Multiplayer would be genious.
An Oceanic Survival Game · By
multiplayer is not planed for know apparently as it would take a LONG time to set up and the team working on it is not big enough to handle such a task well also doing small updates to keep us happy well we wait. idk but i think lan 2 player would be easier at a start and would set up the ground work for online but even that would take a lot.
Here are some of my Ideas:
1. The Goal of the Game: - Your first goal is to build up your raft to survive on it.
- The second Goal is to build some type of things to move your raft over the water to specific points
- The third Goal is to get to some island, which you already could see from the raft far far away.
- On this islands are some rare materials for which you have to dig or knock on rocks (items which you can't found in the sea and which can give you more opportunities like reinforcing your foundation, better fire places where you can put more than 1 steak at a time etc.). And on some islands you can find pieces of an map in some kind of treasures. (So you have to get to more than 1 island to get the map.)
- The fourth goal and main goal is to get to the land, which you now can see on the map! To get to this land, you have to pass some dangerous zones with your raft (maybe not pirates but something like for example 5 sharks at a time and you have to throw in some meat in the water, so they won't notice you while drive threw them. So things for which you need a strategie to get threw, not to fight threw) When you reached the land you see a beach with a forest behind that. Maybe the world border could be a mountain in the forest. So you kinda finished now your game on the water.
- The final goal on the land is to build up a colony. For this you can find some natives in the forest. These persons only will follow you, when you build them specific houses. For this you can now craft a new house building hammer. Each house has a different thing to do. So you can have a taverne for drinks, a fishing house for fishing, a wood chopper for wood, a collecter house for collecting some berrys, a bakery for bread, a farming house for planting and collecting potatoes, and a market with a well for water. So to build up your colony, you have to collect the materials for each house you want to build. But you have to be careful with this. Because all natives need a specific amount of water and food everyday. If you cant reach this on 1 day it is okay, but if you cant reach it on the second day aswell, they burn up the house in which they work and run away. So to get them back you have to rebuild the house.
You dont have to go to every person itself to give him food and water, you just have to put it at the market, the natives are going every morning to the market and picking up their amount of food and water from their chests (so you have to put the food and water seperatly for each native in a specific spot in the inventory of the market, so you can get rid of a native by not giving him food). Some natives even need specific type of food, like only fish etc..
So have to slowly increase your colony, otherwise it will fall apart because you cant collect as much food and water as they want. Of course in the long time, you cant build a farm house and a native who picks up water, so you dont have to do this by yourself, but they need specific ressources.
So to end this my idea is, to add more goals to the game. So your first goal is to reach a island, because if look in your history you see, that you had a accident with your boat. On the island you find a piece of a map on which you see half of a name and something which looks like a land. Now you paddle with your raft from one island to another. Finally you have the full map and know where to go to reach the land. When you reach the land you see a native and you think why not build up a colony.
So thats my idea. What do you think about it? :)
Some Ideas for a Multplayer: When they would add my suggestion with the colony, maybe they could add a multiplayer, where you can build up your colony with up to 20 others. Each starts on a raft, each have to get to some islands for the map so that they can meet each other on the land.
Another Idea would be a Coop, so that you start with 1 friend on the raft and have to do the stoy/ campagne.
Another Multiplayer idea would be to have a creative server, where you have a specific area on the sea. max. 20 areas are on the sea in a circle. (in the server options, you can choose for how much areas you want on the sea, and you can check a box, so that the less areas you want, the bigger they are). This Server is only for building the best and most functional raft. You can come on the server as a visitor, and you will spawn in the middle of the circle, where the visitor raft is. The visitors can go from one area to another by choosing them in a menu, to walk on the rafts and look around. They can vote for the best looking and functional raft. after each week the most voted raft will be displayed, and everybody can import it in their creative mode to have it as their own, If you import it to your game, you can't change it and the builder is displayed on a sign.
Your idea is great !
i would also add:
- Metal Foundations which dont get destroyed but are expensive (20 Metal or so)
- Sitting on Chairs (these little things make Games awesome)
- Maybe a Bench
- Fishing Net (which is like the normal net but for fish
- Doors and Doorways
- Strong Wood Walls which have no light passing through
- Balista which you can sit in and hunt the shark with
- Music instruments like a guitar
- for getting your raft to another place maybe a Sail out of Thatch, Wood and Rope
- Rudder for steering
- CO-OP ! This game is the coolest game i already have ! But playing it with DEMP-Mod makes it neary perfekt
(But Demp mod has many bugs and does not save the inventory from other players and it would be awesome if you would get the dev from Demp to your team)
And please keep on updating ! Dont try to do to much at once ! And have fun ! We understand that this is your hobby and not your job ! Nobody wants you guys to quit or fail school or shit like that.
Fish Net : For the automated collection of fish
Fish Bait : Mash potatoes to make bait for the Fish Net
Replaceable Nets : made out of rope and/or thatch
Changes : Item nets and Fish Nets need to be replaced or repaired with new Replaceable Nets when they get used to much
Changes : every time you kill the shark it gets harder to kill and attacks more or the species of shark changes and each has their own stats and abilitys
These are some ideas I thought of and hope you take a look at what I think should be added. =) please and thanks
if the shark getts stronger every time why would you kill it? just leave it and replace what breaks? also if it getts harder every time it will be come way op very fast just add disasters like storms that damage random parts of your raft and blowe you raft around . when / if they add moving to the rafts
CAN EVERY ONE THAT READS THIS DROP A COCONUT OVER THE EDGE AND WATCH IT XD you guys (the devs) need to make the ocean deeper plz i mean hows the shark even that shallow i mean i could nearly stand in that .... ok mabe not but its like 6-10 meters deep at max and thats if its supper clear probably only like 4 meters just thought it was funny. also make it so we can move/ rotate the raft... yea i mainly ask that so you can add servers later but plz plz PLZZZ PLZZZZ!!!!! :) TY you guys are doing awsome...... and getting spammed with what people want and some of them may sound needy but still plz keep going Xb so many new game devs just ditch even some that have been going for ages and are great (NOTCH did cas he helped his game and no one could see he was helping and he got flooded with hate) not comparing your game to mc at all just saying DONT LEAVE USSSS. i havent seen anything from devs for a little and :/ you should say what your working on a little more
i just know some ones going to complain about how i said mincraft in another games review always happens. damm i got off topic 0-o meh great game thought you may want to know about the ocean and idk if its still like that in 1.4 i only checked in 1.3 cas theirs not much new yet just chests
There should be a force to be reckoned with, other than the shark. maybe weather, the occasional storm, to make expanding a much bigger pain. a new way to play the game, is to add a new day/night cycle, ingame minutes seconds, ingame hours minutes. when u create a new map, you specify how many days you have to survive, weather, shark(or maybe even multiple sharks :))(s), day/night cycle, food, water, resources needed (multiplied), resource chance, barrel luck, lives(1 life+, or infinate), and much more possibilities. as well as that, maybe presets, like realistic, wage against the sharks, hardcore, creative, easy; the possibilities are endless! this comment was mostly all me thinking out loud, so it may seem all over the place.
also, there should be floating items, and the higher you make your raft, the lower the bottom platform sinks. floaters can be added to fix this, crafted with rope, wood, thatch AND scrap; the whole lot. also, bits of your raft can fall off if unstable, for example, floaters on the edge of your raft, with an upstairs in the middle. the middle would end up colapsing, because its not supported.
i hope 1 or more of these ideas make it into the game, even the WIP progress just to try them out. im no good at coding, so i don't know if any of these things are too hard. among the endless "SEA" of comments, theres quite a low chance that this is the one that is at the top when the devs come and check. like this if you agree- assuming this works like youtube comments. i don't even know if you can like, i just made this account SO i can comment!
Hello man,
HayabusaGaming here. im a low profile youtuber that likes playing new games and addicting games. i've been playing ur game for 3 days now and allready have over 12 hours on it haha.
I have a few questions!!!!
