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Zondre the Vexed

A member registered Oct 18, 2018 · View creator page →

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Pirate cat! *high five*

There is a pirate fox in my submission 🏴‍☠️

I wish the gameplay was a bit more diverse, but this is a pretty good looking jam game. Nice job

Neat concept! I thought it was fun trying to figure out where the ship was. I wish the oxygen timer was less time based and went down as you moved around. That would give you more time to think and make it a little more strategic I think, then having it being about moving and jumping as much as you possibly can. 

I think if you wanted to make it time based you certainly could, but I would have more upbeat music to really bring home the sense of urgency. Nice job overall though I thought it was a nice take on the Space theme.

Glad you liked the music!

Diagonal movement presented technical issues as well due to the limitations of the engine. It has a tendency to not allow you to turn while you are moving in some cases. It is possible to work around this in construct but the time investment would be fairly significant and one we could not afford with just one developer working on the mechanics.

I'm glad you like the music! I really want to explore the gameboy chip more. I discovered during this jam I prefer working with it over the 2A03 which is what I'm more used to. For my next project, I'm going to do a little more experimentation I think with the wave channel in particular c:

I asked this a few comments above. The gameboy isnt capable of rotating tiles so yes it would be a unique tile.

To add to this: if you use the same designed tile but with different assigned colors is that a different tile? Eg a darker green pixel in the top left corner with a light green background.

Can you rotate tiles to stay within the 192 tile limit? Like could a tile with one light green pixel in the top left corner be the same unique tile as a tile with a light green pixel in the bottom right corner?

Nice job getting that into a rom. The art style was cute.

Props! Might be fun to rom hack this guy into a game like Pokemon and abduct NPCs haha

Definitely didn't brute force my way through the puzzle with the 5 switches 😅

Thanks! ^^


Thanks, glad you enjoyed it ^^

Thanks so much 💜 In the process I did a lot of experimenting with different modes and tonal centers, as well as how I created each instrument to get the desired effect. Glad you liked it!

If we did that, I suppose we'd have to call it NOGGINS with an S haha. Would love to create some diverse soundtracks for different planets though. Thanks for playing!

Ahh ok I didnt see that part. Its funny how it says you "can't use any premade assets" and then goes on to list assets you can actually use. 

Maybe it should say "except for the assets outlined in the next paragraph" ;)

But yeah that seems pretty justified.

I didn't really understand how to progress after moving the boxes in the beginning :/ It would be better I think if you instead did a demo of sorts to show the player exactly what they should be doing instead of giving them a wall of text to read. The art is nice though

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I think the game is overall good. Difficult, but I was able to beat it. The one critique I'll mention is it feels a little cheaty to spam the movement button for better control. I was able to beat some of the later levels and only died a couple times by doing that.

But yeah, that music slaps 🤘

Dang that was good. My one main critique is I'm iffy on the use of pre-existing assets. The gamejam rules did explicitly say not to use them. Was this done with permission from one of the jam hosts?

That said, I loved this as a game. It was more moody than I was expecting, and I thought the introduction of the mechanics and difficulty at the beginning was really well done. I wont spoil the game for people but I was definitely shocked and wasn't left bored with the turn of events :)

Woah really cool game. I enjoyed this a lot. The animations when you get attacked in combat were a nice addition. I also really liked the music, the overall tone of the game felt fairly consistent. 

Some critiques I have are when you decide to attack, there is no way to cancel. Pressing 'B' I think should send you back in any of those menus, instead of hitting a cancel button. Also, I feel like the controls were a little funky. I think I prefer A on the left and B on the right despite the Gameboy and other Nintendo consoles doing the opposite.  

I thought it was interesting how you switch palettes throughout the game, and I think they were well chosen colors. Also I liked the characters and the cute dog. The special ability "Big Att" made me chuckle. Good job!

Fun! Found myself trying to beat my highscore a few times. I wish those bullets were a little easier to get between with the ship, but overall I enjoyed it. I found the tutorial was painless and was a nice addition.

It seems like the key is to download the jar, not the exe! The jar worked for me, albeit the game being stuck in the windowed resolution.

Funny, I actually compared the game to ToeJam and Earl too when Sojourn briefed me on it. He described the game to me as "funky" xD

Was definitely going for an eerie vibe. Thanks!

Hey glad you like the colors. I was really going for old school for sure and tried to use a lot of 3 color palettes.

I should have made the ground something other than grass for more contrast with the player, but I was too indecisive on what else to make it so I just left it.

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I was planning to make it about saving villagers from evil sheep but the villagers got cut RIP

This is what happens when you do all the actual game design parts in like an eighth of the available time I guess lol

Also this was technically my second jam, first solo jam though!

Yeah, I spent more than half the time just animating the dragon haha. Oops.

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Witch Episode 1 crashes if you pick up the the wooden stake for Drake

Also, Episode 3 gets really easy if you get Lightning Rod. Lightning Rod doesn't discharge when you use it in that episode, meaning if you upgrade it you can deal 20+ damage with a single die multiple times in a row.

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If you get silenced in Warrior episode 2 you do not get dice, so you can't break the silence. 

You are a gentleman and a scholar

Online or against a bot would be awesome. Even if the online is just vs friends that would be cool