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Engaging Destiny

Follow the story of a new knight and his mentor as they go on a mission for the king. · By WolfBite Interactive LLC

Bug Report Full Release - Bathhouse Update Sticky

A topic by WolfBite Interactive LLC created Oct 02, 2023 Views: 1,921 Replies: 44
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Developer (4 edits)

Thanks for checking out the project!  

 If you encounter any bugs or other issues, you can leave a post here about it! Thank you, folks!

If you downloaded the old demo before we posted the updated one (10-02-23 is the newest one), and you have issues with Saving/Loading your game in the full build (or new demo), please try deleting the game data from the old demo!

To find that data, navigate here >> C:\Users\NAME\AppData\LocalLow\WolfBite Interactive\Engaging Destiny

Delete the contents of that folder to remove the old demo data, then try running the updated builds.


Known Issue:

There may be issues with your regional time causing a crash when the game starts. A workaround for now would be to change your regional format setting to "English (United States)".

Setting your System Language to 'English' might help with other crashes as well. This is not something we expected to see, so we'll be looking more into it.

If Garret is -not- outside of his house at any time -other than- night, interacting with his door will cause the game to crash. Leaving the town and coming back should result in him returning,


Update for Apple Silicon 11/10/23:

For MAC users (primarily ones running with Apple Silicon), please see this DevLog post on a workaround for displayable issues!

Current Version -


Congrats Dyne, already buying it in Steam, quick question, the demo for android is still the old version? 

Nope! All the demos have been updated as well so you get a good test of what the full version will be like.

Latest update completely bricked my game in Itch. Couldn't start it because it said I needed to update. Couldn't update so I tried reinstalling. Can't reinstall now, it just keeps redownloading the game but never registers it as installed. I just had to manually delete like 6 gigs worth of reinstalls from my Appdata.

This seems to happen if you are using the Itch app. Please try downloading it directly from Itch and unzipping it.

Ok, that seems to work fine with my old 1.0.3 saves still intact, if I launch the exe directly outside the app.

I'm not 100% sure if its the right version though; was the invisible wall bug in Moorsh Grotto supposed to be fixed in this update? Its still there when I reload the save, unless I need to restart a new game completely?


If you load an old save where you're stuck there, it'll still be there, BUT, there was the shortcut added in the northern part of the cave where you find his big mushroom, juuuust in case something like that happened.


Worked perfectly! Thank you.


Excellent!  Great to hear it~

During Garret's conversation about how he lost his finger, when he asks Calen that there is one thing Calen could do for him, Calen is supposed to reply with "What?" but instead it's labeled for Garret and it even highlights his sprite.

A typo, during Mandilitrio's conversation about sizes among his people, this line sure be "The size of your body is impressive as it is..."


Thanks for pointing these out!  I'll add them to the log to be corrected~

(1 edit)

Hey I 100%'d the game and only encountered one crash right after Calen is betrayed by the guard on top the mountain. I attempted to go to Garret's where he wasn't outside strangely, so I attempted to enter the house and it crashed. On a reload Garret appeared outside the house and it was fine!

I also despite completing the parameters, haven't got the achievements Underwear Thief & Forest Ranger on steam achievements.


That's so weird! From the screenshot you sent it's almost like you tried showing Garret the soap? We'll have a look at this and see if there's a bug hiding there we need to fix. Thanks for letting us know!

Yeah figured I'd give it a shot but he just wasn't outside lol, on a reload he was at least!

I had this bug as well. It wasn't exactly showing the soap bar. For me I got the Garret sparing scene after handing in 5 node locations. I then proceeded to finish gathering all the stuff to save Warrick, and visiting Garret's shop he wasn't there. Interacting with his house/shop caused that popup to appear and crash the game. 


Oh, interesting.  That  would mean  he's not where he should be (he should only be gone at night), and the game is trying to run his dialog without him being there.  We fixed this issue once before, but it seems something else has happened that we'll have to check out.

(2 edits)

Yeah Garret wasn't there at dawn/day/dusk after saving Warrick. Basically I did 5 nodes > Garret sparing cutscene >  completed saving Warrick > Warrick was waiting for me to leave for Dragon Roost > I refused to check if I missed anything > Went to Garret's place and no Garret and interacted with his house > error message appeared. 

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for the details there!  It'll make it easier to hunt down.  If you go into the mines/forest/grotto and come back (or save and load even), he -should- spawn normally after that (a temporary kind of fix till we can patch it).

I have got a similar error 2x in a row now during the "Warrick claiming me" scene (right before climax too :( lol). So it seems that thing will always happen to me at that specific scene :/ 

(1 edit) (+1)

I found an error (in the picture), that occurs during the scene which comes after talking to Warrick and picking "Claim Me" choice. After about the maybe 5 to 10 seconds, the game crashes to desktop. This is on new save file, so yeah I don't know what is going on here.


