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A topic by Grizzly Gamer Studio created Jan 10, 2020 Views: 105,441 Replies: 1,156
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Is android cant be save cloud? Always said already exists,i never save cloud before,


can you send us an email at with details?

thank you for answering, this has been resolved, i just tried to bind on my pc, and i can login to that account on my android phone

I was afraid that the game data on Android was lost so I transferred it to the PC version, luckily I was able to make a data version via PC with my cellphone game data that I synced

Thank you,i love this game(〃゚3゚〃)

Ver 0.9.6

My saved game does not load. Button is clickable but does not start saved game

MacOS Intel


Hello, sorry about that, can you send us an email at

We might be able to fix it.

Sent! Thank you!

Deleted 254 days ago

Please update to 9.6, this issue was solved in this version.

(1 edit)

When I fight Dodoro on Solitude Peak in Normal mode, he has no colored aura in any stage. Is this a bug? (v.9.6)


No this is normal since you freed him from the curse.

Hello, my game is being very slow and lagging. It looks as though the fps rate has dropped. Do you know if this is something wrong with the game or is it because of my computer?

the game is still in developer,we still need a bit longer without bug,also fix fps,also me too,i cant seem different 30fps and 60fps(ofc becaus my potato pc)


Hello GayGodric98, I'm sorry to read that. We really doing our best to optimize the game as much as we can. Did you try to lower the quality into the game options menu?

I have but I think it might be my computer just being slow lol thank you 

I have a couple bugs I found. I’m playing on Android and have version 9.6. The first bug also showed up on my desktop save as well.

The first one is the red hammer, somehow I have two in my inventory taking up from my 6 slots. I wasn’t able to sell them or anything, so I put them in the chest at home. The main hammer is gone once I past the quest it was needed for.

The second bug, and I didn’t get a chance to screenshot it. But I finished all the main story line, so I was going through and buying all the furniture and underwear. After I bought all the furniture, (I think I actually had one piece left because it was before the hot tub cut scene), it said I had a side quest available and it was Rulius and the music box. I had already completed that side quest a while ago but he had the [!] on his speech bubble and it went through all of that same side quest. On the map, it had the gold cogs as well, but when searching for them, they were gone. I imagine because I had already completed the side quest.

I closed out the game and came back and the cog wheel was gone from the map and I think it refreshed to show the side quest is complete. But it was confusing  seeing that pop up.

Those are my only two bugs I’ve experienced. I also attached a screenshot of the red hammer in my chest. Thank you!


Thank you very much for your report!

Hello! Of the four new lucky strip cards added in the 9.x versions, I am unable to see 3 of the 4 (there is another thread where they are mentioned to be available at night in 3 areas, and there is nothing to click to challenge for a card). Is this because I haven't triggered something to make them available? I've gotten all the way through the game so far except defeating Dodoro.


Could you tell us which card are you missing ?

  1.  Cursed Dodoro ?
  2.  Excaliballs ?
  3.  Dodoro ?
  4.  Grant X ?

Thank you!

Missing 1-3. There's another thread where it sounds like others are having the same issue.!

Update--all 3 of the cards showed up after I beat Dodoro, so assuming that is intentional, there is no bug, I just didn't know that they weren't available until then. Sorry about any hassle for this one. Random other couple of potential minor bugs--(1) Beton's "work" tournament option always defaults to normal even if you complete it in badass mode, not sure if that was intentional; and (2) Grant's "work" tournament option doesn't have any option between normal/badass modes. Thanks again for the game and all the hard work--it's really enjoyable!

working with the latest update (Mac intel version) and during various fights, specifically with background animation such as Lavalanch, or any creature with an aura, the framerate drops SIGNIFICANTLY.  I have to lower the resolution and quality greatly just to get them functioning at a reasonable pace. I dunno if anyone else is having this problem. 

Deleted 150 days ago

You activated the color blind mode into the options, this is not a bug.

Salut, deux anomalies trouvées (v0.96 windows) testées deux fois :

- deuxième niveau d'affinité avec Ghart, à l'apparition de Ghart sur l'estrade du festival, gros rectangle (à la taille de Ghart) puis Ghart apparaît avec l'animation de la foule figée + gros rectangle furtif  juste après avec l'apparition de Hanth ;

- pas de bruitages sur les animations de la salle des bains du château la nuit, ni dans la salle de classe du château d'entraînement la nuit.



Bonjour, merci beaucoup! Nous allons corriger ces bugs pour la 0.9.7

I think the titles for Giant Loyd's last two scenes with Remem'beer' in the Tavern are reversed.

Scene 3 is called "Creamy Buns", but is about Orderic bringing Loyd a basket of hazelnut croissants.

Scene 4 is called "A Half-Giant's Favourite Dish", but is about Loyd, Ghart and Gregor helping Zack find the perfect cream filling for his buns.

I have already repaired the forge, but the map still shows this quest. 


Hello, Yes this is a bug we recently discovered (a few hours ago) and will fix in the next update.

I can help you but you'll have to send us an email at with the cloud save enabled.

Simply made, when you repair the forge for the first time, do NOT click on the cockring workshop button. just exit the forge and you'll be fine.

Version 9.7 (out tomorrow) will fix this issue.

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Hello Grizzly,

I'm facing the same issue, and I've already sent the mail to

Please help on it thank you.


The Scrolls of Generosity (+20% Resources from battles) aren't working in the 9.7.1 update. When applied to equipment, they just remove any preexisting enchantments.

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i tried putting it on my excaliballs and it just did nothing when it had no enchantment. so i think its not just removing enchantments.


Thank you for the feedback. the scroll of generosity was bugged indeed. we've fixed it in :)

Not sure if it's a bug but when i accepted a quest to fix a music box for rulius, i cant complete it because the cogs are not in the desert area. 


Hello, Can you send us an email at so we can check your save on the cloud?

We have no idea why you can't find the cogs.


I tried to start the game on my MacBook but it says that the game is not supported on this MacBook. Is it because I downloaded the Version for Apple Silicon? My Macbook has the new Version mcOS Monterey. I use the Version 9.7.2.



Yes it's possible you downloaded the wrong version. Since Apple launched their new products with a new model of processor, you have to get the correct version. I guess in your case, you have to download the Intel version.

I have an android and I can't install version 9.7.2, I download it but can't install 


Try to redownload it, I've made some changes in the metadata, you should be able to easily install it now.

After buying the 3rd piece of furniture, there's a cut scene where Barto is speaking but the name says Hanth

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Minor issue for the options screen:

1. When opining the OPTIONS window, the default tab is GAME while the  content shown is GRAPHICS;

2. The HQ SHADERS option is now outside of the OPTIONS window.

This is from Version 9.8 for Windows 64-bit. Mac OSX version (Intel 9.8) is also affected.

None of my food boosts are working after the upgrade, and I've had several lockups working on the Twins

So here's what I know so far, I regain HP when I use food boosts, but the other boosts don't work. If I lose a fight with a food boost the game stops right before the screen pops up to say I didn't gain any treasures or experience with the NPC. It happened several times with the twins and once with Ghart on a side quest gathering wood in Feasterra.

I'm going to try a dirty install rollback to the last version and see if it continues.

Dirty install rollback does not allow me to access my player, but it will let me start a new player.

I reinstalled the newest version and have access to my player account. I created a cloud sync for your convenience. Let me know if I can give you any additional info. Thanks for all your hard work...I love this game!

As long as I win challenges the game seems to be working fine. I started the game over and am just now getting to the King battle. I tried it with and without a booster, but the game locks up right after I lose the fight either way, so there's no quest in the underworld available. I restarted the game and synced the save up to the cloud. This is where I'll stop for the day, since there's no way around this crash. Thanks again for all your hard work.


Thank you a lot for your report!

