Version 5.2 - During Betons final Affinity you can hear two BGMs play at the same time.
It might just be my computer but sometimes there would be a black screen and the text would still work like with the bar scene after just fixing it and after liam and ghart have picked from the crowd. Also I've restarted the game a few times to go through it a couple times and this time around the inn's sign has a night be 10 gold coins but the text says three, and there are small minute times that the text has said waldo instead of valdo and saying he a couple times or just some small wording and spelling mix ups
On version 5.2 whenever I work or duel an npc it doesn't reset the day after so I can't work or duel anybody for some reason. I'm not sure if its because I game overed against grant's personal guard or not. The only solution I have found to fixing this is dueling 3 times at a resource spot like Winterain
Unsure if this is a bug or if it's just a logic error (running version 5.2 on Windows 10)
The library is only open during the day -- yet if you try to use the dicktionary during the day to rent a room to duel one of the black knights, it specifically says you can only duel at night... but the library is closed at night.
Hello, That's weird. your save file might have been corrupted. have you set the cloud save on? send me a mail at
If you enable the cloud save with an account (the "multiple device" option), I might be able to help. in the mail, please precise the mail the mail you used to create the account please.
Hello! Loving the 5.5 version so far! I didn't know if you had a specific discussion for typos, so I'll put this here in case no one else has already. During Ghart's first cutscene, I believe he's supposed to be saying "she" when he's talking about his ship sinking? But it says "sha"
I have the screenshot, but it wot let me post it here. Let me know if you want it
Hey! (not the creator, just a fan of the game). You should be able to open settings and change the resolution QUALITY by scrolling through the different resolution options. I've seen this happen to others elsewhere on this form. The highest resolution option is just likely hidden, which you can fix by scrolling down through the resolution options.
Hello! Recently I played through all of the content in the latest build (0.5.5) in 16:9 screen size - had no issues. Today I was playing around with the settings and I clicked on a smaller screen resolution and suddenly the option to play in 16:9 completely disappeared - now the screen is very small with a terrible quality no matter what I pick, the maximum size is 640x480. I'm playing on Windows 10. Can you advise what the issue could be? So far I've never had a problem with this.
I'm playing through the 0.6.0 update, and I got the message that I unlocked underwear from the bandit; however, when I go to the store, none are for sale. Also, there is a black bar in the bottom third or so of the store tab. I've attached a picture. Really like the scene the underwear were from, so any help is appreciated :)
Ah, sorry about that.
I can help you restore your save but for that, if you don't have it enabled already, you'll have to create a cloud save account (Main menu/Play/Synchronisation/Settings/Yes, multiple devices) and send to the email adress you used to create the account.
Depuis que j'ai téléchargé la dernière version plus rien ne fonctionne. J'ai désinstallé puis réinstallé mais rien n'y fait :
Je ne peux pas parler aux personnages, je ne peux pas me rendre dans les bâtiments, et je n'ai plus accès à certaines zones. Les cartes strip lucky sont aussi hors d'usage ^^'
J'ai tout débloquer et j'ai passer beaucoup de temps à farm et j'aimerais ne pas tout perdre si possible. J'ai pris un screen de mon avancé si besoin.
Que dois-je faire pour que le jeu refonctionne normalement ?
Merci par avance pour votre retour !
Bien à vous et continuez ce que vous faîtes.
Continued to work on my affinity with the twins on my phone since I still had 6.0 instead of 6.1 and whenever I got to halfway between where the first and second cut scenes are it played a scene that seemed incomplete. Just the twins standing outside the walls talking about their old village. I know that y'all just blocked it with 6.1 but I wanted to see what would happen if I made it to where the second and third scenes were.
Hello, good afternoon I had been using android versions 5.5 without problems but now when I update the game to android version 6.1, the game plays "slow" as with a delay and the graphic quality changed several times and it is not fixed even I can not have duels with the knights dark because I always lose because of this delay, does it happen to someone else?
