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A member registered Apr 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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The art is fantastic congratulations ! I can understand  the out of control concept linked to the fire. Nice little game.

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Saw the stream and I should admit, your game is very clever much more fun than Cauldron 2 on C64 ;)  Great work and great realization, congratulations ! Maybe you can expand the concept with other geometrical figures.

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Very nice game, the light is the ways to gain control again. I hope there will be more levels since I think this game has a very good potential. I loved the music as well and the sounds are quite nice. Congratulation for your idea to use light and shadow to create  zones out of control.

Thanks a lot for this nice comment. I had the same bug but with going up by itself ;)  2 days is not always easy to clean all the bugs. Have a nice day and thanks again.

My king is dead 9 times. First time because I had no idea what to do, the other times it was because the rest of the board went crazy ! Nice little game, would be better with sounds or music. It was quite fun to play this non-chess game.

Since I like marbles I came here ;) I played twice and won twice, I'm very lucky maybe. The game fits the theme. I would have loved to have more complicated tracks to be honest ;) Nice "game" anyway.

Impressive art,  my favorite tree is the birch so I was very happy with your game. Impressed by this camera stuff with game maker studio, did you use voxels to create this game ? The story is really short but I have to admit, I really liked it, the puzzles are more for the the exploration of new landscapes for me ;) The theme is very well respected since the purpose of the story itself is to be out of control. And I loved the way the grass moves when the hero touch them, you did a great job, congratulation for this short but impressive game.

Yeah in a 48h jam if something goes wrong and your are "out of control" of the process... it's hard to fit the them the right way ;) This could have been an interesting game made during this jam = having to debug a 48h game jam project :).  Thanks a lot for the explanation and have a great day.

Very nice idea and great concept, this could be a great game with a good IA. I hope you will improve your game with a much better IA to force the player to think his moves the way he would do while playing chess. I enjoyed the game a lot even if the "out of control" feel was not very strong in my opinion.

This game fits very well with the theme, congratulation. You somehow tell a story during the game without telling anything, great work !

Congratulations for your game, I really enjoyed a lot playing it. This type of puzzle is something not so easy to create, the level design is very good. I have read why your game fits the theme... I'm not really sure that your interpretation of the theme is the best... but anyway, this game is really enjoyable. 

Playing this game had me uninstall a lot of things  through f1 - f4 - f7 keys. But nice work, it's nice to try to find the right key when your keyboard is different of mine :)

Good code for the vehicles, they act very well . I think it's not easy at all to code for this kind of behavior. Visually very nice and there is a nice potential for a more mature game here, if you keep on with this game I wish you all the best to make it a great one :)

Very clever, very nice idea. The wall jump is frustrating unfortunately. The level design is great and it's a great mix between puzzle and platformer. Congratulations !

Great game, very nice ideas to renew the concept of TD. You did a great job, I loved how the hero can block the enemies and how you have to find a balance between hiding and taking risk to grab metal en hearts. Congratulation for this very fine piece of fun.

Great execution, I had fun playing your game even if I think it would take a lot of time improving the path you chose for every character. Nice job.

Relaxing and intriguing. If the art may be moving you, you did move the art ;)

I agree, just to have time to see how the IA places the  pieces a single board would be great.

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Great game, very nice mechanics. The art is very nice, the sound and music fit with the game. I had a lot of fun finding new cards, the more powerful  cards are very nice.  But for me it doesn't really fit well with the theme, I never felt I was out of control... maybe if you remove the "end of turn" button it would change the fact I had the impression I had full control of my main character.

Played quite lot, 30 tries I think. Boy I never saw level 2  :(  I would really like to know what is on level 2 since level one is already very hard for me.

My main complain is that the punch is not long enough :) That's really frustrating to be close to the enemy and the punch stops, but I understand it's part of the game. My second complain is that you can't kill enemies with the speed boost, this would save my day :)

Music and sounds fit very well with the game. The feeling of "out of control" is total in this game, you did very well with the theme, your game really fit with it and it's important during a jam.

Thanks a lot for playing my game. It seems you played the game the way I hopped people would do ;) So a big thanks for your message, for  the maze it shows that you have killed some enemies since once an enemy dies there is a chance that he drops an object and if you grab this object you can have bonus or you can be teleported to this famous maze. So this shows you were able to kill some enemies and  you are a boss ;)

For the main guy, he is quite... hairy ;) Happy that you like my hairy hero. Thanks a lot for your review I really appreciate you discovered the maze :p

A snake made of paper ;) The graphics are nice, I think they fit well with phone applications. Your interpretation of "out of control" as it's linked to a stock of the ctrl key is very original. It's not easy to get used to the fact your paper has some speed and when you turn you are not in the row you wanted to be, you have to anticipate a lot, and the speed of the paper doesn't help. This make the game somehow quite hard to handle but when in addition there are random "out of control" moments it's completely frustrating ;) So the theme is perfectly done in my point of view.

