I really liked the novel approach on this one. It's quite refreshing to see how all the nodes all tie together. And the story carries on. I bet you all must have done a lot of writing on this!
I tried out your game, and it's pretty nice. I liked the shooting multiple enemies. One part that kinda felt rough is the shooting off into the left side in that valley the bullets can fly for a realllly long time.
I liked how it was difficult, but sometimes it seemed like I was always going to die mathmatically. I only had 8 hours to gather food and wood, and I lost 10 hours worth of food and wood. I think you might be able to pare down the design a bit and add some variety?
Hey! I liked this game, but it felt like maybe I could use a rally point? Where my guys can march out, and stop at? Then I can more easily get them to the front line without having to think about them as much.
I really liked how much of a zen feeling this was, but it kinda leveled off for me after a while. Maybe you could have to run from fire to fire, and have one fire flicker and fade as you use it to attack enemies??
I really liked the sound design on this game. The art is smooth too! I like the pixel art and the vibe. You all really nailed it! This is great! This is just a great game over all!
I really liked the sound design on this game. The art is smooth too! I like the pixel art and the vibe. You all really nailed it! This is great! This is just a great game over all!