Royal Battle Arena Error
Hello Grizzly Gamer Studio, I'm having a problem entering the royal battle arena after having defeated the Infernal Trio that controlled the entrance, when I click on the dialog box with the three dots in front of the entrance, it sends me to the center of the village and I can't download the 5.4 version for any reason. The same problem with the three dots in the dialog occurs when I try to enter in the Dicktionary and it sends me directly to the center of the village. I downloaded the versions and opened them, maybe there was a problem with the folder, will it be fixed if I uninstall the application and reinstall it?
I hope to get asked, will help me a lot. Thanks.
Found a bug with the king fight. Upon entering the room before the king's room (the room with the soldiers lined up, with an additional entry way to the dungeon), a scene occurs with no text or images. Nothing happens. However, you can press the fast-forward button multiple times. Upon pressing fast-forward several times, the fight with the king suddenly starts. After losing to the king, a scene occurs but with no text or images again. Fast-forward button a few more times, and suddenly I appear in the dungeon.
I was basically able to skip past all of the new content.
I found an issue where entering the castle bathroom in they morning phase leads to void screen (like other bugs). Entering in the evening seems fine after beating the strip lucky in the bathroom my game has been game having issues in combat as enemies do not display during the fight and the finishing scene displays a buggy Hubert. Fortunately closing the game and launching fixed this. I am unsure if entering the Void or the strip lucky event putting me in the bathroom at an unintended time caused this but I can say for certain it was one of the two events.
Edit: 6.3 seems to have fixed this
Bonsoir, je pense un petit bug sur la version 6.3 que je n'avais pas avec la 6.2. J'ai un écran noir dans la salle sous la grille du couloir de la salle du trône et le village souterrain. Je peux tout de même me déplacer il y a les flèche.
Hi, perhaps a small bug with 6.3 update that I haven't with the 6.2. I've a black screen in the room between the corridor royal's room and the dungeon village's place. Hope I can move.
Maybe your save has been corrupted.
I can assist with that. To do so, if it's not enabled yet, can you enable the cloud save with an account (Play/Synchronisation/Settings/Yes, between multiple devices) I'll need the email you used to create the account.
Can you send it to me on
pretty sure that's how it is coded. Advancing map doesn't advance time of day. Dialogue duel does and special duels like Dark Citizen and Quest tools. Dark citizens even has specific time change due to narrative. If you want to advance time of day, you can sleep it off in your house any time of the day.
v0.6.5 win x64
Some animated storyline sequence stops moving midway. Ei. Rafaelo after Carpentry shop repair, Hanth blowjob, Horace floating, Beton riding. Sniffing works just the narrative first sequence stops, the succeeding animated works tho.
Also at night save at Eden beach 1. When reloading for a Dark Knight the pre-duel page is wonky and there was no opponent during duel. the reward was correct afterwards tho and no crash but might be something.
according to the game, you should see a pop up text: "you feel being watched" or something and you will have to fight a wolfman. If you lost the game pop up a "game over" text and Robin will wake up in bed with nightmares like "A virus that turn gay man straight" or "whelcum is full of woman who turn him into sex slave". I have never bumped into this bug before. Maybe closing the game?
Great game, fantastic writing. I only experience a minor bug once is that after doing chores for Gregor, i clicked the screen to quickly and his voice line played before the animation so my game just stuck in that one frame (i lost my save file after exit but it's okay). Anyway, thank you for releasing this masterpiece, waiting for more update (if you have more update) soon, don't stress out on the production, take your time to give the best result. we are patient. I will try to support you guys as much as possible (via donating and recommending the game). Thank you.
Bug report: on Android v6.5, skin tones. Regardless of undress/arousal status, at all three times of the day, at either the overworld or when renting a room at the inn, one of the looping battle frames appears to have a slightly different skin tone than the other frames. I took screenshots using the system dialogue (Android v11) and then obtained the hex values of the colors from the PNG files:
a) brown twink orc (the one that bottoms). In the battle loop, but also for the "finish" move, the body color uses #966d44 but for one frame uses #936a49 instead. And now that I look at the screenshot, the forearm retains #966d44, leaving sun-tan line that's darker for the body lol
b) green daddy orc (the versatile one). In the battle loop, the main color seems the same, but the shadow tone switches color, using for the most part #797137 but on some frames #737339 instead.
