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Tunnels Goons Text for hacking Sticky

A topic by Highland Paranormal Society created Aug 08, 2019 Views: 6,332 Replies: 37
Viewing posts 1 to 18

I want people to use Tunnel Goons to make their own games. So here is the text in an easily copyable format if you'd like to use it.


Game Structure
A referee controls and describes the world to players who then describe how their characters act in the world. 

Action Roll
When an action’s success is uncertain, a player rolls 2d6 and adds points from the relevant class and a point for any relevant items. If the total is equal or greater than the action’s Difficulty Score (DS) it is successful.

Difficulty Scores Guidelines:
Easy: 8  Moderate: 10  Hard: 12

Dangerous Actions
If an action has a risk of physical danger, the difference between the roll and Difficulty Score is the amount of damage the endangered participant takes.

As an action, a Player Character fights an enemy with a DS of 10. The player rolls 2d6 and adds 2 from their Brute Score, 1 from their sword, and 1 from their shield. The total is 12. The difference between 12 and 10 is 2, so the creature takes 2 damage. A non player character’s DS is also their Health Points, so now the enemy’s Difficulty Score is 8. If the roll was 8 then the Player Character would have lost 2 health.

Your Inventory Score is how many items you can carry comfortably.
For each item that exceeds your Inventory Score subtract 1 from any Brute or Skulker Rolls.

When a character’s Health Points reach zero, they die. 

Level up at the end of a game session. Each level, raise a class score by 1 and raise either Health or Inventory Score by 1.

Regain lost Health Points by spending the night in a safe spot.

Character Creation

Name your character.

Health Points are 10

Inventory Score is 8

Distribute 3 points between these classes:

Brute: Good at smacking things, feats of strength 

Skulker: Good at sneaking, aiming, balancing

Erudite: Good at reading, perception, speaking

Choose 3 Starting Items:
Melee Weapon (specify)
Ranged Weapon (specify)
Piece of Armor (specify)
Cloak (specify color)
Ration (specify)
Bear Trap
Flint Steel

(1 edit) (+3)

Does it seems good to you ?


Game Structure A referee controls and describes the world to players who then describe how their characters act in the world. 

Action Roll When an action’s success is uncertain, a player rolls 2d6 and adds points from the relevant class and a point for any relevant items. If the total is equal or greater than the action’s Difficulty Score (DS) it is successful.

Difficulty Scores Guidelines: Easy: 8  Moderate: 10  Hard: 12 Heroic :14

Dangerous Actions If an action has a risk of physical danger, the difference between the roll and Difficulty Score is the amount of damage the endangered participant takes.

Example:  As an action, a Player Character fights an enemy with a DS of 10. The player rolls 2d6 and adds 2 from their Brute Score, 1 from their sword, and 1 from their shield. The total is 12. The difference between 12 and 10 is 2, so the creature takes 2 damage. A non player character’s DS is also their Health Points, so now the enemy’s Difficulty Score is 8. If the roll was 8 then the Player Character would have lost 2 health.

Inventory Your Inventory Score is how many items you can carry comfortably. For each item that exceeds your Inventory Score subtract 1 from any Brute or Skulker Rolls.

Death When a character’s Health Points reach zero, they die. 

Advancement Level up at the end of a game session. Each level, raise a class score by 1 and raise either Health or  gain a power / special object/special skill .

Healing Regain lost Health Points by spending the night in a safe spot.

Character Creation

Name your character.

Health Points are 10

Inventory Score is 8

Distribute 3 points between these classes:

Brute : Good at smacking things, feats of strength 

Skulker: Good at sneaking, aiming, balancing

Erudite: Good at reading, perception, speaking, tinkering, doign scientific stuffs

Choose 3 Starting advantages. You can choose multiple advantages of the same category. You can choose the same power multiple times :

Power (specify)
Special skill (specify)
Super-science special object (specify)
Magical special object (specify)
Melee Weapon (specify) 
Ranged Weapon (specify) 
Piece of Armor (specify)
specialist tools (specify)
Someone you can rely on
A sidekick 
A precious contact 
A vehicule (specify)
A company



Deleted 4 years ago

Holy Roller! Nice!

(1 edit) (+1)

Alright, here goes.


Alternatively CTHULHU GOONS if you're feeling squirrely. 

Game Structure A mystic interprets and describes the world to players who then describe how their investigators act in the world. 

Action Roll When an action’s success is uncertain, an investigator rolls 3d4 and adds points from the relevant class and a point for any relevant items. If the total is equal or greater than the action’s Difficulty Score (DS) it is successful.

Difficulty Scores Guidelines: Trivial: 4 Easy: 8  Moderate: 10  Hard: 12

Dangerous Actions If an action has a risk of physical danger, the difference between the roll and Difficulty Score is the amount of damage the endangered participant takes.