Hey there, sorry to see that happened!  Did it happen multiple times, or was it just the once that it happened?

Hey, encountered that error too, on the old save. Game reload didn't help. Error always occurs during 'Claim me' scene.

No worries. But yeah, the error occurs every time when I try to access the scene. I have tried to play it maybe 5 times, but with all of those five tries, the error still occurs everytime.


I think it has something to do with the system language, I changed mine to english and it stopped happening.

(3 edits)

You are right on the money. I went and changed my system language to English and the scene played itself perfectly, no error whatsoever. So yeah it is tied to system language somehow.


Wow, that too?  Thanks for letting us know!

(1 edit)

same thing is happening to me, I have only tried 2x, but both times it happens at this exact point. My game is already in english, where can I change the language of the game? 


We're putting out a new update soon, so hopefully whatever is causing it gets corrected!


changing the language of my PC to english did fix the issue for me as well, I misunderstood at first, thought I would have to change in game language :)

Hi there, the Gallery and Cast Bios section under Extras has reverted to all "???" entries for me with the latest version. Playing on Windows, and have a few save files near the end of the game with most of the gallery unlocked. Has anyone else experienced this glitch?


Hmm, I can't say I've seen that.  Sorry that it happened!  We'll take a look into it and see if we can figure out what caused it.

Ello there, I played for a bit on and when it came out on steam, I started playing there again but for some reason I'm not getting any of the achievements. The only one I've gotten is the "By Moonlight" Anything else like "Underwear Thief" or any of the potion ingredients aren't working for me.


Try this.  Open the game from Steam, open your file and open the accolade menu.   Hit the jump button and Update Steam to sync with your local data to steam.

(1 edit)

Hello can I ask a question? Im stuck to find Mandilitrio's bathroom scene because I cant find away light source to enter the cave after end game.

(4 edits)

Hello. With the steam version, I've encountered an error  (Forgot to save it sorry)  when clicked on the blacksmith's house door. I've lost 3 hours of  actual gameplay, double, if we count all the time I've spent on figuring these things . The extras and npcs I've encourented during the scenes seems to be intact, but I lost all quest progress and items etc. colllected since last save. 

I guess I should have saved more often... I will from now on, but an auto save function would be really nice to have.

Sometimes a bit annoying with all the  runniing back-and forth you have to do and the lack of direction ( Like how you reach certain points in the game, which travel spot takes you where, no map whatsoever-at lest I wasn't able to find it -  etc.). 

I guess that's part of the design like in those old games where you had to figure everyout by yourself. I am not really a fan of this design to be honest, but the rest of the game is soooooo enjoyable that it makes me forget these invconviences and I will re-do evertything that is lost as soon as I get off work tomorrow.  

Otherwise I REALLY LOVE this game!

Everything in it show care and love for the game.  I really hope there will be more updates and or expnansions. 


Ack, sorry to hear that.  That bug seems to have reared its head again, so we'll take a look at it!  Autosaving would be a handy feature to have too, so it's something we'll keep in mind for the future (it wasn't something that crossed our minds until... well, after we released, bahaha).  Avoid talking to the Blacksmith's door if he's not outside and it's not night time.  IF you go into the mines/caves/forest while he's not there, he should reappear (as long as it isn't night!).

On the plus side, we ARE happy to hear that you're enjoying the game that much.  

I purchased the game through Itch, but when I try to launch it opens steam and then never loads the UI or title screen to actually start the game? I can hit enter and start a new game- but the HUD is gone and I am unable to navigate the menu. On a M2 Macbook if that helps.


Hey there! The  Apple Silicone chips cause issues that are addressed on the main page for the game. Unfortunately, it's something we don't have a fix for right now.

We've seen someone have success running it use something called Crossover, but that's the only workaround we've heard of at the moment.

I'll look Into it! Thanks!

Bug during arakhan bath scene:( 

 i played on Android 


Can you elaborate?  This doesn't tell me much, haha

when i triggered the scene, the protagonist keeps stuck on the water, doesn't follow arkhan to jump on the bush

I'm unable to install the game [I'm using the desktop programme.]

I keep getting the following error:

"An error occurred during installation mkdir D:\Comics and Games\Itch\apps\engaging-destiny 2\Engaging Destiny-StandaloneWindows64\Engaging Destiny_Data\il2cpp_data: The system cannot find the path specified."

Is there a workaround for this, or a fix incoming?


The only workaround we have right now is just to not use the Itch app for the game.  As for a fix, it's something we're looking at (it seems to be a fairly common issue with the itch app)!

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