-i dont need a multiplayer mode but a Co-Op mode if thats possible.
like that u both start on a raft 4-4 or that both start on a raft 2-2 but far from each other. and that you need to travel towards each other.
-is it possible to make something like a loot crate/container/suitcase were you can find things like clothes - maybe more seeds: like tomatoe, pineapple etc keep it exotic ;P.
But also more options and things to make the game harder like.
-Try to add more type of fish. some fish are good for your health other fish are bad for ur health. maybe multiple shark attacks.
New weapons like a trowable speak or a bow and Arrow.
- maybe a fun animation to make cooking more interessting. like that you need to craft a knife to skin the fish before you cook it.
I realy like the walls and the windowed walls. but i miss the most inportant thing. i know nobody is going to raid me. but i need to privacy when i mastrubate. so i want DOORS!! hahah
keep up doing the great work. if i come up with anything else ill let you know. i will keep playing the awesome game and cant wait for the next update.
*last question tho. are the updates automatic or do i need to download the game everytime over again??
Greetings from holland!
Search on YouTube: HayabusaGaming - Raft LiveStream [Chillmodus]
I think that before adding anything else you should add a shiftclick function for items. I think the shark, once it dies, should not come back for 5 minutes or so, to add relief to killing it. Also I think that the raft should never move by the player but it should be constantly drifting adding the ability for SMALL islands to be swum over to. please no more weapons, don't add pvp, if you are going to add multiplayer only coop. and no story please no story.
Some ideas I had while playing:
I think we need day/night cycle and in night visibility should be decreased and in water we would see creatures which can flash cool lights, u know like medusas in sea. In day everything would be normal ;)
We also need weather, snowy, windy, rainy. You know, when its snowy or rainy you need get better clothes, when its windy your weak supported platforms can broke. When its rainy you need rooftop to dont get wet and cold. Shark should be stronger because now he isnt too dangerous, with spear you can defeat him in 2 minutes, its not reallistic.And if wind will can break our raft, we would can build some of our raft (for example stairs and pillar) using metal. That will give it resistance for wind! Also foundations could be possible to build with metal what will give it bigger resistance for shark attacks :)
Storms! :D Storm would be very dangerous for us and our raft, if we dont have walls it will throw us out of raft, and shark or pyranhas will kill us.
We need more creatures! Some fishes or birds would be great! And bottles with messages as easter eggs :D
If more creatures, also more of these bad! Multiple shark attacks or something. And if we will kill a shark, new will spawn after few minutes not instantly :)
Of course with more dangers we need more weapons. Bows! Throwable spears!(jawelins)
More crafting recipes, for big bottle from metal scraps and ropes which will be expensive but can store more water like for 3 uses :) Maybe crafting recipe for clothes and cap, rags too! also for arrows to our bows of course :)
Fishing net should catch fishes (rarely!) instead of catching items! They should be separate net for catching items and for catching fishes! Also shark should sometimes try to stole our catched fishes in net.
Mainly, getting food should be harder, harvesting potatoes should be most safe way of getting food, but for example fishing would take more time to get fish (a bit faster if u have lure, for example potato or metal scrap) and killing shark should be good rewarded suicide ;)
Those ideas are amazing! I'd like to add that piranhas shouldn't always appear, just random times, to make it more like a mystery!
I don't think there should be different nets for catching items and fishes.
But if they're developing this game a lot further, those ideas should really be considered! There are a load of amazing ideas on this website btw!
Also, I don't know if it's possible, but I'd love it if we were still able to gather while the hammer is selected. Anyway, love the game! Simple but addictive!
I totally agree with the extra seafood and the negative side effects to eating raw meat and drinking salt water. I'd personally say that eating too much raw meat or drinking too much salt water would make you vomit (gross, but fairly realistic). Also, it's worth noting that drinking salty beverages will make you thirsty again quicker (hence one of the reasons you have to purify the sea water (there are other reasons like fish poop and bacteria and other gross stuff, but whatever)).
As for the day/night cycle, it looks like it's on the way!
only thing is mite need to balance the materials like metal or if u can make a upgrade system like for the raft from wood to metal or sumething like that walls it would make it harder for the shark to break aswell also like the idea about a under water life and to be able to dive down to get stuff like plants and fish and other stuff and search wreaks would be good for gear and clothing would be kool
day and night,(and if you dont sleep you die because you are to long awake), torches/oil lamp and a bed to skip the night, diffrent sorts of fish (such as raw salmon), spikes to add on the edge of the foundation to defend the shark, achievements, make that you instantly die by falling of the edge of the world, make powersource like a dynamo to make elektricity or a peddle wheel to make things automaticaly, the shark must despawn after 5 min when you killed the shark (and you didn't took the meat of it), bow and arrows to shoot the shark from a distance, animals like birds/fish to breed, rotten fish in a barrel where maggots are, with maggots you can catch diffrent fish, all your tools must have durability, bucket where can fill up ten cans. already I love the game very much
PS:sorry for the bad english
(i like the dynamo-idea the most)
you don't have to edit all of this in the game
Good luck!
Ps4 and Android please :)
It would be great to be able to build a ship and go to a desert island and find new materials, for example and also that the shark attacks without being counted, and if we die do not lose all progress and also include weather climates like rain, snow, storms, or Let it be night day and be able to build a bed
It's a concept that works really well for Don't Starve (and its multiplayer counterpart) though. And I'd identify this game as closer to Don't Starve than Minecraft. If the perma-death really bothers a lot of people, the devs might (if they feel like it could add to the game) make it a option, like how Minecraft has the UHC/Permadeath option.
I think id* rather have game-controller-thingy for pc ,so i can play with Xbox-PlayStation-etc...-controllers on pc ,witch there are app*s that can run in the back-ground of any game so your able to play tham on pc like minecraft,,etc... but it would be nice for an option in the game itself // But i don*t know if thats already in the game or not. I*m gonna try it now. tata>?>?<><3
Ps4 and Android please :)
It would be great to be able to build a ship and go to a desert island and find new materials, for example and also that the shark attacks without being counted, and if we die do not lose all progress and also include weather climates like rain, snow, storms, or Let it be night day and be able to build a bed
worth d THi everyone. Firstly, I would like to thank the developers for creating such a unique and original game idea. I do have some suggestions/ideas though that would greatly enhance the game experience for all players:
1: Difficulty selection - I have had to restart my game at least 20+ times within the first 30 minutes due to dehydration, starvation and becoming shark lunch and all the while struggling to gather even the most basic resources to begin to expand or start to play the game. It would be great if there would be a beginners/novice difficulty for those who have not played a game like this in the past. I know of several other people who have tried this game but had the same death repeat death repeat death experience and this has stopped them from continuing to play.
2: Starting resources - As referenced in point 1, I have been struggling to obtain any resources after starting a game. Maybe on easier difficulty levels the player could have a small amount of resources to be able to construct the basic necessities to allow the game to last more than 5 minutes.
3: Longer time periods before dehydration and starvation sets in - I am finding that I can barely craft a hammer before I'm dehydrated, let alone a water purifying station. I've coughed out more times than I can count trying to establish a foundation.
4: When you kill that pesky shark it should at least drop some food or materials! The amount of logs it eats, there should be a whole chest worth of items. Maybe even a whale or 2 to take care of them!Overall, I did enjoy playing this game but my experience would be greatly enhanced if these ideas/suggestions may be given some consideration.
Thank you for your hard work in creating this concept.
You're given a hook. If you reel in materials, you can build a spear, distiller, campfire, and fishing rod fairly fast. Once you have that down, raft expansion is easy, and you can build nets. Since the shark only attacks every so often, you can spend your time building and gathering what your nets have collected.
If anything, some form of guidance on teaching that the hook can reel in floating materials needs added, or perhaps how to craft for water and food. It's terribly easy once you start up, as long as you know how to get started.
Then that has nothing to do with the difficulty or how hard it is to actually play the game and know how to do things. Novice difficulty or starting resources would never make up for your system not being able to run the game.