I repaired the telescope, and I found the new location on the map but i didn't beat the enemy there yet - and when I updated the game the telescopes stayed repaired but the new location disappeared from the map and I couldn't unlock it again.


You can only access it at night ;)

Also, after the update. The hidden chests out in the map are appearing without the proper text...


Thank you, it should be solved in the last version.

I collected the branch of hevea for Barto and its in my inventory but it still shows up on the world map as in Highwood Forest and I'm unable to give it to Barto.  Did I miss a step?


Do you have the 3 branches?

I bought 3 scroll effects (Resource +20%) and stacked them on my sword, ring, and plug.  Shortly after that I got 10 rough diamonds beating Astaroth at Lavalanch, but now I only get 6 rough diamonds from him and only 6 cannonballs from beating the Dark Knights at Solitude Peak aswell. Seems like the resource increase only applied to 1 Duel and doesn't work anymore.


We have changed the resources you can get in battle in the latest updates, that might be why.

Hii, it keeps saying the same sentence, I can’t continue the mission. 


Hello. What does the message say exactly? :)

Every time the same sentence, every time I chose the option “yes, what a great idea” , but it doesn’t continue to a new option.


Well, maybe you really should try with another sword. (hint: you have a sword called dragon sword at selim's shop)

ohhh sry, thank you :)

I finished Rulius's music box quest before purchasing any furniture. After buying a second/third piece of furniture, the quest is offered again. Although no cogs can be found in the golden sand area, a cog icon is shown in the overworld.

I found out that, since the seller special animation has been introduced lately, if in my save I already have bought all the items from that seller I can't unlock that seller's animation. Is it a known problem ?

Unfortunately i still get this bug now ... do you have news ? I can't unlock the seller animations for both rafael and arthur so far.

Developer (1 edit)

Hello, it's not a bug, you have to complete their affinity by buying their stuff, and defeating them in Duel.

thanks, i didn't know it was possible.

(1 edit)

I just updated to the latest version of the game on Windows 10 (0.9.10) and went to check Rafaelo & Arthur but the seller affinity gauge is empty even though i've already bought everything from them in the previous version of the game, I tried in the morning and in the evening but it doesn't change anything, haven't tried at night but their shop are closed (the library is still open because I got the key) last time I played I was on version but I don't remember if the seller affinity gauge was full or not since I wasn't coming back to their shop anymore 

Edit : I think it's doing the same thing with bandit since I bought all underwear he sold but it's still empty, I bought one more and the gauge started to fill

@grizzly gamer studio, in the newest version 9.10 I had already previously bought all the furniture for my house at the shop but I can't use his heart icon or fill it up because there is nothing left to buy. Please investigate.


Hello, Sorry about that, This will be solved in the next update!

Glad to hear! Appreciate it.

hey can i ask um are scroll effects can stack like if i put two same scrolls for example the scroll of wealth on my cock ring and plug will the gold i obtain bacame 60%?


Absolutely, their effects cumulate. But if you place a new scroll on your cockring, it will replace its effect.

ok tnx^^

Oh one more thing the daddy orc seller do you have to buy all his butt plugs to unlock his affinity?


You don't have to buy all of his items, but it sure helps ^^

The other way you can unlock his affinity is by fighting him (in the wilds, or withe the dicktionnary)

Deleted 345 days ago

This will be fixed in the next update. don't worry, it will fill up :)

Hello, I got through to underwear 35 in the 9.00 update

But when I downloaded the 9.10 update everything went down to 31 underwear

That is, all the progress of the 9.00 update has gone

Can this be corrected somehow?


Hello, are you sure you used the cloud saving during playing the 9.0? (Which means having Wi-Fi during playing)

I played with pc

So you have to go through everything all over again, right?


I would have to check on your save. can you send us an email at with the email adress you used to create your cloud save?

The enchantments for "HP +5 at each turn" are not working once I hit red/following jerking off. I am unsure if it is the jerking off that prevents it, or just being in red... but my health does not regen properly. 


Hello Racoonistry, this is not a bug. The enchantment only work if you have less than 75% of consumed HP to get the double cum shot.


Hello, just updated to 0.9.11, I had two missing underwear to buy from bandit, when I bought them I got the heart icon because the gauge was full, but then when I came back it wasn't there anymore, I am now missing only one underwear (#34) I don't know if I missed it or if it's not in the game yet but I can't see nor use the affinity thing with bandit anymore, same thing with Arthur and Rafaelo, I already bought everything from him and there's no heart icon to get the affinity thing with him, tried this in the morning and evening (Rafaelo is busy in the morning and Arthur is busy in the evening)


Hello, thank you for your report, it will be solved in the tomorrow update.

I have the same problem, I don't have the heart icon and I bought everything from them. 


This issue has been solved in update 9.12

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Sorry, it's me again but seems like the patch didn't do it for me i'm on  but Arthur, Rafaelo and Bandit are still missing the heart icon 

The above was written before what i'm writting now, I had the idea after writing all this to battle one of them and see if it fix the heart thing, I went to Golden Sand and got to battle Bandit, then I went back to his shop and the heart was there

I'm guessing the update need the player to "refresh" the affinity gauge by battling them once to get a bit of affinity point and understand that they're already full ? Posting this so people who come to read this later might have a clue if they got the same issue as me after the update 

Edit : I totally forgot about the dicktionnary when I had the idea, but I just tried and renting a room to battle them anytime works too

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Not only Arthur, Raffaello and Bandit's heart of affinity, but Liam's doesn't show up either.


On what device are you experiencing this issue? because we can't reproduce it on the latest update.

I didn't understand what happened. The affinity heart reappeared.

Liam was showing just fine for me, if it really is a matter of refreshing the gauge by buying something or battling them, Liam's probably the easiest since his beer are available for free, it's harder for character that sell their goods only once and after that you can't buy anything from them if you already bought everything

After the last update all affinity hearts disappeared.

We solved that issue in the 9.12 update :)


Windows tablet Surface pro 5th gen. 8gb ram.  getting a lot of crashing. does the game have a memory leak?


Have you tried lowering the graphic settings? Especially the HQ Shader one, it should only be enabled on devices having a dedicated GPU.

yes, put it on medium. still crashing during mini games

and shader is turned off


Since V0.9.11 (including V0.9.12) the gold coin count display in inventory only shows the left most 4 digits. I have over 130 thousand gold coins. The gold coin count in vendor screens still shows the amount correctly. I am running the Windows version.

damn, look at how much resources you have. envious


Ah thank you very much, we'll fix this :)

I'd completed the blackened Hops quest ages ago, now, after I've unlocked the dungeon, it's become another side quest, however, going to the location, there are no hops leaves to collect (again)

This seems to have resolved itself :D

when equipping the ring "the one" all my equipment disappeared

Hello, Can you provide more information on how this happened?

On what device?

Where exaclty did it happen? in the inventory by drag and dropping? Or in the Forge, by clicking the equip button?

What were your other equipments?

PC windows vr. 9.12

in the forge by clicking the equip button

the ring and plug the one disappeared

Idk what I have to do now. 

I don't have any Side quests and I can't make a main quest (or I don't know how?) 

not sure if you haven't read the part that says "(In the next version of the game)"

well if you haven't finished the Secret Sidequest, do that. or complete Remem'beer or shop affinities or grind gold and materials for future use.

just go to the king, you will loose as you are meant to. then you'll get a new main quest and side quest.

In Android Arthur makes you go to the same quest that i already finished but the wood is gone and i dont know what to do

It dissappeared as soon as I got another side quest also other characters do this 

(2 edits)

(On Android) After I unlocked Glory hall it puts me into a perma-froken blackscreen state.

Note: I have done it in the dawn ,dusk and the evening.

It doesn't let me play the game and whenever I restart the game It forgets i already fixed the glory hall (note I fixed all the other rooms and did glory hall last I dont know how to reverse the game to fix the glory hall first)

I have the same problem. Can you please tell me what happened then? I love the game and want to finish playing it. :(


Hello, this bug should have been fixed. Are you running the latest version?

