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Helltaker Modding Tool

Create your own custom chapters! · By v-null

Bug Reports Go Here! Sticky

A topic by v-null created May 16, 2021 Views: 2,192 Replies: 50
Viewing posts 1 to 17

Explain what happened leading up to the bug and any other additional information.

Hello, I was gonna save a level, but it crashed? 
I got an error screen as such, pls help. Thanks and sorry for any inconviences caused


main.lua:735: bad argument #1 to 'close' (FILE* expected, got nil)


[C]: in function 'close'

main.lua:735: in function 'save_chapter'

main.lua:353: in function 'scene_settings_window'

main.lua:275: in function 'draw_ui'

main.lua:159: in function 'draw'

[C]: in function 'xpcall'

Developer (1 edit)

Hello, thank you for the report. Usually these are caused by UTF8 or UNICODE characters used in the folder names (for example diacritic: á é ó). Current workaround is to use plain/basic letters for folders and directories.

"D:\Projécts\Helltáker Modding\Réléásé\Helltáker" [This will throw an ERROR]

"D:\Projects\Helltaker Modding\Release\Helltaker" [This will SAVE properly]

This will be fixed in the next update but let me know if that fixed it.

Turns out it only happened when I deleted the custom levels that were found in the mod (which returns the game to its original form). 

how do you even move the files into the actual helltaker game?

this shit barely fucking works,  I spent 2 hours trying to learn the controls because there is no fucking description on how to use this shitty program. Like man when I save my level it makes FOUR different files, like how the fuck am i supposed to fit 4 files in the place of one. Dude get your shit together and update that stupid ass description, and make a program that fucking works so I can make a level. The only reason I downloaded this was to avoid using Unity because I don't know too much about it, but it would be much faster to download Unity and learn to do this myself, then using this dogshit app.


Simply extract contents into the game. The reason app creates multiple files is due to simpler structuring. You don't really need to do anything with the files themselves as the modded game reads them automatically. There are tooltips when you hover over the controls so hope that helps. If you wish to create your own mods from scratch I recommend dnSpy and UABE. Let me know if there are any other issues.

Dude 7zip can't extract these files, so it doesn't work


Since it is a simple .zip file, Windows can open them by itself. You should be able to double click on the archive file and open it up and then drag folders into the game's directory. If it doesn't, I recommend updating 7zip, since I have created the archive using it, then right click and select "Extract here". Let me know if any specific error messages pop up. FYI: I only tested mod on Windows machines so not sure how it will react on others.



Not sure what seems to have caused this, but I'm trying to make a level. Shows up just fine in the editor, but upon launching it in game, almost all of the pieces are gone. Here's a comparison of the level inside the editor, versus how it appears in game. It also seems to enable the HUD despite that being disabled in the level settings. I thought it might be related to my use of custom art assets, but opting for others didn't improve anything. Any ideas?

Developer (1 edit)

It might be an internal error which causes the mod not to load fully. Would you be able to send me a copy of your data folder from your game's directory to see what the issue is?


I PMed you a link on your reddit account with the data folder in a .zip, and details on a little additional weirdness. Thanks for looking into it.


Alright so I did a little experimenting and it definitely seems to be related to custom art assets afterall. If I try to assign custom backgrounds or busts, the level breaks in the editor in various ways. The more assets I use the more it breaks; if I just try to load a custom bust, I get the HUD (despite disabling it) but the level otherwise works. If I try to load a custom bust and a custom background, the entire level breaks down like in the sample image.

Developer (1 edit)

Have you converted the files before running the game? You need to go into "converter" folder in the "editor" folder and run the "ConvertCustomImages.exe". If you need step by step instructions click on "Use Custom Images" button in the editor. The data itself look fine so it might be that.


I forgot to, thank you. But some other weirdness is acting up now; if I assign the (now converted) assets, the game locks up during launch and crashes. I was able to move the assets to a clean copy of the mod tool and even got them to boot in game and work properly by applying them to one of your tutorial levels, so it can't be the assets themselves anymore...

I must have something fucky going on, so I'm going to bring over elements of my game crashing folder to the currently working one until I find what's causing it to break. If I find out I'll let you know. Cheers.


Sounds good just let me know if you can't sort it out and I'll take another look.

Hello! im having some problems with the custom assets, i follow all the instructions but the game shows the in-puzzle level layout and the new custom text don't shows up, this is how that looks like (im testing a bit but for more i try i can't fix this) 


To disable the ui you need to tick off these options in the Scene Settings Window (Check example image below: Red is the side UI with counters, Green is the "Life Advice and Restart" UI). As for custom text, if you mean the dialogue I'll need extra context as to how its arranged in editor or a screenshot of the editor window, or a data folder so I can take a closer look.