Bon courage! J'ai bien aimé le jeu et attend les aventures de Mr. le-sex-démon Robin >:D
There are bugs in Hanths first cutscene, Betons second cutscene, and Horace's second cutscene where the animation stops halfway through the sex. So Hants stops moving his head when sucking dick, Beton stops thrusting on you, and you stop fucking Horaces clones ( the animation freezes but the text moves ). Love the game, btw👌🏾
Also, the loading is slow sometimes when walking into torment tower from the well in the mornings, and when entering the ultima plug. For torment tower it shows Astaroth in the hammock sleeping, but he's surrounded by black, and for ultima plug it just shows a box with the slave licking his feet. It clears after a bit of tapping the screen, but I thought I'd mention just in case. ( on Android )
est-il possible de récupérer les données de sauvegarde de ma partie windows pour jouer sur android ?
J'ai essayer de passer par le cloud mais rien à faire. On me demande un compte alors que j'ai le compte sur et que sur la version 6.5 j'avais mes sauvegardes sur le cloud.
Bref je me connecte et on me dit pas de compte avec cette adresse mail. Je crée un compte via le jeu pour le cloud on me dit "sauvegardé et synchronisé" et quand je veux réessayé on me dit pas de compte à cette adresse à nouveau. Et quand je veux créer un compte on dit déjà un compte à cette adresse.
Dans tout les cas j'ai ma sauvegarde sur PC et la version 7.0
Bonjour, Oui cela est possible, via le cloud save c'est le plus simple.
Vous avez suivi les bonnes étapes, mais vous devez créer un compte en effet. Ce système n'utilise pas vos identifiants
Une fois le compte créé, vous devriez pouvoir vous y connecter sur l'autre plateforme (Android ici)
Si cela ne fonctionne pas, envoyer moi l'adresse mail utilisée pour créer le compte par mail à
Some of the scenes you get by clicking random underwear in the scenes seem to be bugged. You can see the scene, but there doesn't seem to be a way to exit it (clicking the X button in the corner does nothing). This happened for the underwear on the balcony at the inn in the afternoon, and in Orderic's bedroom also in the afternoon. (Are those scenes new? I don't remember seeing them before.) Other underwear scenes work fine.
The music scrolls seem super buggy. I've managed to collect a few correctly, but there are several that the game just won't let me click (off the top of my head: in Ghart's bedroom, in Hanth's bedroom, in the chest at the top of the stairs in the inn, in the room in the inn -- all four during the afternoon).
I've tried that and it's made no difference, I've also reduced the quality to low and messed with the resolution and still is very heavy on my GPU. It could be the GPU itself but I haven't had any issues like this in the past, so I'm quite unsure what to do. But thank you for the quick reply anyway.
la nuit dans la chambre de robin à l’auberge impossible de récupérer la partition (le jour et soir elle n’y ait pas) ça lance le dialogue sur des livres sous android
Petite faute de frappe dans le dialogue 1er affinité de Zack, il est écrit après que robin sort de la pièce après mis le tablier ”Zack remet son sexe NE place” je passe que c’est EN place.
Vous faites un très bon travail, j’adore donc aucune critique dans les rapport de bugs même si je suis direct et pas de formules de politesse
je ne sais pas si c'est moi qui n'est pas vraiment compris comment récupérer les partitions ou pas... pourtant j'en ai récupérées ...
Dans la boutique de raphaelo et celle de Selim quand on clique sur la partition elle ne disparait pas et pas de messages "vous avez récupéré une partion" mais quand on lance on dialogue avec le protagoniste en question ou que l'on sort de la boutique quand on rentre à nouveau le parchemin a disparu. Cependant il me semble que je l'ai dans la boîte à musique
SUPER, merci ! Beaucoup de bugs corrigés rapidement. Cependant sur mon application, les cinématographies de 2 sous vêtements dans le décor ne se lancent pas. Le matin, le caleçon noir sur une bibliothèque de la bibliothèque. Et la nuit à ”blanchepluie” le slip dans le sapin (2ème décor). Pas urgent ça ne gêne pas la progression 😉
Valdo's Dock; clicking on Valdo's loin cloth on the dock starts a cut scene or Robin and Valdo in the water with Valdo topping Robin. When I press the circle end the scene...the circle X greys out and the scene does not stop. There is no way to exit the scene except by terminating the running program.