Hi, No I have version 9.5 in Android, do I have to buy the new version again? I can't afford it and I love the game. :( 

And tysm For the answer


If you bought the game here on, you don't have to buy it again. 

Follow the steps in this link to download an update:

And since you're on Android, make sure to use the cloud save to avoid losing your save.

I didn't buy the game here and so I can't download the new version. Unfortunately, I can't buy that. I stick with version 9.5 is also okay. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Thx ❤️

(1 edit)

My PC windows updated to vr. 9.12 and all my stuff is gone

I have lost all the anal plugs that I have, and when I buy a new plug, it disappears and the materials for which I bought it disappear


Hello, sorry about that issue. Can you provide more infos on how it happens, on which device your playing, which plug you're trying to buy?

i play on laptop and when i try to buy any butt plug and it disappears and coins too


Sorry for this issue, We found it was linked to some lines of the community translations. It will be solved in the next update, that should be out today.

this quest is so hard,,is anyone just done it?? how to defeat him

Hello, this is not a bug...

Here's some help: 

GrantX-Blue aura: 6, 6, 6, 6

GrantX-Green aura: 2, 4, 1, 2


ok thank you for info😍

(1 edit)

Hello ! Windows 10 user here, Update 0.9.14 I went collecting the sniffets (I'm only missing two right now, the last one from the twins and the last one from the "?"  tab) and that make me notice that underwear from Helgem doesn't appear, right now I only remember the one in Rusty Valley shop, I don't know if it's supposed to happen or not that's why i'm putting my post in bug report

EDIT : I'm dumb, didn't notice the Rusty Valley shop underwear was the first one for the twins

Also, I think we should have a button to see the achievement while in game, without having to save and get back to the main menu

Next is the new achievements that were added, I did get almost all of them after loading my save but there's some that aren't completed, like "Whellcumian" which is, I suppose, the very first achievement you get at the start of the game ? 

Second is "Audiophile", I do have all music scrolls the music box in Robin house has everything, unless there's a hidden one ? 

Speaking of Robin house, i guess that's because there's a lot to load there but at the very start of the game I could enter it without any issues, after getting all the furniture from Rafaelo workshop I used to enter the house and the game would freeze for a bit (around 3-5 seconds I guess ?) but now with the last version of the game (0.9.14) when I enter Robin house the game freeze like it used to but then my computer tell me the program stopped working and waiting a bit fix the issue and the game run as it normally do, letting me in Robin house

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The Whellcumian achievement is not completed and when I got Beton's green underwear sniffet it unlocked his gray underwear either. I've never encountered it before, it took out the fun of finding it myself.  Playing on an Android. 

I noticed this as well. When it happened I quit the game without saving and tried to find the other sniffet, and found it in the barracks locker room in the morning, and when I found it both underwears got unlocked also.

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Horace's clothes got wierd everytime after selecting a skill when on a duel with him. I have a screen shot. Playing on an Android. 

bug with achievements 9.14.  have all the songs, and have obviously entered wellcum, but cannot get the achievement for them.

also, have all he underwear, not getting achievement for that either. unless you also need sniffets. ( missing second giant sniffet, and 1st and 3rd sniffet of the twins... ) any ideas where those are located.

(2 edits)

First sniffet of the twin is located in Rutsy Valley Shop bedrom on the barrel during the day

Third sniffet of the twin is located in the training camp on a fence in the evening

Second sniffet of Giant Loyd is in Whiterain second area (where you mine ore) in the evening

EDIT : Also, not getting the achievement for getting all underwear even though I got all heart and all sniffet BUT that make sense since there's a 4th scene coming for every character AND the king is to be added too ! So we'll be able to get that one when every character are available 

And getting the Whellcummian achievement is not hard so you can fix it yourself by starting a new game and skipping the scene until you get into the city, that unlock the achievement 

thank you mate. noticed you also are missing the song acnievement. hmmm. 

I have two bugs I wanted to report. First, the affinity for both General Grant and Astaroth were removed during installation, but their What's Up and  underwear still remains. Second, the strip lucky card that is supposed to be available for White Rain at night is no available. Could you help me find a solution to this? Will install the latest update and see if that changes anything. 

This was on Android download and I have used the cloud. Also, I replaced the files properly within Android settings. So sorry for the double post for some reason I can't delete the second one. 

Whiterain tavern strip lucky card is available at night once you've finished the secret side quest at the end of the story that is available for now, at least that's how I got it

I have two bugs I wanted to report. First, the affinity for both General Grant and Astaroth were removed during installation, but their What's Up and  underwear still remains. Second, the strip lucky card that is supposed to be available for White Rain at night is no available. Could you help me find a solution to this? Will install the latest update and see if that changes anything. 

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This time is not actually a bug, but is something that is bothering me a lot. When I chose the remembeer option at the tavern there is not a way to scroll back after chosing a character pic. Mostly I just want to check if I got everything, and having to close it and start all over by talking to Liam and buy another drink is too boring, it should be easier to scroll through the remembeer memories, to choose a character and see the memories available and go back to character select. I hope I've made myself clear, because this sucks a lot. 


Hello. Thank you, we will add a way to go back to the character selection in a coming version.

Hello! I'm on v0.9.15 and sometimes I get stuck in certain screens because the "X" won't work to close out of it. So far I've experienced it in some of the underwear scenes in the sniffing gallery, and on the Whellcum map screen.


Hello, are you playing on phone?

Oops sorry! I’m playing on Windows 11

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I confirm it on Windows 10 (since game version 9.1+) on different screens (maybe was I too hurry)

Couple of small audio bugs. No big deal, and I don't mean to complain - just want to help out! Mostly they have to do with entering and leaving areas with ambient audio. For example, when I enter Zack's house at night, I can hear him fapping in his bed, but then when I enter his bedroom, the noise goes silent. Then if I exit back into the entryway of his house, the fapping sound cuts out there, too. This also happens between the library and the tavern at night (when the clones are having their orgy), with the sound of the dudes banging on the second floor balcony of the tavern. The tavern crowd noise remains, but the banging noises stop. Playing on mac OS intel version, for reference. 

Hello, bug found (game 9.15 Windows 10) when founding all songs (not checked before), selecting a song (no auto mode) makes box music to glitch (white then disappearing in a weird loop).

in the afternoons, the affinity scene with rafaelo is not displayed, I already bought all the furniture, Android version 9.15


You might have to fight against him a bit to max your affinity with him first.

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bonjour, j'ai un problème j'ai perdu mes sauvegarde alors que j'avais tout mis sur le cloud... 

Ps: je suis sur android

c bon, j'ai réinstaller intégralement le jeux et c'est revenu. Par contre, mon compte de sauvegarde se deconecte a chaque fois que je ferme le jeux

Hi - I recently updated to the latest version (for Mac) and can no longer access my save file. I have the option to start a new game, but if I click my old save nothing happens. 

(5 edits)

HI, not sure if it's a bug or if it hasn't been added, but most of Asmodeus's dialogue was blank when he was introducing the dungeon and after I rebuilt the cage paradise, as well as the bathrooms, and the sacrifice, and the last one too. I had to skip it/ click through it. it just was a black dialogue. it also happened on the 3rd drink of Liam's beer story.
I'm playing in English
Windows 11 and version 0.9.20

this is what they all looked like :( guess I miss out on backstory.

Hi! I just tried downloading the new version for Android twice, and both times received an error reading "could not parse." Is this a known issue?

I wouldn't call it a bug but more of an illustration error I don't know where to report it so I reported it here if you want to fix it up or not I just wanted to bring it to your attention of you weren't aware.

