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A member registered Jul 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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Oh right, this is intentional to prevent spamming air cubes and cheesing the whole game, as long as you dont spam air cubes specifically this should never happen
(i probably should put a cap on it though)

What situation does this occur in? 

YEp! Most of the skips in the game dont use wallrunning at all 

Hold the movement key into the wall while looking forward

try jumping over the gaps you need to wallrun, technically the game is beatable without wallrunning

I’m not satisfied until I get 0.5th place 

Have you tried the listed fix?

Interesting game, quite a simple premise, but interesting nevertheless. Funny voice acting and great visuals, it feels quite... I wouldnt say slapstick, but a skeleton building a ladder out of bones is pretty metal. The music was great, i like how it only kicks in after a bit and doesnt start immediately 

If you want, you could try to play with a controller. We never really tested or tweaked it, but it should work because of the new input system 

Most of the game is designed around jumps / boosts, the permanent pillar thing is mainly for scaling walls in speedruns 

Quentin you are too powerful 

This game is whimsical in nature

You can really feel the power of 4 audio people. You guys somehow made a full game ost in 4 days.
When I started this game, I did NOT expect to be trashtalked by the music: "You cant eat this mountain. You cant even eat a smaller mountain"....holy hell I started sobbing uncontrollably 
And I also didnt expect a full vocal credits song.... what the hell, how powerful is this army of musicians...

In all seriousness though, despite this games obvious charm and amazing audio all around, there are issues: The game lacks well, gameplay
I mean. Theres nothing exactly wrong with the gameplay, it just feels.... simple, sorta, and kind of "small" compared to the insane art and music present in the game. The enemies were far too easy to beat, and the dash didn't really have much of a use (At least, I did not use it once outside of the tutorial)
Additionally, I felt that the particles in this game definitely lacked in comparison to the rest of the art. Though, thats just because the art is way too good

Well, overall, great game with lots of charm and a very nice vibe to it, fits the theme well, but is quite lacking in the actual gameplay

REALLY good game,  and made my head hurt...
Main issue I have with the game is the.... I almost want to say lack of polish, though now that I'm writing it out I don't see a proper way to remedy this without a ton of work, but I felt like the mixels in this game definitely broke the style a bit, and the particles weren't exactly the best
Additionally, the sound design of the game could use more work, the looping of moving blocks got a bit annoying

However, these criticisms are very minor and don't subtract from the game being absolutely amazing, its just that when you have a game so well made and polished overall, the parts which aren't stick out like a sore thumb.

So lets talk about the good: the level design was wonderful, the last few levels really got me to think and the progression / learning curve felt very natural for a jam game
The main mechanic fit the theme.... well, I would say perfectly, but I could see a standpoint where it doesn't fill the "built to" part (I am not of that standpoint), and the mechanic was explored in depth and was quite emergent
The art of the game overall is really good, aside from the criticisms with it mentioned above its pretty much perfect 
While I wished the character had a variable jump for game feel, I could see why that wouldn't fit in this kind of puzzle game. 

Overall, amazing work once again team Jamadoo, and a very solid entry again like you guys somehow pull off every year 

I can give a quick explanation:
Enemies become alert when they see you for the first time

After they become alert, their vision (both when you are in and out of light) gets larger
If they see you again, you lose

They will investigate interesting things, such as if something was broken. During investigation, their vision will be limited to a cone in front of them

Eugene should really stand up for himself

This game is superb, great art, wonderful music, and good balance. Few nitpicks:
- The webgl build is a little broken for me and I cannot see health or how many knives I had
- I can't tell how big my parrying/hitbox is- sometimes I will try to go parry a bullet only to get hit instead
- I wish there was an enemy which fired like a billion bullets 
Aside from those, the game is great, I absolutely love lining up the bullets of like 4 enemies onto one square and taking them all out in one go, felt super satisfying
good game!

A wise druid once told me: 
The high lavatory contains secrets of a forgotten future. Thy two feet must be placed atop the washbasin for thy to hear the hidden whispers.