What you need to be asking for instead is optimization, or at least getting a "minimum system requirements" listed to tell you that you can't handle it.
I dunno about the difficulty. I'm doing all right. Sure, it took a bit of learning, but even on my first play through, I didn't die of starvation or dehydration. It's a mad dash for resources right off the bat, yeah, but after the first ten minutes, it's really only about expanding your raft more and making yourself more comfortable. It takes some getting used to, but I don't think it's all that bad. Get everything you can early on, and craft what you need as soon as you have the resources (water purifier first, can second, fishing rod third, cooking station fourth).
It would be interesting if you had some "rare item drops" from barrels-- things that didn't occur too frequently and could be used to create special items, like more powerful weapons or unique furniture-type stuff. Maybe make it like something from whatever shipwreck seemingly left you stranded out there. Other animals would be interesting, too, even if they were just for ambiance. My suggestion would be to have an albatross that flies overhead, maybe lands on your raft for a little bit.
maybe we can go underwater for a certain amount of time?
day/night cycle would be cool.
different sharks or other things. some friendly some not.
fires, tents, maybe you can add something that can move our rafts, but the shark will always follow you.
small islands near by that have some loot.
crabs in those islands?
different fish.
you could add ship wrecks that you could explore in.
and one more thing...MULTIPLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!
make a way you can make a homehosted server with hamachi or something similar to the way minecraft started servers then you can add up on it and that would be amazing, also add day/night cycle its weird having all day, also fix the annoying animation bugs like when you go to throw your hook it does the animation when your charging up, also add bigger chests or make you be able to hold more stuff like bigger stacks, add a experimental mode with unlimited items so you can mess around and see what happens when you do certain stuff. also eastereggs would be amazing like if you make a tall enough raft got just brings you to heaven or you sing and satin brings you to hell? idk but definatly make a steam greenlight page i would rate the game a $1-$30 game.
1. Day/night cycle
2. Weather cycle
3. Tweak balance of thirst/hunger, currently they seem a bit fast
4. VR support. This game would be fantastic with VR and motion controller support, as the player's actions would map very well for this. Also, this experience would be unique among VR experiences (as far as I've seen).
-New Tools allowing for a more destruction of the boiler and fire
-Night And bed (at night it will rain, snow, or will the storm, the weather shall not hurt injury to a prevent this you need to build a roof)
-Wall, Roof, floors and windows with stone
-New Tool which enables improvement of the walls, floors, roof, windows
-New raw stone
-And creating for free new server
This is a little nitpick, as I do love most of your ideas, but if the developers choose to go with the weather, based on the apparent location and presence of a shark, no snow. Rain storms are the only thing you would potentially run into (unless you wanted to be utterly cruel and literally end games via hurricane-- please don't.).
Ooh, you could also add a rare chance of a huge swordfish catching your fishing rod and dragging you some distance. That could also change up your location a bit, maybe giving you an alternate type of shark or something.
Yeah, I know. All I can come up with is rare occurrences. I just think the surprises would shake things up in a fun way.
Crops i.e Tomatoes, Beans, Carrots
Tree types i.e Figs, Dates and possibly fruit trees
Food station where you can make meals
Expensive craft station where you can grind up to maybe a windmill type thing to generate for a simple motor/propellor
The crafted propellors can take you to various small islands in the distance where you can get maps of surrounding islands.
Also a compass in the U.I
The game would have more variety if is was multiplayer. because it would let you play with your friends and build like that make a 4 player coop but to make it harder for 4 people put more make it easier to get resources spawn more stuff. So that would really progress the game from where it is. P.S all of my friends have been asking fro it too.
add a harpoon or something
also you should make a coconut net and fish net or make a net item that you can place on the tree cropplots to make a coconut net, on a foundation to make an item net then you could place another net on an item net to make a fish net.
multiple sharks
a boat that can survive shark attacks and then be destroyed and re-enforced
reinforceable foundations
I think you could add the next element:
sorry for my english, it's not my native language.
I would include day an night, so during the day you can get burn and you hace to craft clothes to protect you. In the night you can see iluminated animals in the water.
Also that you can craft rafts to explore other islands, and there you can find new materials and enemyes.
I wish there were traps for sharks, archery, lances of differents materials, when something collapses the animation appears, and that when te shark is about to attack you appears the song of the shark.
Pirates!! I would like to include pirates, good pirates and bad pirates.That would be awesome!!
If there is day an night you can include lightning, like torches. Electricity of the water courses, that is great, you can cook faster and have ilumination whith lapms. Rails and wagons for a faster transport. Armor to fight.
Those are all my ideas. Only one more for the end of the game...
When you passed the game, that a helicopter comes to rescue you.
That's all, I hope you put some of my ideas. Bye!
you should add in a bunch of more i mean alot with a day and night cycle and secret islands that give you loot or pirate attacks or a end to the game like an objective to do but i do seriously love the game but kinda really easy within an hour and thirty minutes i already had a fourth floor but its awesome love the graphics and sounds but maybe you should put sound in for starving but all in all i love it keep up the good work
Buoyancy would be a serious problem in a situation like this, and considering we can have rafts that are stories high without it sinking, some realism is subtracted. It would be great if you had to keep the raft afloat by not using irregular shapes and making sure there are no holes to let in water. There should also be some way to get to the ocean floor, be it with a diving bell/cage or whatever seems right. The way we build in the game, it's as if we're on a plain, but really, we're in the middle of the vast sea. Scrap metal has very little use now, so upgrading floors from wood to metal to increase their durability would be a nice touch. Storms would also be a nice touch, as storms on sea can mean death for even the most prepared sailor, a storm would be nice to knock over pillars and have the raft take on water. Last thing- the shark seems massively under-powered. In real life, a bite from a shark would leave clothing ripped and cause bleeding (which attracts sharks), and with very little medical supplies, can cause an infection. Who knows, maybe the only way to cure the infection is to find a certain medicated plant on the ocean floor. These are all suggestions, and I know this might be very hard to do with your small team, but they would definitely make this game a lot better.
I'm definitely enjoying this so far and the mechanics are pretty solid as a base.
Things I think would be good:
Day/night cycle and character endurance, requiring sleep to replenish.
Along with that, naturally, crafting of a bedroll and with crafting advancement, a bed.
Night should be pretty dark, creating early game disadvantages, so you'd want eventually want some lighting via torches. To craft torches, you need the ability to get oil from fish and palm kernels. That would require crafting a more advanced grill to collect the fish oil and some sort of press for the palm oil. Then planks, thatch, and oil to craft a torch. In early game, purifiers and grills (when operating) would provide a small circle of lighting.
Weather, in particular rain and wind, varying from gentle to a decent storm. Enough of a storm would drive the shark underwater (away) during it, but counter that by creating the potential for storm damage to the raft. Everything would need to be repairable and destructible with the axe, allowing for the decision to repair or replace.
Roof/canopy sections for protection from rain. Rain would prevent purifiers, grills, torches, and any other fire-using structure from functioning, unless protected by a roof/canopy. Similarly, enough wind would do this as well, unless shielded by a wall.
Get a potato plot or two up and running, you can put your fishing pole away and forget about it; especially with the occasional addition of shark meat. So...
Composting. Crop plots and tree plots wouldn't just come with free dirt. You craft an empty wood plot and then have to fill it with a required amount/mix of organic material (potatoes, thatch, fish). This decays over time and, when ready, then you can plant. Alternatively, crafting a compost bin and requiring compost as part of the crafting of the plot.
Crops require watering. Similar to the player having a water level, so would crop plots; if it runs empty, the crop/tree dies. Water would be added either through manual addition of water via cans of fresh water or when exposed to rain.
Resources somewhat less plentiful or a lot more uses for them. - Once you get 8+ nets set up, you can just put your hook away and forget about it.
Durability for nets, along with the already present ability for a shark to do damage, catching materials does a small amount of damage for each item snagged, requiring them to be repaired/replaced.