In this scene (as seen in pic) I notice that your character is give a handjob with his right hand yet he has his right hand on the guy's right should as circled in the image just wanted to let you know of it was all 

Thanks for such a fun game 


hello, this is not a problem since the two hands belong to two different characters. The hand at the bottom is Robins, and the one on Hanth's shoulder is Orderics (the guy on the right side)

there are two handsome on his shoulders yet another hand giving the handjob so who's two hands are on the other guys shoulders while you give the handjob is their a fourth guy in the scene?


Yes there are 4 characters in this scene, But you only see the Player's hand

That's Robin's Hand. Read the comment in the picture. "Without Hesitation, you grab Hanth's cock and begin to stroke him".

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then who's hand is around his shoulder as there is two hands on the guy in the middle 

It's ok if it's meant to be like that I just noticed and thought I would mention it was all 

isn’t it Gregor and Orderic’s hands on Hanth’s shoulders?

version 10.0.0 is SUPER laggy ... it freezes a lot especially when fighting the king 

same. I lucked out using food items

Gregor's work task press left,right arrow doesn't work now


Check in the options menu, you have a new keymapping option, there you can change your key settings.  Try to change them to your arrow keys.

None of the endings in my game are working at all. 
I cant get anywhere passed the third date no matter what I try to do.


You have to first defeat the king, then go see the characters and click on the beating heart.

Thank you! Sorry for that!

(1 edit) (+2)

Playing Version 0.10 on a Windows 10 PC:
No text shows up for me during Beton's declare love scene. All I see are backgrounds and blank text boxes. The other 12 all seemed to work fine.
Also, twice now in MC's home, when skipping time with masturbating or toys, it got stuck on the first scene and I couldn't interact with the game anymore to progress out of it. Had to Alt+F4 and restart the game each time.

Also getting the same thing with Beton.


Also there is some problem with scene when Robin play with toys in his bed (arrow batton isn't working). Windows 11. 


You're still having this issue with the 10.1?

yes. I tested with 10.1

Ditto on this one. Same thing is happening with Beton's ending for me. On 10.1.

Same issue


Hello thecrookedcap, do you have the issue with the version 10.3?

Idk if anyone else is having this issue, I'm on 10.1, but I can't interact with Arthur's affinity button on his shop. I have his affinity bar maxed out, bought every book available. Anybody else having this issue?


Are you trying at morning? in the afternoon, he's already busy so you can't interact with him.

(1 edit)

I'm trying it in the morning time.

Hey idk if this helps but I just checked it again in 10.3, it looks like there's a little sliver at the end of Arthur's affinity bar that isn't filled in. Idk if that has anything to do with the bug.


That means your affinity with Arthur isn't complete. You'll have to battle him a bit to finish it. (i think you can find him in rusty valley)

Oooooh gotcha! Thanks, sorry about that, love the game btw, it's great!


Thank you for sniffing ;)

(2 edits)


Grant/Astaroth progress lost

Astaroth game not working, arrow keys wont work, also key configuration wont let me change any key or it changes but does not show the new input

saving the king quest completed but archivement not unlocked even if the game shows *unlocked the chosen one*

underwear constantly showing the new* and underwear 24 from the christmas event also removed

sugar daddy archivement dissapeared after spending the gold? 


After repairing the dock and few cut scenes appear, Valdo's minigame appears to be broken. There are no fishes or logs appearing in the screen thus, the repair side quest cannot be completed. Played on android. I tried reinstalling it but was not fixed

It happens to me exactly the same, I thought that restarting it would work but no :( hopefully they solve this soon.

This bug should be fixed. have you updated the game to the newest version?

In 10.1, I found out that Beton's affinities are all filled with a black screen, and I don't know how to fix it.

not necessarily a bug, but when trying to upgrade to 10.2 and following the official instructions, the page directs me to the flies to 9.20


You just have to scroll down a bit and you'll find them :)

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Thanks! Found it! :)

(1 edit)

Version  .10.3 running on Windows 10. In Horace's mini-game (collecting vegetables), holding the arrow key down used to keep the barrel pointed in the direction of the arrow key.  Now the barrel will point in the direction of the arrow key and then immediately bounce back to the center. This makes the mini-game nearly impossible to play from the keyboard. 


Ah! thank you, I'll go fix this up for 10.4

Sorry for the... inconvenience.

my save file is gone because of the update, is there a way to recover it? 


Hello prettyguygabe, did you use the cloud saving?

unfortunately no :( 

Rafaelos affinity button won't show up even after previously gaining it

Valdo's mini game won't show any fish, it seems to just go on forever, im on Android happens on both 10.3 and 10.4, I'm not able to get past repairing the dock because I have to close and load a save to exit the minigame 


Hello, Sorry for this issue. Unfortunately we can't find the source ot he bug, but we can edit your save so you appear right after the repair sequence. can you send us an email at ?

I'm going to download it on pc and try get past it on the cloud, i will email if it doesnt work

All my equiptment has vanish and no matter how many times I quit and log in my items are permanently gone, HELP.


Sorry for this issue. How did that happened, did an update went wrong?

Can you send us an email at we should be able to give you your items back.

Idk how it happened but I loaded the game and all my equipment was gone. I did restart my game unfortunately because I wanted to keep playing :( But I just loaded and all my equipment was just gone.

I’m not sure what changed, but the game has gotten so unbelievably laggy, even reducing quality and turning off various settings hasn’t improved performance.  Beton’s ending is also completely blank. 

Hello Grizzly Gamer Studio.

Love this game so much. I am sad to see it come to a close. I have a couple of weird bugs, that are minor.

I am missing the achievement 

1. Deck Master - I know the last two cards have not been released yet with 0.10.5

2. Audiophile - I have all 23 Music Scrolls - Missing this achievement

3. King Sniffer - I have all 36 Underwears and 31 Sniffets - Missing this achievement

4.  My dictionary is still incomplete even after beating the king!? I honestly cannot find who is missing.

I transferred my game from my Android via cloud to my Pc and I still have not been able to troubleshoot what is wrong.

Some help would be awesome. Thank you :D 


Hello LeoRocky85,
Well none of these are bugs. The game is still in development and some items are missing and will be available in the v1.0 in a few months.

like a few Strip lucky cards, music scrolls, underwears and characters to face. So it's normal if you don't have the achievements yet, or some icons show a lock :)

(2 edits)

When Beryllus talks to Liam at the end, there's one sentence where Beryllus tells Liam that he's a great storyteller. But the nametag for Beryllus is not visible.
In 0.10.5 Beton's romance scene doesn't play. Just empty text boxes and suddenly the credits roll.
If you decide to play with your toys or jack off, you can't stop the scene.


Thank you for these reports!
But can I ask for your assistance with these bugs. We cannot replicate them on any of our devices, and could use your help to find their origin. If you agree, can you send us an email at ? It should only take a few minutes of your time.

Peculiar, I rebooted the game now (haven't played it since I posted this comment, nor have I rebooted my PC) just to check if I can reproduce the issue with Beton and jack off/toy play. But both work now.
Can't check the Beryllus dialogue though cause I can't trigger the discussion again.

One difference now is that I can no longer get kicked out to the main menu after I do the romance scene. Maybe one of those broke something?
My steps today were to unlock everyone's last romance option for the first time, so after each one I got the credits roll and then back to main menu. Eventually I came to Beton and just got empty text fields and no sprites. Clicked through it and it put me back in the game. Opened his replay scene for the affinity tab and same thing. Then I went to use the toys/jack off for it to be evening so that I can get to the Twins and a few underwear, but I couldn't click on the icon in the bottom right corner. Had to close the game using Alt + F4, but the same thing happened again after a reboot.

Very odd cause now everything seems to work.

In Grogor's mini game I cant use my arrow keys to press the axes. I have to click on them so I lose when the double side axes come in.


