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A member registered Nov 23, 2016 · View creator page →

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Very Cute Art. Had a hard time figuring out what I have to do though

Very funny game! Finally I can work in my freetime! Good Job :)

Not easy to handle but driving feels cool. GJ

Thanks :)

You can board a Train by pressing "e" while standing next to it (if a red arrow is over it)

This game feels incredigly well made! Very Cool

Great Visuals! Jumping felt little unforgiving. I think some time after going over the edge in which the player still can jump would make it feel a little better. Otherwise good job :)

Cute Cloud game. Reminds me of the game i made for GMTK game jam this year! Nice job 

Like the Art! Reminds me of german point and click adventures from 20 years ago. (thats a positive :))

Visuals are great! I think having different sensitivity on the 2 mouse axis is not great. 

Interesting Idea! Some Visual effects that the coins are healing would be great. I was a little confused if I should collect them or not at first

The driving feels realy cool! Great Job! 

Thanks for playing! :) Yeah can definetly see that. Not quite sure though how you realy could make this part more interesting ... 

Thanks! Yeah most of the delays etc. are RNG. Would definetly need a better balancing :)

Thank you very much!

Thanks! Yeah sure :)

Ah and btw didnt work on chrome for me. Firefox it worked just fine 

Like the style and procedural animation. Game is hard which is a plus for me. Hitboxes feel a little off sometimes.

Cute Idea. Seems a little buggy though. Got stuck on Not grounded mode while i was on the Ground. 

Thanks for checking out :)

Simple but well made! Gameplay feels smooth, art looks decent. Good job!

Nice little build your own tower game! Not much to complain about :)

Realy like the character model. For some reason my camera rotated by itself all the time. Together with the high mouse sensitivity it made it realy hard to actually play the game

Cool Idea and style. Didnt realy understand what was happening while 3D printing though

Cool style. Gameplay is a little confusing but I like the Idea overall. Keep it up :) 

Excelent vibe! Cool idea art and puzzles! Keep it up!

This is so cool! Love the style, the idea and has a lot of potential! 

Thanks! :)

Cant realy see whats happining because its cut off :( Style is pretty cool though

Cool art. Game felt little clunky to play

Beautiful! realy like it :) 

Nice. Reminds me off something like unpacking. I think some indicators which slider scales which object would have been cool. Or event better be able to scale the objects not with ui but via direct interaction with them. Otherwise well done :)

Cute game. Got some bugs I think were some sprite was missin and there was a big black rectangle instead.

Great! Really stressed me out. 

Like the rule based Gameplay. Nice Idea!

Nice Idea and great Art. Some sounds would have nice.

Cute :) nice little puzzler which also tells a cute story. text scrolling sound is a bit loud in my taste compared to the rest. Good Job!

Very Nice! Little too hard I think but everything else is top notch. The art, the movement, the sounds just great!

Cute Art. Not a big fan of the not being able to move with WASD. Otherwise good game!

Nice atmosphere! Got some wild collisions going on