The new beer at the inn doesn't seem to work as it should.
I've unlocked very few memory scenes (as those were added after I'd completed the affinity routes for most of the characters). The first time I drank the beer after the update, it only offered me two characters (I can't remember which, but definitely NOT Gregor).
I then worked/duelled with Gregor a couple of times (which did not unlock a memory scene). When I used the beer again, Gregor had been added to the characters, and clicking him played a memory scene which I'd never seen before. I then interacted with Gregor a few more times, which unlocked that same memory scene which I'd already seen at the inn!
I think that's a bug??? I thought the beer would only let you rewatch scenes you'd already seen, not get a preview.
(Also, I understand that there are several memory scenes per character. It'd be nice if the screen you get when you drink the beer would show you how many you've unlocked for each character, e.g. 3/4. That'd make completionists happy. Obviously, that's not urgent, but it'd be nice in the future.)
In Zacks battle scene (in his bakery), between each text and action scene the transition between them all are quite delayed (in comparison to the other battles). Also there is a "DoubleCum" button in the very top right hand corner, nothing happens when you click it, it looks very out of place (its a light grey box with standard writing) so I assume it's not supposed to be there. All of these only happen during Zacks battle.
GPU problem- I bought the game, and have played it since the first launch and in every update, on high resolution with no problems. After 7.1 update my GPU is 99% in use, when Robin Morningwood takes the vast majority of it (92%). And that 92% is happening after I have already disabled the 'lightning' and changed the resolution to medium. I can't play the fights, and the game is keeping stuck often, while I see the art in lower resolution compared to before. (because I lowered it).
Hey, just downloaded 7.1 on Android. Slight lag in some of the scenes and major lag during the twins first affinity scene. I tried playing on my computer, thinking maybe it was because my phone just wasn't powerful enough, but the game won't let me create a cloud save : it keeps telling me that my email adress or my password is wrong no matter how many times I try.
Hello, We just found out there was an error while creating an account if the email adress you use is too long. To be more precise, what's before the "@" have to be shorter than 20 characters. It will be solved in v0.7.3.
And for the performance issue, we just found that ic can be solved, but will have to upgrade the game engine, wich will take some time. So it should be solved in v0.7.4 in a few days.
I can't play it anymore...
I downloaded the latest version and did the correct instalation, but the gane gets extremely slow from the title/menu screen on.
I tried turning off the internet, seting the graphics to the lowest, but nothing solved.
The game used to run normally before I updated it. I dont remember which version O had, but I think it's the one where the soldier and the wizard got playable with.
I need help. My cellphone is a Motorola Moto G 6 Play. And I think it's one of the latest versions of Android.
I just downloaded 7.4 for Windows. The graphics don't seem to be as sharp, like the line edges are pixelated, and the animations are skipping, like in combat when the Robin picture would slide back and forth, now it's jumping. There also seems to be more lag time in transitions when moving locations. I've never had to manipulate the graphics setting before, and even turning off the background lighting didn't seem to improve performance any.
je ne sais pas si je ne sais plus jouer.... j’ai voulu recommencer le jeu donc j’ai utilisé la deuxième sauvegarde qui était inutilisé. J’ai repéré une ou 2 deux erreurs de dialogue que je pourrais lister si c’est utile (je lis bien tout cette fois ^^). ... Bref je suis bloqué au début du jeu. J’ai fait les réparations de ma maison. Il est dit quête principale dormir une nuit dans ma nouvelle maison... je fais et rien ne se débloqué. Seul la première affinité d’orderic est débloqué. Celle de gregor le sont toutes alors que je coupe du bois.... et dans les starts dans les affinités j’ai des perso comme Valdo Giant et 2 autres que je vois alors que je n’ai pas encore rencontré ses personnages.
Suis bloqué dans le village...
