could just be dumb, but to know whether its me or the game a controls thing would be nice.

Here's the code I used to try and write the file. Its still in the game but doesn't work for some reason:

file = file_text_open_read(working_directory + "\highscore.txt");
file_num = file_text_read_real(file)
if (score > file_num) {
file = file_text_open_write(working_directory + "\highscore.txt");
file_text_write_real(file, score);

I've updated the game's page to make the rules more clear by writing an example of play and clarifying the rules text a bit. Hope that helps!

I’ll update the game’s page to make it more clear. I was in a rush to submit the game so the rules text is not very clear.

I don't think I'll continue developing this one, I kind of want to work on a few more short game projects.

I'd love to work with you! I'm a programmer and I have a friend who's probably doing art for the jam.

Fun game! Art felt a little inconsistent and I would have liked a little more tactile feedback when you kill something or use one of the syringes just so you know you've used it without looking down.

Originally the persistence was going to be as follows: As you explore the research station (in 2D not 1D) you'd find rooms with no enemies a little lore and an upgrade you could plug into the clone machine so that next time you are cloned you get that upgrade. However, we didn't have time for that so the 'peristence' ended up just being the fact you start on the level you died on which is not really how wanted the game to be initially. Thanks for playing!

This game has a really engaging loop with great sound and art. I feel progression is really hard because the prices are so high.

The art style in the game is great. I was worried that items would be hard to pick out but instead the were highlighted with colour. I love the idea for this game, but it really needs a proper page with an explanation of the controls and mechanics. For me, I picked up the first two and only two items I found and was unable to figure out how to eat them later. A bit more of an explanation would make the game much more accessible.

Good game with an enjoyable game play loop. I don't know if I'm just bad but I didn't make much more progress with each upgrade. For some reason I couldn't hear any music. I would appreciate the option take the game off full screen. 

It felt quite unintuitive to me that the whole of my player was effectively on the ground. I felt like I should be able to move with my head over a pit but my feet on the ground because in actuality my head is above my feet and directly above the ground.

I have the same issue.

I want to start by saying that I like really the art and the music. The maps end up very cluttered with all the trails which makes it hard to decipher them. I wasn't able to kill a single thing, but you've said there's no combat yet. The missiles seem really weird to me at least. I would have liked a little of an explanation of exactly what is and isn't in the game yet. I was left very confused as to how much of the game I had actually experienced. I don't know how you die, and don't understand how it incorporates Persistence into it because of that. I enjoyed what parts of the game i could access but I definitely feel you should have focused on a game loop that is clearly explained on your game's page before anything else.

I received this error after trying to restart when I died (I think), just wanted to make you aware of it:

action number 1
of Create Event
for object obj_manned_ship:

Unable to find any instance for object index '14' name 'obj_ui_enrg_mockup'
at gml_Object_obj_manned_ship_Create_0
stack frame is
gml_Object_obj_manned_ship_Create_0 (line -1)
called from - gml_Script_scr_set_grid_pos_region (line -1) - <unknown source line>

Does the game control with normal numbers and not numpad (I don't have numpad on my keyboard) and I can't seem to press 1 at the beginning of the game.