So recently, I started working on a visual novel that is the first entry of a series of games I want to make. But I'm struggling to stay motivated on it because of my fear that it's not good enough...
I tend to make my games for fun and to entertain others, but I'm pretty overly critical about the things I make. I don't think it's necessary a bad thing as it just helps me improve and make the best version of my game but rn I'm getting way too caught up with the idea that everyone might hate it or that what I'm doing is all for nothing
I'm really passionate about this game series and have been planning it for about a year so I don't want it to throw itself into that one pit from Inside Out where everything gets forgotten. RIP Bing Bing 😭
So my main question is how do you reassure yourself that your game has value and how do you avoid getting caught up and obsessively worry about the amount of views, downloads or comments you get for them