D'accord, je vois de quel bug vous parlez. Nous allons le résoudre pour la prochaine version. Pour faire simple, lorsque vous entrez chez vous lors de la première nuit et que vous réparez un meuble, le bug se déclenchera. Il faut aller directement vous coucher la première nuit pour éviter ce bug. Nous sommes encore une fois vraiment désolés et nous faisons au plus vite pour résoudre ce problème.
Re Cadd34. Nous venons de restester la version 7.5 directement en téléchargeant le jeu sur, et il s'avère que le bug n'est vraiment plus présent... Est-ce que vous pourriez nous indiquer ce qui est écrit exactement sur la page d'accueil du jeu en bas à gauche ? (faire un screen si vous le pouvez, cela nous aiderait vraiment)
J'ai eu la même idée que cadd34 et j'ai aussi redémarré une partie avec la version 7.5 (sous Windows) il y a quelques heures, et j'ai eu exactement le même bug. J'avais aussi commencé les réparations avant de me coucher, et j'avais choisi de me branler plutôt que de dormir, et l'histoire n'avançait pas le lendemain matin.
En recommençant et en dormant dès que la maison est accessible, on a bien la scène avec Ghart et l'histoire qui avance.
Donc il semble bien que le problème soit présent dans la 7.5.
I just wanted to let you know that Android version 7.5 has fixed the graphics freezing and then unexpected exit on my Pixel C tablet - what you've previously blamed on out-of-memory errors. I guess from the fact the installer size is smaller that you've compressed a few assets better! Before I couldn't get past the first orc duel in the woods - it would crash every time - but now I can. There's still sometimes huge pauses when advancing to the next phase of a fight, which I'd guess is a GC pause, so still more to do, but at least it isn't game-breaking now. Thanks!
So, I just downloaded the update and upon playing i immediately was quested by rulius And Arthur. I completed both quest and had resources to spare so I furnished my apartment and had a delightful surprise with Hanth, Gregor and ordrick.
However, through my shopping I was Re-Quested Arthurs book pages wood. However...
I cannot complete the quest because there's no wood for me to collect from the wizards home town.
I thought it was a re-quest.... like farming for goods but I can't complete it because... there's no resources to gather like I did originally when he first gave me the quest.
This is on Android.
Thank you. Love this game... I want more of it like pvp or stripy cards pvp.
Edit: I logged out and logged back in and it cleared. The side quest that I previously completed is no longer on the world map nor is Arthur prompting me for a quest.
This happened to me as well, but only with Arthur.
I was suspicious when Arthur gave me the Book of Memories and it wasn't physically accessible in the house except with the button on the side (unlike the chest and bed, which you can see in the house and click on directly to interact).
After getting the desk, I was told Arthur had a side quest for me, and of course, he gave me the same quest again.
But all the logs did not respawn so there's no way for me to complete it.
It didn't take away the Book from my house but it just bothers me that now the Log icon is stuck over the Feasterra section of my map screen.
I upgraded to 7.6 (windows version) and when I launch the game I have a very small window where I can basically only close it.
I can't maximize it as it is already seen as maximized.
I've tried the ALT+Enter to switch into Full screen mode but then I get this:
I've tried to uninstall the game and install it again but I'm getting the same thing.
What can I do to solve this?
I have 2 options in mind, first:
Use Alt+Enter to force it full screen, shut it down with Alt+F4, then relaunch it.
The second idea would be to delete some lines in the register:
Open "Regedit" (In the windows menu, write it down, it should easily find it) Go to "\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\GrizzlyGamerStudio\Robin Morningwood Adventure" and delete everything inside. Launch the game again.
Version 7.6 -- Cloudsave is not synchronizing, tried to login my account, it prompts invalid username and password even though both are correctly entered. When used the forgot password, it prompts "InvalidAPIEndpoint" -- please help, I am using both PC and Android that's why I need the Cloudsave to work. /TIA
Hello Throbbin, there apparently was an issue on Playfab, I also had to reconnect.
But for the password error, I'll have to investigate. Maybe they changed their API.
If you still can't reconnect, send me an email at with the email you use to connect. I'll check what's goint on and if need be, manually set you a new password.