The thing is i have those disable from the editor, i exported my custom images in the busts folder, run the ConvertCustomImages.exe and build a new dialoge in the editor, after do all of that i run the game and it's when the game breaks showing the UI and my custom dialoge like disable


Would you be able to zip up the "data" folder in the game directory and send it my way? I'll take a look and see what the issues is internally, if you want to send it privetly here's my email:

Oh sure! Lemme send it rq


I am back with great news, all it was that one of your files "gar_Excusemewhat" has a capital letter, which messes up the way data is read. Which is a dumb moment on my part and will be fixed in version 1.0 but if you rename it to "gar_excusemewhat" it will run like butter. Let me know if there are any more issues.

OH THANKS YOU SO MUCH! you saved me hours of pain trying to guess what was causing problems qwq

I figure this is not a bug, but I didn't want to make a new thread. 

The chapter select does not work in a modded folder from what I can tell, unless there's something I'm doing wrong. If not that would be at the top of my wishlist for an upcoming update!


Yeah chapter select is currently not supported, perhaps in version 1.0

I'm having some issues with the editor... would you mind helping me?

Hello v-null! I have some questions about your modding tool. I already made some intresting levels but it's not enough for me. Is it posible to replace a textures of level backdrops, rocks and characters? It would be really good if all community members could create something massive and impressive such as Heaventaker.


Don't fret, version 1.0 will feature support for an almost full sprite replacement, not just animated characters but also UI, bad end, glorious success, transitions, etc. Look forward to it in September

Thanks you mate! looking forward to September. I wish you the best luck with this!

Is it still WIP?


Yep and the version 0.999 is now out. You can now change huge range of assets so give it a go!

hi, i'm trying to add my own busts but i don't know what i'm doing wrong.

i did everything right but it sill doesn't work, anyway i can contact you for help?

i'm making a completely different story and girls so yeah.

i also converted it


What happens when you run the game with the custom art? Does it start at all?

honestly i don't know lmao, i'm new to modding so i don't know what i'm doing. 

the game starts like always, but i'm talking about the editor. when i click "use costum images" i get the guide on how to, for the rest i don't know what else to do.


Version 0.999 just got released and you can now drag and drop custom images into the editor, give it a go. If you need more help just let me know!

(1 edit)

Hey v-null! Found a bug. 

When changing the bust between two dialogue elements in a cutscene, the game doesn't do the transition animation based on the element shown previously, but  on the previous element numerically.

What I mean is when Element1  links to Element3, then Element3 will do the bust changing animation based on what is on Element2 instead of Element1. I noticed it when using choice dialogue, but it works on normal dialogue too. I found a workaround by adding an extra element in front Element3 that isn't linked to by anything and is using the correct bust.

Edit: On a second thought if you are not planning to add a button to manually turn the transition on , it might be a good idea to keep this bug in. The workaround I mentioned could be used for the same purpose, while keeping filenames consistent and not having duplicate files.

Another bug I mentioned on /htg/, but you might have not seen it is that lasers can kill the player during cutscenes. Aim a pulsating laser at a goal, move onto the goal when it's not firing and you'll die in the middle of the cutscene when it shoots again. Might be a good idea to make it so the cutscenes pause the game.


Thanks for the reports. I have exposed transition as an option in the dialogue editor and fixed the bug. Enjoy version 0.999!

Hi! I have some bug reports for v0.999. Developers love fixing bugs, right?

First is about converting my old maps to the new version. I'm not really sure if it's actually a bug or I'm doing something wrong, but the game always throws up an error when loading the old goals. Always the exact same error including those long hex numbers, even on different maps.

(Btw is there a text log or a way to copy these onto a clipboard?)

If I delete those goals and make a new one with the same text, settings, custom images, etc. it works perfectly. The game only has problem with the old ones which is why I think it's a backwards compatibility problem. Here's what I did in case I'm doing something wrong:

  • Backed up my old data and custom folders.
  • Made a fresh install for Helltaker and installed the new editor.
  • Played around the editor a bit to see the new features.
  • Actually tried to add the old maps.
  • .DATA and .TEXT files went to the data folder. I also put .OBJECTS files here at first, but I didn't on later tries since I noticed that it's not needed anymore.
  • .SAVE files went to the 'data/level saves' folder. I also tried only adding these files and not the other ones.
  • I originally didn't bother with the .IMAGE files, since I figured it's better if I convert them again. Attempting it on later tries didn't help either. Same error with old goals. Can't load them with new goals, probably because the filename is in all caps.
  • Moved my .png custom images to the 'editor/custom' folder and used the converter. These seem to otherwise work.
  • Ran the editor and saved all levels. I later tried not doing this, but it unsurprisingly didn't work.  I tried deleting the .SAVE files while the editor was running, then save. It didn't work either. Also tried duplicating the chapters then deleting the originals. 
  • Ran the game. Get the error.