More uses for scrap metal. - It's really in excess, I throw so much of it over the side.
Scrap uses - Tool repair/durability. They require repair or replacement because they wear out.
Reinforced foundations and other structures. Not metal versions, but tougher versions that utilize scrap in construction and repair, along with the base materials.
Water collection bucket/trough. This would be for collecting rain water. This remains balanced by the frequency of storms, maintenance/repair, and requiring crops to use water.
Crafting of more advanced items, (like an oil collecting grill, an oil press, a bigger water purifier, etc) would require some sort of additional tools or crafting bench.
Fire-using structures, like grills and water purifiers, require planks for fuel. Or planks have to be broken down into smaller bits that get used as fuel.
Injuries and illnesses, which slow the player down or maybe even prevent certain actions until healed.
Sun burn - Over time, the chances of getting sunburn go down, but never completely go away. Slows down the players movement/actions until treated and healed. Healing requires time and rest out of the sun. this makes covered shelter important. Healing time and slowing effect can be reduced by treatment with a healing salve, crafted with fish oil (contains vitamin E) and something else soothing, maybe ground coconut. Maybe an advanced craft would also be a thatch hat to reduce sunburn chance.
Hyperthermia/over-heating - Increases water reduction rate and slows the players actions. Simply requires time spent out of the sun, to cool down.
Fall damage - Just does an amount of damage to go along with the distance fallen and requires time/rest to heal.
Strains/sprains - Can vary in severity and the severity determines if the player is merely slowed in some actions or prevented from doing them at all. Can be helped by wrapping the affected limb with a bandage (crafted with thatch), reducing the severity, but will only heal with time and rest.
Lacerations/bleeding - Damage over time if not treated with a bandage. Varying severity, depending on cause (large from a shark bite, smaller from a crafting/building/gathering accident or fall). Severity determines limitations, similar to a sprain/strain. Heals over a longer time and with rest.
Infection - Goes along with lacerations. % chance to get an infection determined by severity of the laceration, increases daily if not taken care of. Can be reduced/eliminated by cleaning the wound with fresh water and additionally treating with healing salve; higher chances can be reduced multiple times with daily cleaning/treatment. Getting an infection causes a damage over time effect and makes the player sick (reduced movement, reduced effectiveness of eating drinking, etc) until the player fights it off with rest or dies.
You should add a Day and night Cycle
A Fish net should be cool (Who could be crafted like the item net)
Trap against the sharks (Who could be crafted with some Scraps and rope)The posibility to reinforced the foundation with the Scraps to more protect you against the shark
The possibility to do a armor with some scraps and thatch
A Sail Boat to explore the Ocean (Who can be crafted with planks and leaves)
Add some islands and on the island we can pick some Berries and explore some lost civilisations in the island and more type of tree like banana tree and who can get banana sapling Apple tree and Apple sapling
Nerf the coconuts cause the coconuts give too much Water and Food so you don't need to drink with tin can or balance the potato or the Fish
Add some bugs and birds
The posibility to stack the pillars to make skybase more easyAdd doors
Sorry for the English we are French.
make coconuts harder to get as i have chests full and dont need any water or food as i just cut down 12+ trees a day and store the extra. maybe make some kind of down side to eating just 1 food :/ like maybe you move slower or stop being abil to eat as much of it eg you can only eat it when your below 1/2 food (as if your player is sick of it) cas it seems to op just to live of coconuts and iv never had to plant a single potato yet. also maybe some way to make a shark net/ cage that you can catch the shark? that costs TONES of scrap and needs repairs after every few times or it will break.
maybe make the shark really strong so it can break your raft faster but it is less common to re spawn. also have things like fishing up the chance that a shark will spawn cas the fish you catch will bleed in the water a little.
also whales that randomly jump and that you can throw spears at and catch/ kill BUT if you anger them they will jump on your raft and break every part they hit. also have them drop tones of food and skin maybe even some uncommon items.
my last idear is a shark tooth spear that does more dmg and can be thrown. mabe even tie a roop to the end and make it so you can tie it to a pillar and stop the shark and pull it in when it gets tired.
these are just some random ideas for if you (the devs) get stuck on what to add
So far, walls have little use as defense. The shark tears walled foundations just as easily as unwalled ones. How about adding a "reinforced wall" using wood and scrap metal? It could resist one or two shark attacks (and show signs of damage) before breaking down, and be repairable with the hammer and more scrap/wood.
From what I have played, building a wall is pretty pointless, is this supposed to be the case? The shark can still attack a raft piece even if there is a wall in the way, and I haven't noticed any change in how the shark attacks or how long it takes.
I have a suggestion about it: if the shark attacks a raft piece that has a wall in the way, then the wall will be destroyed, but the raft piece and anything on it will be safe. This would provide a reason for building walls and would add a bit more defense against the shark.
half or even quarter height walls would be nice to stop some items from falling off the edge of the raft (e.g. harvesting trees and having those pesky coconuts rolling away)
scrap is the only non-renewable resource on your raft, but you get tons of it easily. should be able to upgrade parts of the raft to be more durable, and maybe make spikes to prevent the shark biting the raft so much (but surrounding the raft completely changes causes it to change tactics, like going under the boat and swimming up to dislodge foundations that arent around the edge
and as above, id love to see day/night cycles, weather, some islands, methods of moving the boat, extra weapons (or preferably being able to use current things as weapons, i want to hook the shark and reel the shithead in)
and to add, anchors and sandbars could be good too
anchors prevent the boat moving, good to have in windy weather, but can only be dropped near an island or sandbar, because you cant just make infinite rope.
maybe the shark will attack the anchor if its left too long?
and feeding the shark(s) some cooked fish will make them leave for a while, but too much will make them demand cooked fish and they will start to bring friends for a feed
Some of these are problably already being planned, but constructibles:
Basically, some aesthetics. Sure, they aren't high priority, but I'd like to see these on my Tropical Resort village. I mean,... terrifying stranded-at-sea death raft?
Hey guys! After having a lot of fun with your little prototype yesterday, I have a few comments and suggestions!
First of all, great job on the existing stuff, it was (mostly) bug-free for me and thoroughly enjoyable!
- I couldn't find any way to remove or move stoves and water purifiers! The only method for me was to destroy the wooden tiles that held them on the raft (structural floors), which was expensive and frustrating. Since, at the moment, there is no way to produce Scrap on the raft, I would see a world where any item can be destroyed via the Axe, and doing so would produce X Scraps. This makes Scrap production possible on the raft, but keeps it in check because it would be quite expensive.
- Related to the above, I was able to destroy a chest I had made and placed, but to my horror everything I had inside (it was full of wood) disappeared as well! I was expecting either: 1. all the wood inside to simply fall on the raft, or 2. for the chest to become a movable item, place-able in a different spot.
- Palm trees become the only thing needed after a while, as they provide everything that can be obtained on the raft (excluding Scraps). Coconuts replenish both hunger and thirst, so once you have 2+ trees, stoves, potatoes and water purifiers become obsolete. The easy solution would be to nerf coconuts of course, but I can see a world where they stay the same, and other tools have a bigger impact because of different reasons. A few examples:
- A thing I noticed was that after a while no more hemp would be drifting into the raft. This left me completely dependent on my palm trees, further strengthening the need to have many. It doesn't help that hemp is by far the highest used ingredient (ropes and floors), so the game simply became a 'wait for palm trees to get bigger in order to do anything' affair. While I understand variation, I think it would be good to consider alternating the kind of resources that become unavailable for a while, so there is a bit of tactic involved, or encouraging production cycles on the raft.
- As it stands, I struggle to understand what walls are for. Initially I thought they will provide protection against shark attacks, but the sharks bit straight through them! Considering walls are expensive and obstructive once in place, I decided I don't need any. It would be great if walls had more purpose in the future.
There are a lot of potential ideas for content, of course, but I leave that to you! After all, I am curious to what you will be adding to this little gem in the future! Best of luck!