J’ai remarqué que quand on combat les jumeaux en duel et que l’on trouve les attaques ”points faibles” ou même par la suite quand on les joues... la couleur de la phrase genre ”très efficace” n’est pas en jaune mais reste blanche.
Ensuite sous Android, quand chez soi on clique sur le coffre pour transférer des articles du sac vers le coffre ou inversement... si notre doigt lâche l’article au mauvais moment à cheval entre 2 cases ou sur une déjà occupée (donc le contour blanc de validation n’apparaît pas dans la case vide) l’article se bloque entre les cases ou sur la case avec un article déjà dedans). J’ai pu fermer le coffre avec la croix blanche seulement quand on ouvre le coffre l’objet que j’ai voulu (”mal”) déplacé a simplement disparu de mon inventaire. J’ai perdu 2 articles comme ça. Je precise pas fait exprès ^^ !!. Sauf la deuxième fois j’avais la flemme de déplacer des articles car je voulais les ranger dans un certain ordre... donc je pensais qu’en superposant 2 articles pour le placer entre 2 par exemple... ben ceux derrières se déplacent automatiquement.... ben non LOL. ! Bref cette fonctionnalité de ”tri” pas utile et compliqué à programmer peut-être mais au moins si on lâche l’article où il ne faut pas (sans validation...) qu’il retourne dans son emplacement d’origine tout seul...
Ensuite avez-vous une adresse mail où déformation professionnelle oblige ^^ je peux vous envoyer une liste (d’erreurs (pdf) de grammaire, orthographe, conjugaison depuis le début) que j’ai faite. Je n’ai pas terminé mais j’ai un premier jet (sans sous-entendus ^^)
Pour le trio infernal je crois qu'aussi l’écriture reste blanche lors des attaques sur le point faible.
Pour les sauvegardes sur plusieurs appareils, lors du téléchargement du cloud sur le deuxième appareil l’affichage de la sauvegarde ne s’actualise quand le petit le petit nuage est le V vert disparaissent. L’heure, la date, le nombre de slip reste ceux de la sauvegarde précédente de ce même appareil (le deuxième appareil). Si je quitte le jeu (sans l’avoir lancé) et que je relance l’application, là c’est bon l’affichage et bien celui de la sauvegarde de du premier appareil ou bien si je lance le jeu et reviens sur l’écran de titre c’est actualisé. C’est bien l’affichage qui ne s’actualise pas lors du téléchargement puisque si lance la sauvegarde sans fermer l’application c’est c’est la bonne.
Thank you for the 7.7 update.
On Android the directional movement is broken. When I go to my house and try to head to the wizard past my jacuzzi it takes me to the town square with the well.
Also when I try to click on the underwear in the three brothers living room it also takes me to the town square.
Trying to access the library... boom townsquare.
:D thank you for all of your on going efforts and updates.
Hello LeoRocky85, That's a really weird bug. I couldn't reproduce it on our devices. The teleport to the townsquare was a failsafe I made if there were an error and the actual place you should have been was either was corrupted or simply not installed with the game.
Can you try to uninstall the game and re-install it?
Currently having some issues with the game continuously crashing at random points thought. I've recently restarted from the beginning of the game and also every 5-10 minutes of play brings a new crash. Currently running Windows 10 Pro, with Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8565U CPU @ 1.80GHz 1.99 GHz. Not sure what is causing the issues. I've uninstalled and re-installed twice now with the same problem. It usually happens if I'm clicking quickly through screens or skipping scenes all together. Any advice?
I believe I may have figured it out. My laptop in touch screen and can be placed in tablet mode, was switching between touch screen and mouse too frequently while using the game. Happened with a few other programs on the laptop and was told by a Dell CSR that switching between the two “entry” methods for some programs can cause a crash. Stopped using the touch screen and have not had an issue since. Thank you for the quick response.
I seem to have encountered an error. I bought all of the furniture at once and that unlocks two different side quests from the dude in the library. He needs wood from Feasterra, however when I go to get the wood, it doesn't appear. Is this because I unlocked both side quests at once and glitched the game or am I missing something?