The level 5 is insane ! The level 5 is the definition of out of control, the level 5 is the difference between a real pinball and a video game. I like how the ball changed his face during the game, it reminds me of an old game on C64 named "scramble" I loved to play from time to time. Having a pinball without gravity is strange, the ball can move very very fast or very slowly for a long run. I think the sound effects are very well integrated, I was feeling playing pinball. For me the best idea is the "black hole" when the ball is somehow randomly ejected from it, it forces you to be focused and ready to act. I have no idea how the magnet in level 5 works since everything goes too fast in level 5, but anyway ;)

Thanks a lot for your kind review ! Yes if I keep on going with this game the first thing I will try to change is the randomness of the key attribution, having to change the place of your fingers each time you get ammunition is already quite a challenge, having to learn the role of each key is clearly too much for the first levels, maybe this concept would be interesting for a couple of last levels. And I already have some ideas to make this game somehow crazy with some maybe fun additional elements, so killing the monsters would not be the only goal to reach the next level. Thanks a lot again for trying my game.

I agree, having a good strategy to kill the enemies take a long time learning curve,  I was able to do it quite "easily" but because I played the game a lot while testing for bugs and concepts during the 2 days jam. Thanks a lot for the comment about the variety of weapons, it was part of the "out of control" stuff, you never know what kind of projectile you will launch, it's totally random and that's pretty fun sometimes. Thanks a lot for trying my game.

Thanks a lot for trying my game and your kind words ! I think the best way to improve the game is to give the new keys a less random attribution :) But I agree, figuring out what is the core of the game may be main purpose sometimes :)

The concept is perfect ! The game fits perfectly with the theme, what makes your choice so clever it that this time you have to use the out of control in a "positive" way. Watching how the fire move linked to the geometrical use of matches you have used is fascinating ! I have loved to try different strategies and geometrical forms. Your game has a lot of potential. The 3rd level was for me much more easy than the 2nd one since the second level forced me to be very analytical and I have reproduced my technique in the 3rd level and it worked very easily. This game definitely need more polishing and new levels, it's so far one of my favorite game of this jam, great work ! I hope you will continue this game with more complex  levels and maybe other mechanics like a square with water...

A picture to show you how.... frustrating it could be sometimes to be out of control ;) Congratulation for your great concept.

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The "memorable moments" are sometimes really fun  ! My movie always cost too much even if I only chose a single idea. The feeling of being out of control is perfect, you did a great job to link this game with the theme. Congratulation for the creation of all those people having "great ideas".

The handling is nice, I loved the fact that each time you turn one of your wheel is stopped, it makes the driving quite unique and more easy in a way. The width of the car changing when you gain or lose health is a very good idea and change a bit the way of driving.  I had fun playing it for sure. The only "complain" I may have is that for me I don't  really see how this fits the theme unfortunately. 

Too easy to be knight of the night ;) Showing the result of your choice is maybe not the best way to feel that "out of control" stuff, I think you should have hidden it.

Ok I really felt like this was out of control, unable to reach the final deep, the art is nice.  Maybe with a reparation time less long I would have made it ;)

Very cute game. I can see the potential with the last level, the first dungeon was way too easy but the second dungeon where the timing is important start to be very interesting. Great job with the visuals and I hope you will find great ideas to make this game more challenging if you have time to do it.

This is a mix of two types of games I love, very clever idea ! For sure moving the hero is a nightmare and take too much time, but the concept can be easily changed.

a) Once there is no more enemies in the room only tiles for movement fall down, this should already make the game much better.

b) Once there is no more enemies  in  the room, maybe you just have to click on items to collect them, having to move to get all the items is a real nightmare.

For the rest,  this game is a great idea, I would love to see an improved version of this great  concept, with maybe a better IA for the enemies too. I hope you will go on and improve this game.

Here is the link https://osoka.itch.io/out-of-controls  hope you will enjoy playing "your game" made by someone else. ;)

The mix of some 2D and 3D is very nice. This hero is really stupid and I like it ;)  It took me one minute to figure out how to play and after this minute the game was quite fun ! Controlling the hero with the help of the enemies is fun and the sounds are great. Playing your game was nice, it was not too difficult and the bug at the end is a bit frustrating but it's a 2 days work so it's completely understandable.

You are right, I may have made a less difficult and frustrating game with no random attribution to the new keys. I somehow regret doing this  random key attribution but I'm learning ;) And for the spawn... this is unfortunately the effect of the 2 days to create a game, I haven't had the time  to create a clean game without "bug" in the start of the game since it's a randomly generated map. Thanks a lot for trying my game  I really appreciate.

Thanks a lot for playing my game. And  thanks for understanding the purpose of my game ;) Have a nice day.

The presentation = graphics + animation + sounds are very good. Unfortunately I already played a game like this during this jam and was less surprised by your game. Overall I had fun playing your game and this made me realize how much I am used to "adjust" my jumps by pressing key far to  many times for this  game ;)

Nice concept, the fact that you can go back to the normal setting after being hit is nice as well. 

Maybe too easy. I finished the 5 levels in few minutes. I understand this should be very hard to create some tricky levels, maybe if you add something to make the game more difficult it would be a good choice.