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A member registered Jun 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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The concept is interesting and the overall look of the game is great ! But I think the game is a bit too hard for me

Really nice concept ! I won the second time, but it was really cool ! I wonder what a versus version could be like... I just encountered one problem, the sound stops after 30s of playing the game ;(

Awesome entry with Hyper light drifter vibes ! It's a shame that the "bring back life" mechanic is not used in the gameplay because it's beautifull !

Nice entry ! But I dunno how to select the shotgun when buyed, or the others item, it lack of tutorial I think... Maybe just add a text in the game page with controls !

Very fun game, with great graphics and music !

I loved the game ! It is not very ambitious but every part of it is well done, that's a solid entry, congrats !

We really see the work that you gave to the graphics ! The gameplay is nice, but the game over is very brutal, start all over a level again is not very fun.

Congrats for your entry ! The idea and the level design is good, now I think the gameplay could be improved, maybe remove the inertia of the character, and please (please), find a way to not restart the music at each try beacause it is good and we only hear the first seconds XD

Good job for submitting an entry to the jam ! I think maybe your gameplay is way overthinked, maybe try focus on more simple ideas next time

Very beautiful game with a great ambiance !

A very cool game, it reminds me of Terra Nil, I liked that you learn the combination along the way... Also I figured out that we shared a lot of idea with our game :D

Hi ! Sorry, but we couldn't pass the first room, we pressed E everywhere and we were blocked... That's a shame, it seems like a great game ;(

Very fun game ! The pace of the game is good and the graphics and musics are well done ! Nice entry

For the rope mechanics, I assure you it was definitly NOT easy  ! I had to work with sinus and cosinus,  velocity change... Anyway thanks a lot for your comment !

Thanks a lot for your feedback ! It means a lot to me !

* For the edge bug yeah, I am aware of this one, I figured out that we can avoid it by letting go the rope a little, and then pull out again, but I know that it's indeed a bug that needs fixing
* You're right, when one of the two climbers are at 0% stamina, it's lost and it's a shame, maybe let go the rope shouldn't cost stamina for the other
* Swinging yourself is a good idea, but my entire game design is based on the idea that you can't, for example you'll have to climb one here and the other there to finally have the swing to get to that place
* Yeah the game lack some player help, for example the jumps are way too pixel perfect and yeah the "grapping area" of a character is not very clear
* I didn't realize the game was this hard, so yeah I was low in checkpoints and that's a shame, I should have added more

I'm not a fan of getting two different set of keys for the two characters (because it's like you have to learn two different set), but I had the idea to make a multiplayer mode which could be great !

Again thanks a lot for your comments, I think I'll make a quick update after the jam to patch some things !

Thanks for your feedbacks ! Yeah it was my idea that each time you have to grab a climbing block, you should press a button with the right timing, it's maybe too fastidious I realize... For the swinging part you should get a climber in a place, get the other at the right of the other and let go, with the swing you can reach another block. That's a shame nobody that people get frustrated before the end of the game because I put a particular attention on the ending with interesting dialogs and visuals.

Thank you for helping me with that ! But yeah I think it's because to grab a block you have to press w or the up arrow, every time you want to climb. It's my fault it wasn't obvious, I should have explained that better

Is it just that the character don't jump or is it that it dosen't grab the climbing blocks automatically ? Because if it's that it's normal, you have to press the up key every time you want to grab a climbing block

Rrrrh I don't  see the problem in my computer, how am i supposed to debug this ? ;( But thank you anyway !

Woow I loved the experience, it reminds me a lot of paper please but with a nice story line ! I just finished the game with the ending where you are stuck with Irene in the mountain,  I will look for other endings right now !

Nice entry, but maybe too ambitious for a game jam, because having a class system, leveling system and game mode with training is cool, but the core mechanic is not polished enough. Some  things you can do to make it more clean : 

  • A variable jump, more you press on the jump button,  higher your character get,  like on the Mario games or the vast majorities of plateformers
  • Feedbacks when you take a damage : screenshake, frame freezing, animation, sound
  • Feedback when you make a damage : blood, sound, ennemy, animations
  • Feedback when the ennemies are attacking, a change of colour on the sword has not so much impact, so we need an animation, or a sound

In overall, it's very impressive the quantity of things that are in this game, and it's quite good !  But maybe for the next game jam, make a more simple mechanic and polish it until it's  perfect.