Arthur gave me the wood chip quest 2 times. I have an item marker over feasterra but no side quest on my map. There are no pieces of wood to claim in feasterra either.
edit: I uninstalled and installed. The item still showed up on world map, but after doing a task it went away and I got my next quest for cogs.
I played the demo and after finishing it i bought the game, after buying the game other shops showed a repair mark then i quit the game and when i opened it back the repair marks on all shops except the ones for the main and side quest have disappeared.
playing on windows and didn't have the save cloud on
Awesome job so far with game!
The version I have is 7.7, playing on PC Win 10
I encountered a issue during the two quests at "Feasterra". It happen during the part when you have to collect two items from the tree in the 3rd area. On the world map it shows I still have an item to obtain, however I already collected the item and the tree shows nothing when I go to it. The item is in my inventory however when I return back to Arthur the quest fails to trigger. I think what happen during the part when both items are in the tree I clicked on the one that wasn't active, and the battle started where the item was still obtained.
Je ne comprends pas trop comment fonctionne "les bières du souvenir". J'ai compris le principe (travailler avec les personnages et aléatoirement des scènes se débloquent) mais le nombre de souvenir débloqué change de jour en jour ; Orderic parfois j'ai 1/4 puis 2/4 3/4 4/4 etc. et c'est en jaune alors que d'autres persos il m'en manque apparement mais c'est blanc
I'm really sorry about that, but unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about it. If the problem persists, maybe try to contact
Lo siento mucho por eso, pero desafortunadamente, no hay nada que pueda hacer al respecto. Si el problema persiste, tal vez intente ponerse en contacto con
Hello, can you check in the main menu that you've not downloaded the demo version?
In the lower left corner you should see "V0.8.4" and below the "Robin morningwood Adventure" logo, it should be written "Early access"
If you see "V0.7.7D" or "Demo version" in the main menu, you've installed the demo and not the actual game.
I've fought the king and lost, sent to Astaroth's dungeon and reported all that to General Grant. And I'm close to getting General grant's underwear. But all of Astaroth's affinity steps are still locked for me.
By the way, I'm playing on Windows and I've installed the latest version as of today.
**Edit** I still have other unlockable affinities and I'm playing Early Access version 8.4
I just uninstalled and reinstalled my game to fix a bug that was happening to me and just lost all my progress a save files and can't get them back even when I did cloud save for my device is there a way to get my game back or is it lost forever none of my emails have a cloud save account apparently I did select this device only cloud save is that why I have lost everything and can't get it back if so I am abit upset I had so much progress to my game and I don't wanna start again
Hello, these issues should have been solved in the latest version (0.8.4) make sure you're running this version of the game (you can check it out in the lower left corner of the main menu.
If it still happens, can you provide detail on which device you're playing, and the character and location it happens?
hello! I just updated the robin morningwood demo from 5.4 to 7.7 and when I played it I can't enter the library and the other buildings except for the inn and my house and the map reset to the beginning map the other place was gone except for the forest where you can get some wood and the mountain where you can get some stone. Hope you can help me to fix my problem.
Hello! I'm on windows 10 and I've encountered two bugs. one is that i finished the feasterra wood sidequest before the update to 8.4 but now it says i need to do it again but the wood isn't there. the second is that in the farming sidequest with Horace, if the minigame ends and then a bug or rock enters the barrel it will give me the rewards but play the losing sounds. it also skipped Horace's second cutsene which i earned. it allowed me to see it later when i clicked on it, but the first watching was entirely skipped.
Running the latest version as of today - bought and downloaded earlier today. Worth mentioning that my game was running out of a save from the demo, which I played about a month ago.
Now after Update 9.1 i discover a lot of Problems.
Excaliballs is gone from my inventory. Dodoro and the sword will appear again in the hidden Spot (???) but i can´t interact with them. Dodoro also don´t appear at Solitude Peak. The new Quest Points for repairing the lens are done. but i can´t interact with Dodoro again at ????-Location.
Good morning/day/evening,
First - thank you for the new release! Your hard work is appreciated!
Second - I am not sure if this a bug or intentional but figured it was worth mentioning: I went to Solitude Mountain and proceeded to get my butt kicked. So I decided to go back and grind for more black ore. Went to see Astaroth in the evening, but it will not allow me to work for him just duel. Same problem at night. Is this intentional?