Example:  As an action, an investigator fends off a malevolent spirit with a DS of 10. The player rolls 3d4 and adds 2 from their Occultist Score, 1 from their crucifix, and 1 from their box of salt. The total is 12. The difference between 12 and 10 is 2, so the spirit takes 2 damage. A non player character’s DS is also their Health Points, so now the spirit’s Difficulty Score is 8. If the roll was 8 then the investigator would have lost 2 health.

Inventory Your Inventory Score is how many items you can carry comfortably. For each item that exceeds your Inventory Score subtract 1 from any Hunter or Skeptic Rolls.

Death & Insanity When an investigator’s Health Points reach zero, they die. Alternatively, a player may elect for their investigator to simply go insane. Their investigator must be committed to a mental institute for a number of weeks equal to their Health Points in order to overcome their affliction. 

Advancement Level up at the end of every investigation. Each level, raise a class score by 1 and raise either Health or Inventory Score by 1. For an extra point to any score, investigators may publish their findings for the wider paranormal community. Investigators may not advance from the confines of a mental institution.

Healing Regain lost Health Points by spending the night in a safe spot.

Character Creation

Name your character.

Health Points are 10

Inventory Score is 8

Distribute 3 points between these classes:

Hunter: Cryptozoology, Tactics, etc.

Occultist: Lore, Symbolism, etc.

Skeptic: Rational thinking, problem solving, etc.

Choose 3 Starting Items: Crucifix, Tarot Cards, Crystal Ball, Tape Recorder, Camera, Flashlight, Journal, Revolver, Dagger, Mirror, Flask, Matches, Candle, Scissors, Tent, Motor Car, Holy Water, Book of Folklore (specify)




C.RO.M. JDR beat me to it but I had already been working on a Superhero hack so thought I'd finish it up. 

Check out my Golden Age Comic hack, LEAGUE OF GOONS.


Wow this looks great!


I opened submissions on the game jam. Please enter this! it's awesome!




I went ahead and opened submissions for Goon Jam.

Rockabilly submission


This is sweet!

Please post it to the jam page as well:


Just added Sprawl Goons to the jam page.


This is AMAZING!

You created the engine, I just painted the bodywork. Thanks for the jam!

Nate, why add 2 from Brute, and not 1?


The example assumes the player put 2 points in the Brute category.

If their Brute score is 1 then they would only add 1 point to the roll.


Loving tunnel goons! Nice lite rules that I will try to get some people to play, soon.

Made a hack!


Wow ... this is a great base mechanic. Made another hack!


very cool!


I’m working on a Tunnel Goons hack based on the Aliens movie called Frosty Goons. What do I need to do as far as the Creative Commons? Right now I don’t plan to put it out to the general public, but I am considering it eventually.

Tell us more about Frosty Goons please!

It’s the Tunnel Goons resolution system with a usage die system from The Black Hack and some elements from Stay Frosty. I used a stress die to try and increase tension as in the movies. There’s random tables to help you set up the mission and create a Xenomorph.

I’d be happy to send you the current edition as of now if you’d like to read it. I would greatly appreciate any feedback as well.

What did you think of Frosty Goons?


random xenomorph generating tables is really cool!

Thanks. That was the hardest part of the entire design, coming up with the descriptions and organizing them into the tables.

I appreciate you putting Tunnel Goons out there for all of us to be creative with it and I’d like to make sure you get the proper credit you deserve.

(1 edit)

Goon Squads

Sometimes your goons might get to boss around a squad of lesser goons in service of their interests. What happens when that squad runs into opposition?

  1. Compare the size of the squads. Set DS of the smaller squad to 6, and scale DS of the larger squad accordingly.
  2. Compare the quality of training and equipment of the squads. Determine whether your squad has an advantage or disadvantage.
  3. Roll dice and compare to DS of opposing squad. Add any Brute rating of your squad. If your squad has an advantage, roll 3d6 pick better two; disadvantage, 3d6 pick worse two. This is a dangerous action. 
  4. Adjust DS of losing squad.
  5. Roll 1d6. If greater than DS of smaller squad + highest stat of that squad's leader, that squad runs away.

(Hopefully it makes sense that it's Hard to beat up on people that outnumber you 2 to 1).

It helps if your goon squad always knocks at least 1 off the DS of the opposing squad when your roll is double 6.

When one squad has range on the other squad (e.g. missile vs. melee), they may or may not have advantage but the action is not Dangerous for them - i.e. if your squad has the arrows, then they suffer no loss if you roll under the DS of the opposing squad; if the opposing squad has the arrows, they suffer no loss if you roll over their DS. If both sides have missile weapons, roll normally.

Here is my hack:

Tunnel Goons implies an interesting mechanic for morale checks and non-lethal combat. An opponent's DS diminishes as they get injured. Taunting is an action you can roll for (I'm guessing +Skulker applies). As your opponents get beat up, the odds of frightening them off or into submission improve.

I made a Polish translation. Should I send it to you?


sure, I'll add it to the downloads if you want me to. send it to


I did a Markdown version of Tunnel Goons v1.2