I really love this game, it can become an amazing one. So, i propose you to help with the translations, i'm pretty good in english and i'm french. Would you like to have a french version of the game ? I'm here, just ask.
By the way, i already translated 2 android apps this last year and i would be very happy to help you.
Best regards,
First off thank you so much for taking the time to create such a cool game. This game and its concepts have a bright future for sure. There are some great ideas and some not so great ideas posted in this section. To the developer, keep doing what you are doing and keep true to what you think this game should play like. I am not sure what age or time set this game is played in , ie, present, 1800, or even 1700. Here are a few options that could be explored.
Adding content that would happen in real life or things that would occur realistically.
1. Shelves, bigger capacity chests, small kegs in hold water or coconut milk.
2. Creating a changing weather environment. Collecting rainwater if it rains.
3. Maybe Adding durability to the nets or fishing pole. If you fish too close to the shark he eats your fish and the line, (damaging the pole) happens in real life.
4. Making barrels, we have wood for the staves and iron for the rings. Barrels for liquid storage or reusing the barrels we collect that float by. The barrels do not need to be destroyed when we collect them as they float by.
5. I have grown up fishing in the ocean and there are a lot of things that you see floating around and that occur off shore. depending on the time frame of this game you could adjust that accordingly to what is appropriate for that time.
6. Day and night would be nice. You do not need to be able to craft a bed but a thatch mat or hammock would be reasonable to hang between two pillars.
7. I read a few posts about armor, we don;t need it and it does not make sense. Also there are no Pyrannas in the ocean they live in rivers. The difficulty level is fine for now, adding more content is what a lot of us seek in a game.
8. A few building options would be nice, handrails, chairs or stools.
9. There are a number of things that ships stored in barrels and new items, realistic items would be nice, maybe even a rare items from time to time.
10. Again great job and please continue the game, it has enormous potential and thank you for your hard work!
difficulty level
a day and night cycle
a beds and torches/lights
setting to turn off shark/health/food/water/infinite items/etc. when map is opened
walls protect from shark
underwater! exploration and collecting items from underwater
storms which require you to get into and enclosed space
more creatures,
I have a ton more, but understand that the game needs time, good game so far though
Need way more things to craft. I know this game is in early production, and this suggestion is obvious, but there is going to have to be way more stuff to craft, meaning there needs to be more things to collect and harvest.
Would be cool if there were islands or structures (such as towers, abandoned rafts and ships) that you could come across while floating about, and then you could control your raft, with sails or anchor it (all new features, of course) and go explore. Here you could find maybe animals that you could hunt to have to fight, and some sort of enemies. Of course there would be loot but maybe its guarded sometimes by an animal or a dungeon even.
Exploring the actual water would be cool. Having to craft up a suit and gear and then go exploring the ocean.
More wildlife other than a shark. As mentioned, more animals that could be found on islands, or more fish in the water to catch. And when you go diving you can see all the fish and capture them with a net. Maybe you could even find an animal on a island and somehow bring it onto the raft, Noah's Ark style, and breed. This might be a stretch though.
Day and night cycle, with bed to sleep away the night.
And of course multiplayer, but seeing how the game is early in development, this might be a while before we expect this.
As you can see, I'm pretty enthusiastic about this game. I think it has great potential and I hope it never stops updating with new content. Hopefully these suggestions are taken into consideration.
This game is pretty cool, I would love increased amount of shark. When you killed 2-3 sharks, then they are two instead of one, then three... Different size of sharks, some sharks often try to jump from water to eat your toes (one tile distance) instead of eating the raft.
Killing shark give metals (because we lack some when coconuts tree give plenty of everything else...) would increase the goal of killing some.
Maybe one item to go deeper in water and gather new rare ressource or new food or maybe a kind of net to gather shellfish.
Of course, we want more things to build.
Maybe a day/night cycle with much more attacks during the day and none during the night (then add jellyfish at night or some kind of dangerous animals)
A few suggestions:
El juego es espectacular , pero falta elaborar un poco mas la idea
*El tiburón siempre viene cada 4 minutos ( teniendo un cronometro lo hace muy predecible)
* Las Paredes Y Ventanas inutiles hijo, sin protection Dan S í estético en solitario
* Se podria Poner un ciclo de noche / día párrafo Así Tener que crear de antorchas para ver Poder
*Poner mas variedad de Craft o modificaciones
esa es una de mis opiniones, espero les sirva, la idea del juego es muy buena
Hi, I've been watching a few lets plays of the game on youtube. No matter which of the gamers I watch playing Raft, I enjoy the time.
I plan to start playing soon myself, but I was hoping to give a few suggestions after what I've watched so far. From what I can tell, the game is very therapeutic. It's overly simple to play, and that makes it overly fun. I do think the difficulty can be uped a bit, because, at the same time, it's also a little too easy to conquer when you get the ball rolling.
1. More Raft, More Problems.
First idea that comes to mind is that makes this game easy is that the raft can grow to insane sizes. A player could probably cover the ocean if he/she wanted to. Sure, there's a shark that nibbles away at it, but, the answer to that problem is just making more raft to slow him down.
So how about linking the difficulty of the game for players to the size of their raft. We start off with a 2x2/4 squares and shark, so lets say that when we upgrade to a 5x5/25 squares we get to handle two sharks at the same time.
Basically the more raft you craft, the more commotion you'll have in the ocean.
2. Bounty vs. Buoyancy
Following what I was talking about in the first point, the size of the raft can contribute so much more towards gameplay. For example, a chest could have a weight of 50 and putting ten chest close to each other places a weight of 500 in a certain range on the ship. Making things too heavy and causing the entire foundation to slowly take on water and sink.
If you build too much in one area, we, the players, could risk losing our entire establishment or creating an ankle deep puddle that slows down our sprinting (perhaps the shark could even try slidding across a slightly sinking raft to nab players).
Why not make it so that weight has to be distributed carefully on the raft if we want to keep a raft. The weight of an object every few blocks contributes to the weight that area is supporting.
3. More Animals.
One thing I know I love is the fact that a shark is swimming around you like a stalker, tearing your raft apart over time. But once you get settled and into the mood, the shark is manageable and expected. I'm glad that it's stronger and has more health, but it's still too easy to handle by itself.
Like I said earlier, the size of the raft could directly effect the difficulty of the game. We could face extra sharks or-at the right size-new enemies altogether.
You probably heard this before, but how about a giant squid or octopus that tries to drag the raft under; the only way to stop it is to cut away the tentacles before it's. Maybe even a aggressive whale that's out for revenge against humans, we'll need a few harpoons for thus one. Perhaps tiny crabs that sneak on board when you aren't looking and try messing with stuff; leave a frew traps around for them or let the little buggers fall in the nets where they're stuck but will break out of over time.
4. Watering Plants.
I just think this is a must, this should be how we grow our food over time.
5. Weather.
Some days are hot, other days are sunny, and a few days are just perfect for tanning...what if we had to deal with rain and sea storns that churn the waters. Shifting our vessels up and down in open water, causing us to take on water that we have to dump over board.
Perhaps we could even get fog that hides the shark and makes the attack more surprising.
6. Items and Ideas to be considered.
-Different behavior of the shark. Hiding underwater just as often as swimming near the surface.
-A harpoon we can throw and hook onto the shark, has a rope attached to keep it from swimming to far away. Does three time the damaged of the spear poke, which is only used to drive the shark away.
-A bucket to gather more water than a cup.
-Using salt, from the distillers, to store food.
-Spoilage timers.
-The need to sleep.
It would be cool to realize:
1) Scuba dive that would gather resources from the bottom.
2) Whatever the structure of the raft or occasionally swim to the islands, where they could get up to anchor.
3) Add a metal plate in which uvelichina strength up to 1000 for example.
4) Add larger craft, much more.
5) Add a boat, where you can swim to the islands for example.
6) Add a spear to hunt sharks, add more predatory fish.
7) Add multiplayer.