I did not as I originally went there in the evening and had not done any work for him as of yet, I assumed it was something that would exist regardless of the day. Let me finish the fight sequences I am in and I will report back. Though I am currently about to fight with the half-demon, so I am not sure if that is going to change how the bug is presenting or not. Give me a few minutes and I will get back to you.
So I managed to get to the half-demon and lost that fight horribly. Advanced the day to evening and now Astaroth's work is available. Since I don't cloud save and don't have the game installed elsewhere I can't be certain if I experienced a one time issue in 9.1 or if it was caused by the fact that Astaroth was technically helping me up the mountain and now no longer is since I defeated the three knights and have the hammer.
Not sure if this is on purpose or a bug, but I noticed that when I fought Barto, his second phase of the fight, makes his private bits pixelated. From what I can understand, each fight has phases of undressing, second one being only undies phase. Since Barto doesnt have undies under his garments, he gets pixels!?
Also, thnx for the great work, I am really enjoying the game so far ❤
Lost progress?
Wondering if there is anyway to get my save from version 9.3 to transfer to 9.4? I had already gotten past the house repairs and was moving on to the forge when i updated though it reverted to before any house repairs were made. Not much progress and easily re-achievable but is there a work around? Like copying the save files over or something??
The use of the scrolls is still not clear to me, I have already bought several, but I do not see a significant improvement or is it that I am using them incorrectly, is it just a question of buying and leaving in the inventory? or you have to use them or equip them in some way on the weapon ... could you explain to me
When you buy a scroll, you then have to go to your inventory and drag and drop it on the equipment of your choice.
If the equipment already had a scroll, the effect if replaced by the new one. they don't stack.
but if you have, say, 3 scrolls of virility (one on eaqh equipment piece) they cumulate and so you have +6 in virility.
You can always check on your equipment stats by clicking on it in the inventory.
We will replace the current "tuto" in the next update so it better explains how it works.
I know. I wrote down the weaknesses for the Dark Knights so I could be sure to get them correct but when he flashes green, I use the weaknesses for the green Knight but he gets mad and I lose the battle. When he flashes blue, the weaknesses work. I have battled Grant about 20 times. Like I said, my problem is only when Grant flashes green the weaknesses don't seem to be linked up. I have the one cock ring and matching butt plug and Dragon sword (all modified with virility scrolls) but I can't seem to get anywhere with the battle.
I just battled Grant again and to be more specific, when he flashes green for the second time and I click on "Bounce Pecs", he gets mad. When it's my turn again and he is green, if I will enter the purple aura response, he seems to like it. I am not having any problems with blue responses just green.
Hi, I found 3 small bugs (except a fourth about numbers on sword's Selim, see above) in 9.4 version :
1) in training castle for soldiers, classroom is not accessible (at night) ... Only once after playing cards with wolfian teacher.
2) when playing lucky strip cards, when two (or three) duals... just one coin is launched for all surrounding cards ?!
3) in Dicktionary, "rent a room" don't have influence in game, I mean no gain about affinity. A bit weird.
Thanks a lot
I've encountered several bugs after downloading the newest 9.5 version of the game
After I helped Astaroth to rebuild his glory dungeon, It initiates the conversation where he mentions how I need to go to the solitude peaks in order to uncover the truth behind dark knights attacks, but, after that conversation we get a small convo between Beton and Grant, as they finish my screen goes black and I cant do anything, thoo, music is still on. I cant move foward from that point, since it literally breaks the game.
Second bug is a minor one. I noticed that after I completed Liams special beer side story, on the world map i still have the pending icon for its quest.
Third bug revolves around certain assests missing to load properly upon entering areas around the map and glory dungeon.
Last thing I noticed is a drop in performance since the latest update. Prior to it, game was normally running at 60fps and without lag. My phone (Samsung Galaxy s10+) has 8gb of ram, so I dont think its the phones problem and as I said, game was running smoothly in patch 9.4 version.
Thank you in advance for taking time to read this and thnx for all the amazing work you are doing ❤