I encountered the second bug while fiddling around the editor.  I tried replacing the level transition, but it doesn't work. I renamed the folder, overwrote the template files and converted them, it even appears correctly in the 'data/replace' folder, but the game only shows the original one. Replacing other assets works correctly.

I found the third one when I wanted to do a completely empty map so I deleted everything in the data folder, subfolders included. And the editor didn't save. It throws an error if it doesn't have the right folder structure. I figured it would automatically create those, but it doesn't. The converter has the same issue.

Anyway I don't want you to think that I only have complaints. I otherwise love the new features and they give me some ideas how to use them. Keep up the good work!


Thanks a lot for the bug report, just released a hotfix which fixes: transition and backwards compatability bugs. Haven't touched folder repopulation yet cus that task is a little bigger. But let me know if there are any other issues.

Thanks for your answer. Replacing the transition now works properly. 

Unfortunately the backwards compatability does not. I did some digging and figured out that the issue is related to refreshing the busts. (which is my eternal bane, because this is the third bug I encountered related to it.) The editor does not add the "refresh":true/false line for old saves which in turn gives a nil value for the .DATA files. Clicking on all the refresh checkboxes (including the first one that can't be unchecked) fixes this issue. Then I can uncheck whichever I don't need.

Another bug I found is concerning fractional numbers.  If I add any, like 0.5, this error occurs:

It happened with with the custom colors and graphics offset for custom objects, but I imagine it happens with everything that allows floating numbers.  The level you included in the download also has this problem due to it using custom colors, which I assume worked for you properly.

It seems to me this is some kind of localization issue, as my language (including my OS language) is using commas instead of dots for fractions. Interestingly changing the values (eg. from 0.5 to 0,5) in the .DATA files actually fixes this issue. At least until I save in the editor again.

(As a side note the .DATA files sometimes not actually have the same fraction I added in the editor just a really close one. for example 0.30 in the editor becomes 0.30000001192093 in the .DATA file. It doesn't seem to affect the game in any noticeable way, but I thought you should know.)


Just uploaded hotfix b, should patch up the bugs you have mentioned. Let me know if you run into any problems.

Sorry, but it didn't work. I still get both errors. Did you upload the wrong version by accident?

Btw, I forgot to add in my last post. My OS language is Hungarian, so you might want to switch to that if you want to replicate the floating number error.


Damn, could you send the .DATA and .SAVE file that you're having troubles with. It will help me to narrow down the errors.

If you can, send them to this email:

Thank you

(1 edit)

Hi! i got a "little" error  with the sprites in the demo level, i tried deleting old archives and installing the modding tool, But it's still the same

In new levels this doesn't happens, isn't a big problem but it scared me (sorry for the translated english Dx)


It's just an example of sprite swapping. You can turn it off by going into the replace folder which you can find in the editor directory. In there, there are several folders, one of which is "demons". If you rename it to "_demons", or anything, else and then run ConvertCustomImages. This will remove replacement sprites and make the girls appear normal.

Where is the button to put cutscenes before and after episodes etc. ?

i extracted the file contents to Helltaker, when i start the actual editor though it gives me this error

This thread seems pretty dead, but I'll post anyways. Having a problem with the dialogue.

For one, the background is always abyss, no matter what I set it to. I've tried it with 3 different dialogues, refresh and without refresh, and it's still abyss.

For two, there's this additional black fade that occupies the sides of the screen while in dialogue that I can't seem to get rid of (pictured).

For three, some of my dialogue is accompanied by the loud noise that comes with entering the Abyss ingame but much louder. In one that noise isn't there but I can't figure out why that is (as seen in the Malina picture, the background is abyss while the setting says home).

In addition, how do I make it so that once dialogue finishes, the player simply exits dialogue and can still move around the room? The closest I've managed to get is refreshing the room afterwards, which only half-works for obvious reasons.

Really hoping this thread is still checked. If you do still provide help, thank you!


utf8_filenames.lua:178: Failed to determine Windows ANSI codepage from Windows registry


[C]: in function 'get_windows_ansi_codepage'

utf8_filenames.lua:178: in function <utf8_filenames.lua:50>

[C]: in function 'require'

main.lua:3: in main chunk

[C]: in function 'require'

[C]: in function 'xpcall'

[C]: in function 'xpcall'

I have a little problem with movement, i cant move up or down, and in the menu it always goes down, and when i enter a level it always move left and dont let me move down or up, and is always moving at the left, can someone please help?