8) Add the possibility of crafting clothing or protection from biting fish.
Hello, I want to propose some ideas for the following updates.
- Some sound or music that warns that the shark is approaching.
- Add the cycle of day night (with a bed)
- Construct fenders with metal, for example: Barbed wire, metal walls and floor ...
- Put fishing nets not only the fishing rod, and with the fishing net you can catch more than one fish.
- More crops than potatoes.
- Put more levels of difficulty as for example: level 1, level 2 or level 3.
- Better render the game.
- Being able to split a stack
Hi, im playing Raft about 4 hours, and i finish the game in some kind. i dont have anything more to do, except collect materials.
I think you should put an a Coop mode, an Online Mode. also will be great if you put different isles, like a world, you can craft a ship or something similar and go to explore different places, and create you new Raft in other location. The isles will have his unique fruits or vegetables, materials, different types of wood, animals etc, like you found a chicken and you pick up the chicken to the Raft and you farm eggs.
Also it will be great if you put different types of weapon for defend the Raft for the shark, Or other types of animals like Stingray etc, and with he skin you craft armor, or with the shark tooth craft a more powerfull spear.
I have a lot of more ideas, if you wanna contact me i left you my email "".
I really like the game, im so excited for news upgrades and versions!
+add some really expensive automatic shark defense or detterent
+add some kind of way to funnel things from item nets or planters to chests (for planters, they dont need to be autorefilled)
Thanks for making this, it looks so good so far and I love it. Will definatly be looking for updates!
I'm not thinking to much but maybe a sum wot leveling system like the shark gets stronger the more times that you kill it anther cool little feature would be that storms and the way to stay safe is to have a bunker get this under water it will be a nice little touch to add to the games difficulty not just that but new buildings like tubes and gear like a harpoon gun which can only be used under water and their can be that you need glass can be added in the game and under water their can be a like sunken boat with supplies and a note which can say sum think that will start you on a little journey the fine land again but at the end of the hole journey a plot twist ant their is no ending haha so i'm interestint in what you have to say about my ides.
I'm not sure if anyone has suggested this, but maybe a shark trap? Just so that the sharks would stop attacking the raft. The bait would have to be replaced every time you catch a shark and that the shark has a 30% chance of escaping and breaking the trap, just to keep it from being op, but it would be awesome if it I didn't have to drop what I'm doing just to take care of a pesky shark.
I think the shark should go away sometimes, so you can swim in peace.
Underwater walls and floors etc for pools.
Door walls, self explanatory.
Deep sea diving, to find more materials.
Taming sharks, to have a way to get around.
Bird traps, made from: Scrap, Rope, Balloon(s), and wood, it would be a spool with rope and a cage at the top to catch birds (that you can reel in once you've caught a bird).
More advanced tech, like an automatic water filter.
Having the Raft pass Islands.
Fishing Nets.
Actual fish, not just items.
More food, get eggs from barrels, like potatoes you can either cook them right then, or wait and have more food, Yay Chicken!
Getting rations from barrels.
and that's all i got.
+I think there should be an easy option to disable sounds i had to go through audio manager and mute the entire game system
+ i agree with ivan26 an upgrade for foundations with metal
+I also think you should be able to upgrade pillars so that they hold more flooring 4x3? maybe? 4x4?
+I think there should be a throwing spear so you can actually kill the shark and cook his meat
+i dont know if its just me but i have a glitch with my items in my chests i will uploead a vid later
+ I think a pretty usefull idea would be fishing nets (should be very expensive)
+i also suggest add of everyday stuff chairs and table(have a space for cooked food) <---- lel idk i thought this would add a fancy touch
+i think that there should be different types of trees for different types of things like maybe specific trees that give more thatch and you should be able to eat coconuts/drink <---- (i think this is already a thing someone remind me if not) and palm should give specifically planks
+you should be able to sink (not easily but actually fall lower in the water instead of fatigue)
+ i think that maybe pressing the jump key shoulld make you swim
+you should add different islands you can land on
+if u can you should add LAN worlds so that we could play with friends on the same wifi (ik that to add in a system to browse games on other internets is hard so LAN would be cool)
+ there could be different types of fish that replenish deffirent amounts of water food and health
+ there could be a day/night cycle for more realistic gameplay but if there is you should add a bed to sleep through the night and day should be longer than night(by a lot)
+being able to collect the sharks bones and maybe a bit of scrap for 2nd tier spear then 3rd tier made more out of shark bones
+ there should maybe make an toolbench/stove where you can create stonger spears or axes(cut down trees and stuff quicker) (last 2 suggestions mix)
+ you can add bows they would be usefull against sharks
+ arrows should be cheap
+you should be able to have more than a stack=10 maybe stack=20? or 15?
+ nets that catch items from the ocean should wear out (to make the game harder)
+ there should be an option for mac book airs(when im not at home) to but graphics to shitty so that the computers fan dosent make so much noise
+there should be different size cups that replenish different amounts of thirst (i made 4 cups and 4 boilers to replenish my thirst while im far away in my huge raft
+ (walls with window) window should be the upper half not just 1/4th and in the middle
+ the shark should be more dangerous (i litteraly swim to it because i have been trying to take its meat) more damage but less health
+there should be maybe torches added?
+maybe add a cool story line as too how we got stuck on a raft (titanic!!!!!????)
+ make there be options of where you are in the ocean (near china, russia, usa)???
and thats all my thoughts (for now lol)
hope you consider some of my suggestion love the game btw
Amazing game, loving the concept, great work!! :DD I can't wait to see how it turns out in the future ^w^
Here's a few suggestions I feel would personally optimise the experience for me..
But um yea, that's all I have right now... keep up the good work! c:
There have been a lot of good ideas floating around, hyuk hyuk, but we also have to keep in mind it's a game called raft. Where do we want this game to go as gamers but also game makers. The game centers around the Raft so finding other things FOR the raft itself, not necessarily an end game of getting rescued or finding a large island is the key.
- Give the player a body, this gives cloths an option.
- Medicine if catch disease (might need to grow some vegetables or other fruits... Scurvy)
- dyes for cloths
- Item levels and degradation? makes you keep more than just one spear on hand
- more than just one type of shark?
- pesky birds?
- bow and arrow?
- hammock
- reinforced building, level upgrade or giving the foundations a 200 instead of 100 damage resistance
- fishing nets, or a place to keep live fish (I joking want an aquarium for decoration lol)
- compass perhaps
- Night and Day cycle (I like this idea because it would force more fire use like torches,
- fire damage to early versions of torches or regular fires.
- rain
- fish bone decore, like a friggin sharks head on the wall. lol
- diving bladder and underwater farming
- squids stealing stuff from nets
- an anchor for when near small islands or atoll, or finding a boat broken on a reaf?
- different type of fish, or even bate used to catch fish
- if there becomes a 'world' around to float, a map would be nice.
- sounds of creaking wood and maybe some minimal wave action?
Raft Creative Mode or just unlimited health, items and ability to fly. That's my suggestion, of course, anybody could mod the game, but I'd like for it to officially be in the game. Since Raft is free, I'm thinking of sending a few bucks your way, if it's possible. I'd also like to have settings for low requirements.
- Islands (different ones)
- More animals
- Protection from the shark
- Different types of weather, think about: wind, storm, rain
- Day/night time
- Less thirst!
- Sailing (able to build different rafts which can and others can't sail)
- Bed
- Better water purifier(maybe make it more ''expensive" in materials to make it a bit of a challenge
- Different types of floors, think of steal (so it's stronger against the shark or something), think of leaves, small bridges?, smaller stairs, ladders
- Larger catching range for the nets(currently I have like 15-30 nets next to each other, but the outer ones don't catch anything)
- A way to catch fishes in a different way than with a fishing stick, spears to throw at sharks.
- Challenges to complete which helps gaining skills to unlock items!
