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After Effects Color Quantization Plugin 路 By Wunkolo

Suggestions and Requests Sticky

A topic by Wunkolo created Dec 26, 2016 Views: 2,083 Replies: 32
Viewing posts 1 to 13

Use this thread to make feature suggestions or requests for the PixFlipBook plugin!

Yo! Really love this plugin, I'm already using it every chance I get

One thing that'd be nice is if there were cluster dot options above 8x8; it works really well for halftone looks!

Developer (2 edits)

Noted! I'll look into adding more patterns into the coming releases! I'm currently working on allowing for custom palettes and then I will look into adding more patterns(or just allowing custom pattern images alltogether)

(1 edit)

Really like your plugin been using it for a month now but if you could add scaling for Atkinson dithering that would be nice to have. :)


I need to say it, PixDither is just fantastic, one of favourite plug-ins in my toolbox!

My request is about features that You already mentioned, namely custom palettes & custom patterns. I'm especially interested in latter.  I hope they will come in near future.

Thank you ,



Custom palettes and colors are already implemented!

I'll look into custom patterns for the ordered dithering at some point for sure as well as it seems like it could just take an input layer selection and use something like Red/Blue/Green/Alpha/Brightness/etc and use the already implemented pattern offset options.

Thank you for your input and I'm glad you're having a good time with PixDither!

How could I miss this button *facepalm* 

I will sure make a use of that, no more Colorama pain. Dithering wonders aside, I always wished there would be an option to load palettes from disk to Colorama and colorising composition without "aliasing" mid-tones between each color in palette (as Colorama does, without some crazy tricks). With PixDither loading custom palette + pattern set as 'threshold', this is exactly what I wanted for years :) I already tried it  and it works perfectly.

 Thanks for such quick reply & being so helpful, Wunkolo!

Hi, I wonder if it's possible to enable the Scale-Feature for the Steinberg, Sierra, etc. modes? Would love to get it nicely pixely at the flick of a dial. Thanks!


Pattern scaling would be awesome! that's the one feature I've been waiting for

I used the Dither Plugin, from Josh Nimoy before, unfortunately it's incredibly slow. But it has this nice noise pattern, which pixdither lacks. I tried to recreate this effect myself, but unfortunately it can only be applied to precomps and footage, not stacked on top of other effects. Would be great if this pattern could be added. 

Hi, a quick suggestion. When previewing in After Effects at a non-full resolution (half, quarter), the size of the pixels appears larger since there is less resolution to work with. Is there a way that you could make the sizing of the pixels consistent among all preview resolutions? It's harder to judge the final appearance of the render when they appear so much larger.


Hey! Not sure what you mean precisely by this.. If I understand you correctly, at half/quarter resolution it is not possible to emit or address pixels of a smaller scale in the output framebuffer to be able to visualize the full-scale dither patterns at sparser resolutions...

can this be used in Photoshop2020 ? importing Color Swatch (ACO, ASE) ??


This cannot be used in Photoshop as this is an Adobe After Effects plugin, sorry!

Deleted 1 year ago

That's... A really good idea actually! And seems pretty trivial to implement too if I add an integer option to have a sort of "offset" when reading into the palette.

Thank you for this suggestion!

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Woah I didn't even know this was a thing :O
Is this the kind of effect your referring to??


I believe that is precisely what they are referring to! Though I can only imagine implementing it as an overall palette-offset since otherwise I would have to have a way to allow for per-color granularity control over specific colors so that they can be animated馃.

Yeah, overall palette offset would definitely be a useful/interesting tool, but more of a radical effect.
Another possibility would be allowing cycling between X number palettes on a per frame basis?
That way you could manually make X number of subtly different .ASE palettes and cycle them?
Perhaps this would be easier to implement?

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

I really want to see a pattern that mimics the picoCAD shader which goes from one color to the next with only one in-between dither pattern, the 1:1 checker pattern. It would be the best thing since sliced bread, I'm telling u!


I believe that is the Bayer 2x2 pattern if I am understanding what you are saying correctly!

(2 edits)

Hello, and thanks for the response! PicoCAD's dithered shading is even simpler than Bayer 2x2. There's only one checkered pattern to create a gradient between colors A and B.  Here's a picture to help illustrate what I mean. Sorry for the confusion


You're absolutely right! This seems very trivial to add. I just did a quick test and added a "PicoCAD" option to the dither patterns that goes perfectly with the PICO-8 palette that PixDither already has! To keep this plugin backwards-compatible, I had to add it wayyy at the end of the list though:

I went ahead and uploaded a new Windows build with this one added! Lemme know how it goes!

There will be some delay getting an updated OSX build uploaded due to my current build pipeline being kind of cheesy.

Whoa. Thank u for implementing this so soon; I'm amazed! I've already loaded it into AE and it works splendidly

(1 edit)

Hello! Are there any plans for Apple Silicon support? I can't imagine loosing PixDither from my toolbox.


Currently in the works of securing a pipeline to create Apple-Silicon builds! It may take some time but it's certainly a priority of mines to get it to work properly on Apple-ARM.

Hell yeah, fantastic news Wunkolo!!! Thank you!

Any news? just to know.

Thank you very much.


No news just-yet on a proper Apple-ARM release. I have yet to have access to Apple's proprietary compilation toolchain to assemble together a proper release though I might be able to set up an updated x64-based virtual machine or utilize a remote build server like GitHub actions and cross-compile an Apple-ARM build from it but won't be able to test and verify the ARM build on actual hardware.

Once I can secure a proper development pipeline though, I'll be updating all of my Pix-series plugins over to support Apple-ARM.

Thank you so much for the answer.

Do you have an extremely rough timeline for the process?Not rushing you, for example I'd like to know if you think this can be accomplished before the middle of the year.
Thanks again for everything :)


I'll try for this half of the year for sure.  I can guarantee at the very least I want to try and get an OSX Virtual Machine setup and try to cross-compile some kind of ARM version for people to at least try and test, even if I don't have the hardware myself.

This is great news! Thanks for the update. 
Are you in need of Apple Silicon hardware? Maybe someone has an extra machine they can donate to the cause. 


Haha really I tried my best to ask around for a machine to remote into and even tried to setup a Virtual Machine of some kind using VirtualBox and Docker and such but it turned out to be too much of a headache that just refused to provide a stable workspace since Apple really only wants OSX software to be compiled on OSX hardware! So I just bit the bullet and bought a minimum-viable 8GB M2 Mac Mini and it should be coming today! Before, I used a Virtual Machine on my Intel workstation but with the latest Apple-Silicon stuff...that is no longer feasible so it's about time I just give in and get some Mac hardware around as a build and test server. Expect an Apple-Silicon port either the end of this month or the first half of march. I'll be sure to be loud about it once it's done!

I know I asked this before but it's been a while: any idea if color cycling will ever be implemented?