Anyways good game, scared the hell out of me, didnt finish cuz im bad 

Ay, a fartfish banger 

it’s just a different control scheme to what people are used to usually used to, stick with it for like 20 minutes and it’ll feel natural 

Target change is for changing targets for your missiles to lock onto! I made the lock on distance too short, but you have to get decently close to lock on unfortunately 

projectiles always damage if they hit, but they despawn if unlocked for too long because of lag reasons

You are too far away! You need to be roughly 2km from the target to lock on with missiles and roughly 1km away to hit with the gun

half of those suggestions are already in the game lol, i had to make the missile sound quiet because it got really annoying hearing it in playtesting 

You can change the mouse sensitivity in the settings

Hey nice, you found a fatal flaw to this game, people who are too scared to graze a lot will think that the bosses are far too tanky, so to compensate I needed to make them weaker, but this also meant that people who graze a lot can kill the bosses in like 2 minutes 

Gonna need more details than that. This game is already enough to make DCS players weep, I don't know how much extra I can simplify before it becomes a rail shooter

it literally is arcade gameplay lmao, what kinda games you talking about 

Sorry about that! its a little hard to represent distance at this scale, try out the second boss though, its less of a drag (hopefully) and has a more straightforward finisher
Glad to see someone who actually plays the genre play this game though, thanks for playing 

I don’t really see the point of that in a game like this honestly 


Take this review with a grain of salt because I suck at bullet hells and i struggled immensely with this game

Basically, I didnt know what the alter does so I gave it all my lives when i first saw it and couldnt beat any bosses with only 1 life left, so i played each one to see the attacks it has


 - Great boss design, lots of fun bullet patterns

- Ridiculous amounts of content.... this is insane for a one month production

- Great music and sound design.... easy 5 star for that

- Innovative concept on the bullet hell genre


- Ok... this is more of a personal gripe because I DESPISE THIS SPECIFIC THING... YOU HAD A BIG CHARGE ATTACK IN THE GAME, the 3 orb attack, AND YOU DIDNT BOTHER MAKING IT JUICY???? ARE YOU CRAZY???? YOU HAVE THAT MUCH GOOD SOUND DESIGN... YOU COULDVE AT LEAST MADE IT SOUND GOOD! you couldve at least made the projectile faster or smthing, but no, its the same projectile.... I hate that so much man... imo, big charged attacks mostly exist in video games to GIVE JUICE. They are literally the prime juice move... you have anticipation of charging it, and the huge payoff when you land the hit... 

- The dash mechanic thing with the absorbing bullets is pretty poorly implemented... its quite hard to aim the dash on keyboard, and there shouldve been a longer "grace period" where you could gain power from orbs. I wouldve also liked a larger radius for the player to absorb orbs to deal with the aiming issue

- The player was just too slow... it took forever to get anywhere, and I found myself chasing bullets a lot to absorb them. It mightve been better to make the player 

All in all, pretty good game lol... add an easy mode if you ever do a post jam update so i can beat the game

Good game all around! There was some graphical issues, but since its a game jam those are excused. The exchange mechanic was implemented perfectly, full 5 on that. However, I wished there was an arrow pointing to the boss or something, because I got really lost the first time i switched to orange and spent like 2 minutes just trying to find where the boss is lol

I referenced controls from ace combat / project wingman / Microsoft flight sim..... didn’t know it would alienate the war thunder audience....

pro tip you can turn off the mouse camera in the settings 

yeah, sorry about that, the controls were modelled after games like ace combat and project wingman.... I’ll probably add more control options for a post jam update, it’s just hard to appeal to all audiences considering how many different ways different games get you to control planes

I feel like this is some kind of cry for help but yay i drained a couple oceans to stop some bombs hooray

See this is why john must die. He gave us a shitty shitty game, and he deserves an execution because of it. Find him, and kill him. That is your one true goal. Do not falter to the distractions the game deceives you with, as it is all a ploy for John to escape. You still have time left to end him. Hurry, before its too late and he invades this years jam too

Pig commenting on this game..... oh god are you joining boss rush jam this year 

Yep! All elements have a unique effect! It took a lot of work, there were 4 effects for revolver, 4 for Pirate-15 (+1 for the neutral effect), and 2 from barrels. In total, there were 11 different effects we had to make!

Impressive aurally is the best complement ive ever heard. Gonna be using that myself from now on 

at least someone noticed