My proposal is to insert the boat, a parrot who speaks, warns of the shark or the wreckage of the ship. For parrots you can insert a tree with seeds for the birds as food, a water container. This is possible only when collected, for example, 50 barrels. The wreckage of a ship on the horizon with some animals and natural food options for them when you kill 50 sharks. all this to be possible only when conditions are met
My ideas, vol. 2
More Trees/Plant, you need fruit.
Elevator, needs: Rope, Wood, and Scrap, also it's not a modern elevator, it's a platform with a spool and crank to lift.
I would say shark trap, but i think there should be a shark proof diving cage.
A Shark Defense system, basically a hinged plank with a spike, that is kept up with a rope, when the shark bites.. it breaks the rope making the plank swing down, and stab the shark .
A tethered foundation, to push out... and have another mini raft.
Anchoring the raft, items will slow down.
Building on my deep sea diving from last time, if you don't have an anchor... then use a tethering point, instead of the raft being tethered to the ground.. you're tethered to the raft, also there should be sunken rafts, planes and ships, to get better stuff like weapons.
Taller pillars (just put a pillar on a pillar to extend).
Console commands.
Getting Crabs, and lobsters and such from the ocean floor.
and that's it
Hey guys I love the idea of this survival type game its absolutely genius and I have a pretty cool Idea, what if you could go underwater and find ship wrecks and stuff.
Well because this is a unique type of survival game, what if we had a few different roles, like maybe a story line, like how did we end up in the ocean.
I'd say that maybe a difficulty progression should be put in, along with a day/night cycle. As well as new hazards:
Difficulty Level 0: Starting difficulty. A single shark. No other hazards. A high amount of ocean debris, but low chance of barrels. High chance of jumping fish.
Difficulty Level 1 (Day 15 to 30): Chance of rain with occasional thunder. The rain makes you cold. When your heat bar is spent you get hypothermia and start to shiver and move slower, as well your health slowly drains. You are protected from the rain by being underneath a roof. Lightning can destroy tiles which further encourages using roofs. Chance of an extra shark or two sticking around for a day. Lower chance of debris, but higher chance of barrels.
Difficulty Level 2 (Day 30+): Chance of heavy storms, which can flood the lower levels or destroy raft components that arent reinforced or protected by walls. Chance of high winds, which can dismantle/blow away some of the lighter components (ie: cooking stations) that arent protected by walls. Chance of shark invasion, where additional sharks show up and stay near the raft for an entire day which means that multiple sharks can attack your raft at once.
I'd also say that maybe the player can also engage in 'spear fishing'. If a shark attacks and you spear it, it'll stay away from your raft for an entire day and you can do spear fishing by diving under the water. Being in the water for too long causes you to become cold and catch hypothermia.
Regular fishing should have a fishing minigame implemented. With high catch rates on water with jumping fish.
Being cold (even halfway towards hypothermia) should cause your food bar to go down a bit faster.
Dry foods should increase your thirst a little bit and coconuts should decrease your thirst twice as much as water, as well as refill a tiny amount of hunger.
All growth rates on growables (seeds and trees) should be halved.
Being cold can be recovered from by eating soups or staying near a fire. You'll also slowly regenerate heat during day time.
Shift-clicking an item while the inventory is open will quickly transfer items in and out of your hotbar or chest if applicable.
Hello, like many players I guess, I died several times in the very beginning. Today, I've lost everything (for the third time, grrrrr), my raft was nice and quite tall, so I had a lot of food and water, but I forgot to eat and I died (it's completly my fault). I 'm quite disapointed and I wonder if you could allowed players to restart with their last save instead of loosing all and forcing them to restart the game . It will be punishing by loosing our progression, but not frustrating by restarting from the beginning .
thank you for your amazing game !
Good greetings.
I've a few things to recommend if you feel inclined to read this post. Please understand that I understand this is only the very beginning parts of the game. I am not at all complaining, just offering personal opinions and thoughts. Also, if anything mentioned here was already mentioned in a previous post, I am unaware and apologize.
1.) When standing in the sunlight and I begin casting a shadow, I see only arms hanging in the air. It was humorous, but figured you should be aware.
2.) Fishing rods extend through the boat, as in, I can fish through the planks of wood. I do not think that you should be able to do that, aha.
3.) Perhaps this is my own interpretation, but take it as you will. The coconuts seem to continue rolling, never fully slowing down, it would be nice if they did halt after a certain distance.
4.) Harvesting one click at a time is tedious, a one click harvest sounds like a good idea.
5.) The waves splash through the bottom of the raft, if intended or not, I am not certain.
6.) The shark is predictable. I think adding different patterns to the shark's behavior would be engaging and interesting to the player. Instead of just attacking a plank a running away, perhaps at certain times it wont stop until beaten. Perhaps after being stabbed it will disappear under the water, only to reappear at a different location upon your boat. I can build a two layer foundation around my boat and forget about the shark, only repairing every once in a while. At the start of the game it was like "OmgBBQ #itscomin4me GG" , after my two layers and a large enough boat it was of no consequence to let the shark add some fiber to its diet.
7.) I think a snap feature for the cooking tools and plots would be a nice quality of life upgrade.
8.) I could not remove cooking tables, water purifiers, or potato plots without destroying the foundation. Also, this is a bug I believe, after destroying a foundation piece with two water purifiers and two cooking tables upon it, I could no longer place a foundation at its location and when I used an ax in the air, it make a sound and animation as if I was hitting something.
9.) Adding a reef system into the game would be a great way to make it feel both alive and allow different resources for a more intricate crafting system. Perhaps puffer fish poison could be added to spears for damage over time. Seaweed for bandages or new foods. Etc.
10.) One last thing about the shark, there is no reward for killing it. After killing it and receiving some food, which I can easily fish as much for less hassle, a new one spawns immediately. It feels as if ignoring the shark by building a large boat is the best way to go about things instead of trying to fight it.
11.) I can't rotate nets. My boat was not symmetrical in one of its three dimensions, this has traumatized me and has caused me to weep uncontrollably.
12.) You have the potentiality to later on in development create a sandbox world, perhaps spawning in islands, wrecked boats, reef systems, or underground caverns to explore based upon a randomly generating algorithm. It would allow for something new each game and add a lot to the game as a whole. This could allow for wildlife to be included into the underwater terrain as well, allowing it to feel more alive and interactive.
13.) Not needed, but immersive, day and night cycles would be interesting. With the moon shifting phases. This allows for items such as torches to be added.
14.) I would love to see the options for the raft's design increase. Obviously it's a little limited at the moment, but seeing as it's the main point of the game as far as I see, it seems like something that might deserve some attention.
15.) Nets have no hp bar when repairing them.
I tried the demo and did enjoy what time I played within. I will be watching for further development and hope it does indeed do just that. I would happily purchase a completed version of this based on what I have seen so far. I look forward to seeing the path this game takes. If you made it this far, thanks for reading.
In the real world, water often takes a long while to cool down at night. I could explain the science behind it, but to keep my comment short, I'd still like to say I agree with your idea. The water would be cold enough to start hypothermia about two to four hours after the sun goes down (translated to game time, approximately 1 and 1/2 to 3 minutes after the sun goes down).
Hypothermia itself should also make the player a bit hungrier for a while even after they get out. Perhaps a 3 to 4 minute hunger debuff? The torches and other fire-utilizing items would help the debuff go away faster.
Hi there i've got great news for you all i was building a large raft when i discovered something i wish that it stays in any of the next versions
i discovered that :
am i kidding or cheating?
build a new world and keep it a world for just trying this
this is totally an insane adventure
just hack your second profile using cheat engine > >
then try this
you have nothing to loose
build a large raft as you would like (largest 15*15 foundations) then go to the front-left edge of your raft
now build one line with the length of 18 to 20 foundations (the ground floor) in each of the two out directions of this edge
finally kill the shark once
now the shark will stay in a very small circle -Pretty,isn't it?-
even if it attacked all of it's attacks will be on the two lines that blocked it's moving
watch out if you built the raft to block the shark then matching the two lines from the outside will cause the game to get crashed
You should add several new fish/other marine animals(or even birds and stuff) to fish up or encounter(like the shark)
Maybe a whale shark that if it bumps into your raft it destroys 1 or 2 segments, or tuna that is between mackerel and shark for eating, maybe some cute little sea otters who will be your pet and catch some fish for you, a sea gull which you can shoot down(using a bow and arrow or throwing spear which could be added), dolphins which distract sharks and jump around in the distance, multiple kinds of sharks such as mako sharks(faster than normal and can jump out of the water a bit), great whites(does more damage per bite), multiple kinds of fish such as cod, haddock or other kinds I can't think of at the moment and maybe... SEALS!