Thanks a lot for your support ! Yeah, I know there are many different inputs and I failed to make a good tutorial about it... I should have done more play testing from others... Did you make it to the end ?

That's  a fun game ! The controls are hard to get used to,  and           I didn't get to the end of the game but this was fun ! 

Wow I am so impressed of the quality of  this game, it's really a nice game with even a leaderboard !  A bit hard sometimes when you should click on separate objects very quicly, an idea for that is to bind some keys on  each type of object where you can interact, like the very good game Yoku's Island Express (if you  didn't played it yet go for it)

A very nice remix of  pac man, but in a platformer ! Controls are good, animations are very satisfying, music and sound are cool... I just don't understand very well the bomb an exorcism mechanics, maybe you should have put a tutorial in your game, but overall very cool entry !

A very nice game,  it was quite hard to understand what were the power up first but I think I got it. Well done !

A very nice game ! Graphics are good, sound and music too, controls is precise, my only advice is to work a little bit your difficulty ramp, I get that it's supposed to be a hard game but try lower the difficulty at the start of the game... I didn't go further the first trampoline, but if I have the time I'll get more into it ! (And, for the music try a AudioStreamPlayer instead of an AudioStreamPlayer2D, like that we won't have the music just in one ear)

oh no I knew I should have playtest my game with my friend... It's always the problem when you are the only person to test your game you get good at it and don't see the difficulty anymore. Sorry about that 😔

thanks a lot 😘

Nice entry, but yes it's not a "game" because there is no real way to beat it, explore it or understand a story, it's more like a simulation. It's a shame because you could  have added a  roguelike system when each decision  can harm you if it's not right, and when the number of souls increase with time.

Very interseting idea and awesome graphics ! I still think that add mouse control should be nice, and a difficulty curve please the first ennemy just destroy me and I can't do nothing !

Awesome game, for a first experience on game development it's really a great entry ! I have some advices if you want to continue the game : 

- Add feedbacks : when the player is taking damage, make a sound, shake the screen,  add sound on every actions the player do (dash, do damage to an ennemy...)

- Polish the character controls : the attack comes five or six frames before we press the button, and we fill it (it should be practically immediate, even if there is a great animation on the attack, it shouldn't take over the game feel)  the character seems slippery on the ground and you can add a jump that is higher or lower when pressing longer a button, as Mario.

For the attack energy bar and the fact that we can't move while attacking, it really slow down the pace of the game, but it could be a game design choice sooo... You'll have to improve it and test it so it becomes more fun

But overall it's a great prototype, so keep it up !

Nice idea, and great graphics ! Although I think the game has a lot of great idea but they are not interacting well between each other, like when you climb walls you can't kill enemies because they are all in the ground, and I love the variety of terrain (are they randomly generated ?) but as it's too difficult to get on them we can't appreciate them (jump is too low and climbing too long). We also fill a little vulnerable from the projectiles, maybe just ennemies that run on you and kill you on contact should be great

But overall nice entry, you could be proud of what you've done !

Nice entry ! You maybe ran out of time but I see some improvement to do if you want to make this game more fun :

- Add an information on the GUI to see if the player got a tape or no

- Add a difficulty curve for the game : when the game start, the player should be in a safe room, then I should face an easy challenge to learn the rules of the game, maybe with just one camera, and finally you can add more challenge on the levels

- Try to not restart the music on dying, it's quite annoying to always hear the same note

- Why is there a key for running ? Is it sometimes more interesting to just walk on the game ? If not, try to focus on the essential, if you run 100% of the game, just make the player run by default

Very fun game and cool music ! I like the use of the theme as it break the game more and more... Good job !

Thanks for playing ! Yeah for the sound we ran out of time... Maybe it's normal that he died if you treat him like that ! (No seriously to keep him alive you should have gave him some food in the box)

Thanks ! Yeah we finished in a hurry so we didn't have the time to add the sound, it's a shame but we are glad to have a "finished" game

Thank you very much <3

Thank you so much ❤️ I'm glad you found the difficulty fair !

Thank you ! For the wild card I was greatly inspired of metroid vania like Hollow Knight