Have you tried to update the game? It sounds like a bug we have already fixed :)

There seems to be a problem with Valdo's minigame.  When I finish reconstruction on the pier im taken to his minigame and softlocked there because I can't abort the scenario and no fish or obstacles are coming down the stream.  I'm using the android version for reference.


Hello, Try to update the game to 10.5. This bug have been solved.

oh thank you, sorry i should have updated before reporting 😅

(Moving this as I had posted it at the top level before.)

A few bugs in Windows version 0.9.20:

  1. Sometimes when a character is full screen (when you are obliged to fight them, I think?), if you decide not to fight them (or end the conversation) they become nude for a brief moment as the screen fades out.
  2. In the vault, I dragged a weapon (the axe) from my vault into the inventory, but didn't quite move it into a square before releasing the mouse. The square was not highlighted and the weapon didn't return to the vault either. Instead it remained positioned partly over the righthand edge of the square. I closed the vault and opened it again, and the weapon had gone completely. I immediately closed the game window and restarted the game, and the weapon was back in the vault, but I suspect if I had exited using the "quit" buttons, I might have lost the weapon.
  3. There are a few typos here and there which I haven't made a note of but which could be caught by a spellchecker.
  4. There are some inconsistencies in the English used in the game text, with a mixture of words and spellings from British English ("axe", "trousers") and American English ("ass", "meters").

But I also want to say that I just love this game! A big well done to the developers <3

There is a bug with the end of Beton, the animation is not seen, it is completely blank

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

Hello! I've beaten some of the characters to the point where i had yellow text for their weaknesses during the christmas patch. i just started playing the game recently and they are all gone. no yellow text appears for any weaknesses of the men ive discovered. ive even beaten liam and a couple of the eden beach spawns  multiple times with only their weaknesses and they still dont have any yellow on their weaknesses when i know what they are. is this a bug? a removed feature?


hello, I believe you have enabled the badass mode in the duels. That means the highlights won't show, and the battles are harder.

is there a way I can turn this off? Or change the setting?


Yes. Before a battle, when you have to click on "Go!", you can change it to normal.

I don't know if this was intentional for making the Cursed King fight harder, but there is a bug with the weakness not updating and even showing the wrong action when fighting the Cursed King and his different modes.

there is a bug when handing in the spear to get to the fisherman. His tutorial starts but no fish come down the river and it's just stuck there


Hello, have you installed the latest update? This bug should have been fixed.

worked great, thank you!

(1 edit)

In version 10.10, Valdo’s 3rd cutscene isn’t showing any of the text or sprites after he opens the letter but before the sex scenes. The sex scenes have text and the early parts of the dialogue has text.


Thank you for the information!

If this issue happened on PC, can you send us at the 2 log files (Player.log and Player-prev.log) you can find here: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\GrizzlyGamerStudio\Robin Morningwood Adventure

Just replace USERNAME with your actual login on windows.

It could really help us find out the origin of the bug.

I sent them.

Playing on 10.11 after having a save previously from the Demo and I apparently cannot unlock the other skills?


You can unlock them in the library ;)



Hello, This is weird. But I should be able to fix this with the cloud save.

Can you send us an email at with the items you are missing?


I don’t know if it’s just the steam version or the latest version but the sniffet with that twins in rusty valley doesn’t show the twins and your character in it 


This is normal :)

I can't trigger Rafaelo's affinity in his shop.  I've already bought everything, and in the afternoon when he's "free". I've seen this in some other shops, but buying something would fix it, but since his items are a single buy they are impossible to fix. 


You have to fight him a bit to unlock his affinity. You can find him in Dustridgge.

Hi Im playing mac intel 10.12 and im having in issue with the dark knight fights where the fight is laggy and it doesnt register the "attack" icon being in the hit zone so every attack misses, im also having the same issue with the first area fight collecting the blackened hops for liam


Hello, have you tried to change some graphic settings?

For instance, the HQ shaders can be quite intensive for older computers.

the enemy does not appear, the amount of the reward in the fishing area

Some bugs I have found (in Windows version 0.9.20, which isn't the latest version, so some of these may have been fixed already):

  • Sometimes when clicking through conversations, a section of text is displayed twice in succession (if you click while the text is being typed out)
  • Sometimes a click in a duel displays a row of hyphens as the text ("--------------------------")
  • After becoming a guard and finding out about the passage, you can still ask Tristan how to get into the castle, and you can still ask him how to get in even when you can access it through the main door
  • Some typos and grammatical errors:
    • "phase" instead of "faze" ("Not by the candle shaped like a cock, which at this point doesn't really phase you, but by a strange photo...")
    • "congratulation !" instead of "Congratulations!"
    • Some uses of "it's" (= it is, it has) instead of "its" (= belonging to it)
    • Many uses of "lay" (= "poser" in French) instead of "lie" (= "s'allonger")
    • Many uses of a plural verb with "each" when this requires a singular verb
  • If you fail in a duel with more than one opponent, such as the Infernal Trio, the message is "your opponent leaves [...]" instead of "your opponents leave [...]"
  • Ghart has two entries in the Dicktionary, and these have different sexual preferences. Is this deliberate?
  • A possible translation error: when you ask Ghart what's up, he says "We can discuss [...] and feast our own way". This doesn't make sense in English. Is it translated from French "discuter" and "fêter"? "Discuter" is "talk" or "argue" (depending on the meaning) and "fêter" is "celebrate".

I play on the Mac version. The past few updates have had some lagging issues. I'm not sure if "framework" is the correct terminology, but I can only describe it as the lack of smooth frame-by-frame transition.


hello, you can try to lower some quality settings in the option menu. Like HQ shaders or lighting.

Thank you!

When i played the Valdo mini game there were no fish nor logs appearing so i am stuck in that mini game unless i restart the game

The device i am playing on is a Samsung a51 (just in case that information is helpful)

Since the last update my save file is gone, I have it on the cloud save and it will show up, but nothing will happen when clicked. Cannot start a new game either. :(

What should I do if I enter the wrong account when I create a cloud?


Simply create a new account.

In the main menu, go to Play/Cloud save, and create a new account.

If you want us to delete your old account, please send us an email at

Because I don't know if I lose the wrong, I don't remember the old account.

I can create a new account directly without knowing the old account?

I have the liam secondary quest about the houblon charbonneux

(smoky hops maybe in english)
And i'm missing the 24 underwear, which is the bandit underwear

Hello, if you prefer you can speak french, no problem about that.

i don't understand your issue with liam's quest, and underwear #24 is the Xmas event. You have to be between december 10th and january 10th and then go to the tavern to take an eggnog. You'll then have the underwear.

(1 edit)

i think there is a bug in my game i failed the first woodchopping event now it seems that i can't be affectionate with gregor

je crois qu'il y a un bug dans mon jeu j'ai raté la premiere epreuve de bucheron (mon cerveau fonctionnais a l'envers) et maintenent il semblerai que sa route soit bloquée (j'ai 3 cadenas même en retravaillant pour lui)


Hello, This is not a bug, Gregor's affinity is not unlocked when you meet him the first time. you have to move forward in the story so it becomes available.

Bonjour, Ce n'est pas un bug. L'affinité de Gregor n'est pas disponible au début du jeu. Vous devez d'abord progresser un peu dans l'histoire.

Oh d'accord merci beaucoup j'avais peur d'avoir déja cassé le jeu en si peu de temps x) j'ai un peu la poisse quand il s'agit de bugs ^^

(1 edit)

Hi Grizzly Gaymers <3, I hope you guys can help me bring clarity to my concern on the music scrolls. Whenever I go to the location that I would find the scrolls they do not appear in the background to collect. For instance, when I go to Gregor's room to check underneath the drawers or underneath Ghart's couch there is nothing to collect. I have also completed the character affinities for the necessary music scrolls. I'm currently playing on the android version so I'm not sure if that's the reason for the issue, but I hope there is a solution. I just got this game and I'm in love,  so I would love to play it to its entirety! Thank you so much for your hard work, hope to hear back soon! :)


Hello Eros, I assume you finished the music box quest first (if not, that's normal you can't find the scrolls), so know that the scrolls only appear at some point of the day. For exemple, the one in Gregor's room only appear in the morning.

Thank you so much for the quick reply. I managed to complete the music box quest from Rulius and everything is working smoothly. I appreciate your help, have a wonderful day! :)

Deleted 104 days ago

You have to find Dodoro in Solitude peak and then find his weaknesses :)

(1 edit)

I think there is an error when displaying the dialogs in tyran king affinity 3 and then the game freezes and doesn't respond


Can you tell me on what device you're playing?

Asus Vivobook whit Windows 11


and it happens all the time or now it works fine?

it only happened 2 times but now it works fine. 

This happened to me just now, macOS 12.6, MacBook Pro 2021

I can't replay Zack's first Affinity story!!

I'm trying to get the audiophile achievement, but I can't find music scroll 22, as I think I got it in a previous version of the game, but now it doesn't show up where it's supposed to.

after beating the king and help him find his memory, i duel with him and play card with him, then i get back to the central of town to trigger the three npc dialogue. i also trigger the ending with some characters, then, when i try to improve the relationship with the king, i can't click any of the options at right. this can be fixed after i duel with the twins, but you might want to find out the problem.

This same thing is happening to me, all the options on King Tyran are blocked out.

Just started the game and right after you pass the test to enter the city there is a typo.

"You had a chance to ESCAPED by jumping into the river, but you didn't take it.

Help! whenever I try making a new save it would just be a black screen! please help!


Sorry about that issue. can you send us an email at or contact us on Discord?
We'll try to figure out what's wrong and fix your game. Can you also tell us which version you're running, and on what device?

(1 edit)

I'm having the exact same issue playing on Linux through Proton, I'll try reaching out too


I went to start the game on New Game+ and I accidentally overrode the save data I had which had essentially everything unlocked (which is my bad). Two things: 1) New Game plus is supposed to keep your sniffing gallery and mine got wiped, 2)I don't even have the option to start the game on New Game+ anymore, I essentially have to start from square 1 :_(

(I play on Steam).

If there is anything that could be done about this loss of save data that would be cool but I'm guessing its lost forever. 


Hello, I'm deely sorry about that issue. indeed, New game + is supposed to keep your gallery.

But your previous save should still be intact.

you can find the save folder at this location: %appdata%/../LocalLow/GrizzlyGamerStudio/Robin Morningwood Adventure

and you'll find a -bak copy of a savefile.

For exemple, if your save was in the first save slot. and you want to restore it.

in the save folder, check the existence of Save0-bak.rma if it's there, continue the steps below

Delete Save0.rma

Rename Save0-bak.rma to Save0.rma

Start the game and load your save. Save once and everything should be back to normal.

If that's ok with you, Can you zip the content of that folder and send it to us at

This way I will check what went wrong and issue a fix for it.

Bought and playing via steam. I encountered a bug in the middle of raising Giant Lloyd's affection.  I don't have access to the bakery yet (I'm still not at the point where I can fix the bakery), but some bakery cutscenes already triggered. Specifically, the one with Lloyd donating semen at the bakery.


Hello, These scenes are memories (you can see the difference with the white halo), so at the time the scene happened, the bakery wasn't destroyed by the dark knights yet :)

Oh I see! Thank you so much for the clarification! I'm having so much fun playing this game. Extremely great job!!!


Thank you ^^

Hello, I'm not sure what do to because I lost my save when I updated to 1.0.3. Now that I have 1.0.4. my save is still gone and I don't know how to restore it. I still have my underwear collection and achievements saved though.


Hello. I'm so sorry for the issue. You can send us a message @, tell us which was your current objective from your main quest, then we should be able to help you to restore your file.

I just found a bug in the Steam Version where the sidequest for Liams new beer with Blackend Hops appears a second time after your first encounter with the king. Since I did the quest already the Hops is not there anymore but the Quest tracker does not go away

So for some reason my Dicktionary pages for Grant X, King and Dodoro show that none of their weaknesses have been found.  So I rented a room with Grant X (shifting between Blue and Green), was victorious and still none of his weaknesses appear in the book.


This is normal, because they have multiple weaknesses due to their cursed condition. We can't actually fit them all in the cells ^^'

Playing version 1.0.5 and viewing the final affinity for Tyran soft locks the game, with no text showing for Barto or the soldier and being unable to continue. Closing out and restarting the game seems to fix it by bringing me back to the last save.


Hello, Thank you for the info, we think we found the origin of the bug. it should be solved for version 1.0.6

Cannot progress dialogue during Hanth love scenario.

I try to open the game normally but it doesn't open, it doesn't show an error window and nothing just happens, it just doesn't open


have you tried to uninstall and reinstall it?

I've never played to have an option to uninstall, I use Windows 10, I've already downloaded all versions for Windows, I ran it with administrator, I tried to open it in compatibility mode and everything else (Message written by google translator )

Deleted 2 years ago

Hello, No indeed.

Unlike the underwears, the sniffet only contains a single animation. 

Twice now I've had the game suddenly no longer respond to keyboard commands. Can't check inventory, can't bring up the main menu - so I can't save.  Not sure what to do.

I don't know if this is a bug or not but, Arthur's affinity is not at max after already purchasing all of the books.

Is that meant to happen ?


Hello, That's not a bug. You can complete his affinity by dueling with him. You can find him in Rusty valley.

Ah, Thank you.

Yo! I play the PC version, and it seems Liam's side-quest for the blackened hops is bugged. I completed it, but it repeated the starting dialogue all of a sudden and now the side-quest is stuck on my map. I tried just doing the quest again, but there's nothing to collect.

Actually, I just saved and exited, and when I started again, it was gone. I'll leave this up in case anyone else has this issue

I had this too and it fixed itself the same way.

Hi ! The game is lagging so badly it becomes unplayable, I have a correct computer, a mac, I can play more complex games perfectly, I set minimum graphics as well so I don't understand why. It lags so much that I can't reach the target during battles. What can I do ? I really like the game, I could play it perfectly for a while, but since several updates it's impossible.

PC version. Sexicographer achievement won't pop. Grant X, Cursed King, Cursed Dodoro show that I don't know their weaknesses but I've looked them up and used them multiple times in combat and through the inn combat option.  

I just bought the game and when I start a new game, the screen turns black and nothing happens. What should I do? Please, helpppp


Hello, Sorry to hear about your issue. On what device are you playing? have you tried to uninstall and reinstall the game?

Tengo una pregunta yo estoy en el modo donde tengo que derrotar el rey por primera ves , delante de todos , con una posición que me dieron que hace crecer mi cosa , pero el rey con cada movimiento que hago no le exito nada de nada y termino perdiendo algún consejo , tengo 410 de vida ( tengo todo al último nivel , espada , tapón , corcho)

Deleted 1 year ago

After meeting with Astaroth, you should be able to repair 4 places in the Glory Dungeon. You can find them in the central map, after passing the doors next to Astaroth.

Deleted 1 year ago

I have this issue where I can't get anymore skills. I've pretty much beaten the game, the only thing I have left to do is to beat the cursed dodoro. Anyone know how I can get the rest of my skills? 


Hello. Did you repair the library?

You need to buy them from Arthur in the Library

Hi, not sure if this is a bug, but i just purchased the game, downloaded the mac version (intel 1.1.0) but when i click start, the  game seems to freeze and just becomes unresponsive, not sure how to fix this or what i should do?  would really appreciate some help with this! 

Every time cook a lumberjack mission, the game will have this problem, and then the game crashes
(1 edit)

Sorry if this is a dupe bug report (not really sure how to search this thread), but I've found a pretty easily replicable, mostly just annoying bug with the hotkeys breaking. When I return to town via map (instead of leaving an area via the onscreen arrows) the map/inventory/status/options hotkeys stop working until I open one of those menus with the mouse. After that it's all good again until the next time.

It's probably just some state-flag that's not getting reset properly.

I'm running the current Steam version, whichever that is.

There is an extra word here.


Thank you!

this is what my screen looks like since updating to 1.1.13. M2 macbook air. Ventura 13.5.2


hmm, have you tried to uninstall and reinstall the game?

Yup. A few times.


ok, I'll rebuild the app, and upload it. it will be called 1.1.4

Sorry about this issue. We have no way to test the game on Apple Silicon devices :/

it's no problem. You don't really need to do all that honestly. Could you just send me a link to 1.1.2?


1.1.4 has already been online for a few days now ^^

I bought the game and it was working really well, enjoyed it a lot, until it started laging to the point it became unplayable. I play it on MacOSMojave 2,8 GHz Intel Core i7 Intel Iris Pro 1536 Mo



I'm deeply sorry for this issue. Though I can't fix it directly since I have no idea why the game would lag on such a device. But maybe you can help us helping you by sending us the game's logfile (you can find it here: ~/Library/Logs/GrizzlyGamerStudio/Robin Morningwood Adventure/Player.log) at

Thank you, I just sent him through mail

I have login to the game and koad my data ,and it success,but their no data inside,i try and got some floating notip my account underwear 35 but i click is start at new game,how?


The new MacOS Silicone version 1.1.4 stops working when you open the game and it just freezes! I have deleted and redownloaded the game but that didn't help! Please let me know how I can fix this issue.

This happened after I updated the Mac to MacOS14.2.1



I'm sorry, I can't seem to find a reason why the game would crash. Have you tried to uninstall and reinstall it?

Yes! I did that multiple times and even downloaded the previous version but the mouse just would not work whenever the game starts playing :(


Can you zip and send us the files located here "~/Library/Logs/GrizzlyGamerStudio/Robin Morningwood Adventure/"


The zipped file is not available to send via gmail


How come? It should weight less than a megabyte!

It says ZIP files can't be attached to the email


Can you send only the file named "Player.log" then?

How can I find that file?


it's in the same folder "~/Library/Logs/GrizzlyGamerStudio/Robin Morningwood Adventure/"

I'm playing on Mac (1.1.4) and there's an error where I have beaten the person for the last feasteran log, but it doesn't show up in my inventory and the icon to get it is still on the world map. But when I go to the place where I had the battle, it doesn't show up.



I'm sorry for this issue. It's a new one so, can you contact us at I might need your save file to check the problem and try to solve it. I'll also edit your save so you can continue the quest.

I don’t know for sure if this is a bug, but after the first meeting with the king I cannot continue the storyline and fight the king again. There is no green on the map.

And the second bug (this is definitely a bug after which it was impossible to continue the storyline) Help collect black leaves for Liam. This task appeared to me twice, but the second time there were no leaves in the location


Hello, What is your main objective? You can find it in the map.

As for the Liam quest bug. It's a known bug but unfortunately, we can't seem to find it's origin. Reloading your save should make the quest disappear. But do you know when you completed did it the first time? before meeting Zack in armor?

Hallo, unfortunately I deleted those game saves and started a new game.This time I didn't have any bugs and I completely passed your wonderful game.

 Thanks for the feedback)

I will also purchase your DLC.And I hope it will be released completely without an update=]

Sorry for the bother, but after a long time playing without issue the game has become unplayable on my i9 Intel Macbook Pro running MacOS 14.3.1

The game starts fine, but is immediately *extremely* unresponsive to clicks. Only one in ~20 clicks elicits a response, and removing the game from my apps folder and reinstalling doesn't help. Do you have any troubleshooting steps? A cache folder I can clear somewhere?


Hello, I'm sorry about this issue. Unfortunately, we have no idea what could cause this kind of problem.

You can send us the debug log you can find here:

~/Library/Logs/GrizzlyGamerStudio/Robin Morningwood Adventure/Player.log

I can't make promises, but it hopefully will tell us what's going wrong. Please send it to

Also, do you know if something changed when the issue started happening? Like an OS update or a game Update?

Team Mushroom's "Finish Them" scene was just a white screen on my Windows version of the DLC

I can confirm this also.


couple of missing images when I was playing the dlc

Just a minor cosmetic...when I use my bed in the English game version, this is my screen. 

Just found a little image glitch. I just found a new piece of the emblems 

and after returning to the previous screen there are a few images that are missing.

Hey! I've received my code for the DLC, but when I click 'activate', nothing happens! Any help? Thanks! :)

Hello Grizzly Gamer Studio, hoping you're fine and knowing that you sre kinda bussy by the launching of the DLC, i will like to ask for your help

I pourchase the DLC today and I try several times to download the 2.0.1 version, but at the time the download ends, it appear a sign saying "prohibited". I investigate and the same browser says that maybe i don't have the permission to download the file, although I did buy the content.

I really hope you can help me because I am very excited to play the DLC


Hello, I'm really sorry for this issue, but I'm afraid it might be coming from your end. Have you tried downloading it with another browser? Maybe a VPN or something like that is preventing it to download?

I'm in the US, is it possible to buy with USD? I tried on Steam but it won't let me buy it because I bought the base game here on itch io.

Deleted 361 days ago
Deleted 361 days ago
Deleted 361 days ago
(2 edits)

Hello Team!
Played the game a few times - however with version 2.0.2, it seems incredibly bugged for me.  Whenever I click anywhere it just spam-opens a bunch of instagram links with a broken options page in the game before an inevitable crash.

Anything that can be done? I cant seem to find the logs.
I also reinstalled 2.0.2 three times to see, nothing seemed to fix it.

Help. I can't seem to unlock Drunk Ghart in dicktionary.. any tips on where I can duel him or this is just an unknown bug? 


Drunk ghart is actually not available in the dicktionnary.

Hey there, I bought the base game and now the downloadable content on steam. I still haven't finished the base game and what I found was that there was underwear scattered around the place that I hadn't actually seen before, like the twins and bandit, I actually unlocked that scene a few hours later, but there are other ones and I know that nothing has happened there so I'm avoiding looking at them!

(1 edit)

My computer won't let me activate the update because it detected a Trojan virus called "win32wacatac" on the win32 version.  Should I be concerned and should I wait for the next update?

I trust you but I just want to be safe,  thank you!

Deleted 135 days ago

There seems to be a bug with the "additional hearts". I've purchased 2 additional hearts so far, but I still only have the 3 hearts for the HP bar ???


Indeed there seems to be a bug somewhere, for some people... It will be fixed for 2.0.4

Can you drop difficulty level for battle with Kronos? In current state it is impossible to win with any balms.

I think there is a bug when you finish the dlc you're not able to collect alle the shards for day/ dawn/ dusk emblems. I looked exacly where they whould be and nothing in appiring. Or maybe I collected it all and game did not registred it?

Developer (1 edit)

Hello, are you playing one of the latest versions (2.0.4 or 2.0.5)?

I keep the game updated, the same problem one version 2.0.5 and now on 2.0.6.


Keep in mind that the Dawn shards appears in the morning, The Day shards, in the afternoon, and the Dusk, at night.
Some might also be hidden in places where you'll need to increase affinity with some characters to be able to access them.

Full affinity with all new characters. Dawn and day shards completed, 3 shards from dusk are nowhere to be found I checked all the new places in the night time.


can you send us an email with your savefile at ?

You can find them here:

PC: %appdata%/../LocalLow/GrizzlyGamerStudio/Robin Morningwood Adventure

OSX: ~/Library/Application Support/GrizzlyGamerStudio/Robin Morningwood Adventure

        or ~/Library/Application Support/com.GrizzlyGamer.RMAWhellcum

I think there's a bug where the Sauna becomes unavailable? I've been in their before and got a Strip Lucky battle done in there, but I think it was something about completing Bad Bitch mode that made it disappear? The arrow to enter is just completely gone now.


Hello, are you playing one of the latest versions (2.0.4 or 2.0.5)?

(1 edit)

I can't work with Vrok, the last move always registers as a fail on easy mode, and on hard mode it's move 2, 3 and 4.


Hello Quebecguy, are you playing the 2.0.6 version?

yes, on Android 

My computer warns that files in the 2.0.7 installation are corrupted and unreadable, so I can't install the latest version. 


what version are you trying to install?

Version 2.0.7


I mean PC, PC x32, OSX Intel or OSX Apple Silicon

The PC version


Ok, then, try to redownload the installer, maybe it got corrupted during the download process.

If it's a warning from Defender, saying the program isn't safe, you can disregard it and still install it. It's a false alarm.

It works now!

Ever since the day the DLC released, I've been experiencing this weird pixelation effect that appears almost everywhere but seems to be the worst during the beginning mini games. I'm running the Steam version, and I've tried verifying the integrity of the files. I've also tried changing all the graphics options and even different monitors with no luck. Here's an example image.

Wait, this should be easier to see:

Deleted 346 days ago

You have to duel with them to complete their affinity.

Not sure if it is bug, or there's some extra requirements I need to fulfill, but the affinity bar for Beryllus is showing "locked" even I've unlocked his Lv1 affinity.


Hello moz9738, this is not a bug. Beryllus' affinity works differently, and you can raise it by progressing through the DLC's main quest.

I just updated to v2.0.8 (macOS), and suddenly 2 saves with someone else's name appear


Have you tried to configure the cloud save? That's the only thing that could modify save files.

Yes I have cloud save. In fact, I signed out, keep Save 1 (still has my name), delete Save 2 and Save 3 (last saved about 10h ago), both with someone else's name), quit the app, open and sign in again, and it re-downloads Save 2 & 3. It kinda feels like as if my saves are mixed up with someone else's......

It's good that my Save 1 is still there, I just don't know if I can safely delete cloud save 2 & cloud save 3, cause that might be someone else's


Can you send us an email at with the email you used to login to the cloud save? I'll check the database.

Confirming with Version 2.0.8 (PC Windows 64x)that I can't play the game,  pressing anything opens a bunch of instagram links then I crash to desktop.

on 2.0.9 macOS, if I focus on another application and then come back, the game becomes "Not Responding" (Music playing, but your cursor becomes the macOS spinning ball and you can't click anything). The only way is to force quit.


Hello, Sorry for this issue... Are you using the intel or Apple Silicon version?

Apple Silicon version


Thank you, I'll look into it!

after I updated to 2.0.9, whenever I complete level 8 of the quest and get lvl 1 affinity with dunkan, no matter if i skip his story or not, the game crashes and I can't proceed. I think it might have something to do with the animation? because it was fine when i started his story....


Hello, Sorry for this issue, I'll try to help. Can you send to the "Player.log" and "Player-prev.log" files you can find here:

PC: %appdata%/../LocalLow/GrizzlyGamerStudio/Robin Morningwood Adventure

OSX: ~/Library/Logs/GrizzlyGamerStudio/Robin Morningwood Adventure/

Hey Hey. 1º I just played the demo and like it! Nice Job.  However i just bought and instaled the laptop version and ... dont open the game =\ I already unninstall, repeat the install and its equal.


Hello, I guess that because the game is launching with a rendering api your PC can run. The fix is really simple, download the new PC version (2.0.10x). When installing, it will ask if you want to have the shortcuts, say yes. When it's done, you'll have 4 RMA shortcuts, the basic one, a "DirectX 11", "DirectX12" and a "Vulkan" Try them all, starting with DirectX 11 to see which one works the best for you. Then delete the other, unused shortcuts!

Hey there!

Has anyone reported issues regarding missing emblem pieces? I was having trouble finding the last piece of the day emblem and looked up the locations online, but the one I'm  missing never showed up on the location the guides say it should be, even after completing the story and affinity events.

Hello! Love the game, and experiencing a bug preventing further progress. Will tell you the issue, then the context:

The Issue: When I battle the king (the last time), the game crashes when it describes him pulling out his sword. If I skip that story to the battle, it crashes after I win. Is there a way to correct this? 

The Context: I've had the same save running for quite some time (since early 2021, I think before cloud saves existed). Due to this, the save has been moved between a couple of computers (without any issues). This last time, I moved it to a new laptop. The game/save otherwise all work fine beyond some minor pixelations I've noticed after activating the DLC (there is a previous bug report from someone else about the pixelation). I already tried updating the game by downloading and reinstalling with a fresh installer (despite having the current version) after transplanting my save files. This did not correct the issue.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you so much!


Hello, with the new installer, it will create multiple desktop shortcuts, allowing you to choose different rendering engines, like "Open GL", "Vulkan", "DirectX 11 or 12"

Try to launch the game with the different engines, one of them should work fine with your computer and it should fix all these issues.

After I received Excaliballs, I could no longer work or duel with Tyran.


This is weird, but you should be able to fix this by sleeping in your bed until the next morning.

(1 edit)

Today's update seems to have broken the game completely. Impossible to start a new game (black screen after name selection) or load a previous save (nothing happens). At least two other player encountered the same bug (from steam).

EDIT : It's fixed ! Thank you !


Hello, I'm really sorry about that, it seems there was an error in today's update that caused this issue.

please download and install the version 2.0.11

I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience


(1 edit)

I'm trying to install version 2.0.13 on a Windows 11 x64. When I double-click on the download file, nothing happens. I've tried disabling my antivirus and even running the file in admin mode, but still nothing.
I uninstalled the previous version I had to try again but still the same problem.


I found the problem. In the file properties, there was a checkbox labeled 'Unblock'

Hi, I have a problem with the installation of other languages, specifically Spanish, when I try to download it it tells me to wait and then it does nothing, I tried several times to even reinstall the game But it still gives me the same problem, any solution?


There must be something wrong with the connection with google's server, try to download and install it manually (by clicking on the + button in the options menu)
You can download the file here:

Thank you so much for the help.

(1 edit)

Why can't I do all the little side quests in the game after recreating a new game and overwriting the save file? I can't meet the dragon and there's no way for me to get the character guide and cards.

What should I do next?

I know I’m texting. It’s a little late, but I been having problems. Two of my characters. Don’t show up in sniffets even though I already finished everything for those two characters I tried to post a pic, but it does not. Let me post a pic.

There's a typo ("and and") in the dialogue when you first go into Horace's house and see him above you.

(1 edit)

The Game is asking me to fix the forge, even though I already did. I can go in and work, and buy rings. As such, the game isn't letting me progress to the next Main Story Quest :(

I figured out why this happened. when I repaired the forge, I teleported to my house instead of walking outside to trigger the Knight attack. 


I'm sorry for the issue, but I can fix it for you.

Can you enable the cloud save, and send me an email at ?

I cannot download the new file at all anymore! I click it starts, stops, I hit resume it works for oh maybe 30 seconds and then crashes stating something along the line of cloudflare storage error. And I tried the itch app too. Nope!


I'm sorry but it's possible there is something going on on your end, but you can always contact

Update: switching browsers worked. -_-

so im using the lastest version of the game minus the DLC and i am unable to get the last strip lucky card from the orc in whiterain, i go at night like im supposed to but i am unable to interact with the orc to play him for the last card that i need "cursed Dodoro

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When I download the full version, it loads to a black screen with the game audio playing.  Both mac versions do the same thing. Any ideas on how to fix this?

The demo worked perfectly, for what it's worth. 


What worked for me- I did a full backup and updated to the latest version of Sequoia. I had been avoiding updating as Sonoma was stable and did everything I needed it to do. Immediately fixed the graphics issue.

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