Anything you add to the game though I'm going to enjoy probably!
1. I think u could make it so if you fail to kill the shark 3 times in a row, (because you're starter and u have no spear) it would just go away for about 10 - 15 minutes ?
2. You should definetely add more uses to scrap. I mean all there is to it right NOW is tools, a few chests, the water purifier and then the cookery. I mean yeah ur making a lamp so thats cool i imagine its going to use alot of scrap, and obviously if there's a lamp there's going to be a night time which im excited about, so about the ideas for scrap. I think as u start a world, there should be another island, and it has an NPC ? or something like that and then u can add a trading station, and trade scrap to planks, or rope or something like that. or just add a thing like researcher, which researches scrap and turns it into another metal like copper, u make other machines out of that that help expand ur house and make it easier to survive.
3.Also, can u do something like a extended/upgraded hook with rope? it would make sense that if u add some rope to your hook it makes it longer :p
4. I also thought of one thing when i was making my cropplots and stuff.. yeah we need plank and rope.. but from where do we get dirt ? Maybe you could add dirt to barrels? And speaking of barrels, if you could add leather and then maybe you can add backpacks (which obviously increase your inventory space) but lower the inventory space? because 15 spaces for inventory excluding the hotbar seems a litle bit too much.
And these are all of my ideas. i have no idea if they will ever come to the game but hey, if they will im happy :D (Btw i didn't include the previous ideas cuz i wanted to be original xD)
I did some looking around online, and it turns out there's lots of different types of whetstones. Some appear to be more durable than others. (Whetstones are used to sharpen blades.)
The throwing spear idea has been talked about a few times. Personally, I'd consider the throwing spear to be slightly dangerous to yourself. You might get yanked off your raft by the shark. Though if it does more damage, there might be a decent payoff.
Whenever diving is implemented, I wonder if sea life (i.e. fish, crabs, lobsters, oysters) could be gathered by hand with enough player skill. (Not meaning an in-game level system, but actual tactics players can use from the beginning of the game.) I'm also wondering if sea shells or other resources could be gathered for purely cosmetic purposes (i.e. dyes and decorative strings). Fins to improve swimming speed would be very beneficial.
Since the shark would obviously be a problem while diving, it should probably require one of those submersible shark cages on a player-operated winch. The shark would attack the cage much like the raft, and after a while, the cage takes too much damage and breaks open.
Until diving is implemented, though, I'm with lots of other players: beds would be great in the next update. I'm aware it'll be awhile, though. Good luck to the devs as they finish up their college classes.
A few ideas I've had:
BTW, love the latest update with the lanterns and day/night cycle.
Large chest
make it so that coconut fall straight down instead of rolling down to the sea (i dont have wall, so some coconuts just falls into the sea)
make a Scrap Foundation / fortify foundation with scrap
Make it so that food can get spoiled
Make a warning when the shark biting your raft (sometimes its hard to notice when you're buliding stuff on the 3rd floor)
make a weather perhaps, like windy weather or rain
make it so that you also need heat instead of just food and water, and also a campfire would be nice
and also can you make the shark just fight instead of running away after 3 hit? sometimes i purposely go into the water to kill the shark, but it keeps running away after 3 hit and its kinda annoying :))
Hey Raft Dev! I got some ideas that would be really cool if added in the 1.06 and/or 1.07 or whatever updates!
-Diseases (from drinking salt water or eating raw foods etc.)
-Islands (some are deserted, some have villages with tribes! you can loot them for materials or live there!)
-Sunken Boats (to loot of course)
-The Raft is always drifting so you can come across these islands and boats (or swim, whatever suits u)
-You can loot boat engines from sunken boats to make your Raft move faster
-You can paddle your raft if you craft a paddle but only if your raft is a certain size (small)
-No need for multiplayer, we already have a mod for that so dont worry :)
-Nails can now be found drifting in water and in barrels (you can still craft them though!)
-You can sometimes find craftable items (hammers, spears, axes etc.) in villages (common), sunk boats (common) or barrels (rare).
-You can throw the spear using Right Click (you can retrieve it)
-New Weapon: Knife (more powerful than spear)
-You can now use the axe as a weapon (it is the same power as spear)
-You can be rescued (ending of game, not sure how you get rescued though)
Please reply and tell me what you think! I think this would make the game more AWESOME than it is now!
I think a good idea would to be able to Select Different Locations. This way you can have New Scenery, Landscape and New types of Sharks. By having the players able to select the location, you can use this as a way to Change the difficulty by picking an area with either More Aggressive or Less Aggressive Sharks. To keep the game refreshing you can also add levels with multiple little sharks, an Easter-egg with a Jaws sized shark that can take out multiple foundations at once, and even a shark-less water for the guy that just wants to build.
After seeing the 1.0.5 update I get the feeling you might be going a warmth meter or something. If you are or aren't you could also make a Location in the north where it snows frequently and the player has to factor warmth more heavily. The Possibilities are endless.
Öncelikle Elimizdeki mızrağı fırlatabilmemiz lazım mesela uzaktayız kırmaması için ve fırlattığımız yerden alınmalı mızrak
Daha İyi Kapı ve camlar yapılmalı marangozluk yeteneği inşaat yaparak gelişmeli toplama yeteneği item toplayarak gelişmeli toplama yeteneği 2 seviye olduğunda %10 oranla +1 item vermeli gibi gibi yetenekler gelmeli ve o yetenekler geliştikçe o işi daha iyi yapabilmeliyiz
kapı kapı eklenmeli oyuna pencereler ve duvarlar ve kapı ile daha iyi bir ev yapabiliriz kapısız ev olurmu :)
Köpek Balığı bize vurduğunda kanama özelliği gelmeli ve yavaş yavaş canımız azalmalı bunu önlemek için 2 tane ip ve 3 tane yaprağı birleştirip sargı yapmalıyız yani oyuna sargı ve kanama özelliği gelsin
türkçe dil desteği ve farklı dil destekleri her ülkeden insanın oynaması için
oyunda sandalye var birde koltuk eklense güzel olmazmı
yaprakları temizlenmesi için pişirip su ile karıştırsak çay yapsak olur bence gayet güzel olur çay özelliği
son olarak scrapı kullanabileceğimiz farklı şeyler yapmalıyız daha iyi kolon gibi mesela daha fazla alanı kapsasın o kolon
steama çıksın bu oyun ben desteğe her zaman hazırım
eğilme gelirsede iyi olur ctrl ile
First we have to be able to throw the spear at our hand, for example, not to break our distance, Better doors and glass construction carpentry ability to build by collecting the ability to collect the advanced ability to collect items when the level of advanced collecting is 2 level, you have to come up with 1% to +1 item and you should do it better as the skills develop Door door should be added to the game window and you can make a better house with walls and doors would be house without doors :) When the dogfish hits us, it has to come bleeding and slowly we have to decrease it. To prevent this, we have to combine 2 ropes and 3 pieces of leaf to make the dressing and bleeding feature in the game Turkish language support and different language support for every country to play Would not it be nice if one seat was added to the chair I would make tea if we cooked it for cleaning the leaves and mix it with water. Finally we have to do different things that we can use the scrapi like better column such as column that covers more area Steam out this game I'm always ready to support Bending comes better with ctrl Translate To Google Translate
After I downloaded the new update, here are some minor improvements, i would suggest: