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Morning DewView project page

Soundtrack for Alternative OST - Music Jam #2
Submitted by wt64 — 8 hours, 24 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 24 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Track description | Creative process
My goal was to have this song 'sound' from Animal Crossing. I kept the tone calm/relaxing, but a bit more 'vibrant', as a 'remake' with a bossa/swing focus.

I was intentional to use varied orchestrations, without a rigid structure for ear fatigue. It starts bossa style then turns to swing with piano, still intended relaxing/upbeat. I tried keeping the orchestration 'sparse' but detailed, with OG-like sounds (accordian, perc, guitar) to ground in the franchise's vibe.

Kind of intended as a morning track, it doesn't loop. The ending's somewhat experimental for fun, but could easily be swapped so it can loop. I had a previous version which was more low key, but I felt it did teach me things.

Main VSTs are AGL from ample sound (highly recommend), piano from alecia's Keys, the bass from Swing, and Berlin Percussion and Andea from orchestral tools for lot of the background elements.

Inspiration was from the trailer (also very 'vibrant') and listened to nintendo games and bossa playlists--found related piano tutorials too. Everything was written in Fl Studio, and the guitar you hear is AGL from Ample Sound--highly recommend it!

Feedback from OST jam was quite helpful! My motif development was fluid last time, which people liked, but made it hard to remember ideas. I kept it fluid here too, but tried doing more with the motifs. I'd be curious how things stick for you.

I did feel like I might've over-composed for the theme, especially towards the end. I had a reduced version, which I feel would've worked well, but I'm glad I got to learn things through experimenting here.

As always any constructive feedback is super helpful for me, to know what works and what to change, but thanks for stopping by and hope you enjoy! Best of luck to yall, and I'll be curious to see what everyone did with the prompt!

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So good! Complex yet not overwhelmingly so. You made it fully credible with an outstanding sound quality and composition. I loved this track. 


Hey thanks so much, very glad to hear that! ^^


This is a really subtle and beautiful composition. This perfectly fits the theme and the mix is near flawless! So impressive!


Wow appreciate that, thank you!


Really great work! Super well composed and mixed. And, also, nicely fitting to AC vibe. Nicely done submission =)


Thanks so much for the kind words! ^^


I loved all the instruments and how you used them, also the change in the middle part was very helpful to give it its own personality, but I think that all these dissonances and jazzy chords go a bit too far from the classic Animal Crossing OST. But the track was great, and I had a lot of fun! So well done!


Appreciate the feedback, definitely a balance I'll think about into next jam. Glad you enjoyed it!


I think this is one of my favourites! You created a great atmosphere, good work :D


That's so awesome, thank you! ^^


Wow this is very high level composition ! I feel it maybe doesn't fit as much on the Animal Crossing theme as I would have liked it, because of it being way too jazzy and lounge. But this is by far the most interesting piece i've listened today, really great work ! And yeah that Guitar sound is AMAZING, i'm gonna check it out haha


Hey, this means tons, thank you!! Appreciate the feedback on vibe, that's fair! I'll have to look into lounge, and yes definitely check out AGL! we need more music made with it xD


Oooo that moment at 0.31 is *chefs kiss* perfect (there were many more moments after I wrote this). The bossa nova was the perfect direction to go in for that AC/Nintendo vibe. I don't think you overcomposed this at all; its the little details like the mallet trills occasionally in the back, the way the percussion rolls, the way the track is very asymmetrical. The entire track is a lovely stroll down a sunny boulevard with new things to see, hear and experience with every step.

There is just one thing that caught my attention: at 0.55 the hand drum and flute jump out suddenly in the mix. Was this intentional? Like part of the stroll where you turn a corner and bump into somebody and both apologise and smiles and laughter before going about the day?

All in all, amazing! Definitely inspired me to work harder next time!


Wow, thank you so much for engaging with my music! So cool to hear how it resonated with you, and I'm honored you felt inspired by it. So glad to hear the detail came through for you. And the take on the 0:55 moment is really interesting! It wasn’t intentional, but I love the idea, it'd definitely fit the theme. One of us can hold onto it for a future track! ^^


A nice jazzy lounge piece. Very dynamic composition. I like it!


Glad you enjoyed, thank you!


So jazzy, yet still chill and cute!!


Thank you! glad to hear I hit that balance for you ^^


I really enjoyed the first half! The guitar sound is especially clean, like wow. Great track! Let me know what VSTs you used for this I'd love to know lol.


Appreciate that, thanks a lot! :) 

The main ones I can think of are, AGL from ample sound (highly recommend), the bass from swing, and berlin percussion and andea from orchestral tools for lot of the background elements! 


Gotcha gotcha, appreciate it!


I like it a lot , personally. It's truly experimental and jazzy, maybe that could leave young gamers a little puzzled! The ocarina frequencies pierce my poor ears, but maybe it's just me.


Oh no, thought I fixed that ocarina thing, that hurt me too sorry lol!

Really glad this resonated with you. And puzzled is a great way to put it, audience will be something I think about for next jam!


What an amazing piece. The many differnent instruments you used and the amazing chord progression really took me on a road trip through your island. I think it's a bit to variant for a background song in this game, but it slaps nonetheless :)


That means a lot to hear, thanks! Good to know the chords/instruments fit the vibe for you, and I'll keep that in mind about variation on a background track for my next song :)


What a pleasant and original piece! It is very lovely, it is amazing how it takes you to so many different places in such a short time. You have done an outstanding job, congratulations!


I'm touched by this, thank you so much for the kind words!! Really means a lot hearing how it resonated for you.


Damn, I love what you did, something rhapsodic like that...with instruments coming and going, some pretty sophisticated chords, lines, key changes...really beautiful AND on point with the theme. An whole soundtrack like could be a bit nauseous, but if done with enough talent I swear it would be better than the original one.
Just a minus, I think you overdid it between 2:17 and 2:20, off course I like atonality, but it felt out of place at this spot, maybe some chromatic 4th stack (or something) would have make it.

Developer (1 edit)

Woww, thank you so much!! It means a ton to hear you think this kind of piece could improve the soundtrack. I'm a big artcore fan, so I'm really glad 'change' was translating well for you, with my studying of it.

I have to agree, about 2:17-2:20, actually I was going to calm things down at 2:10, but decided to add an extra section to risk overcomposing for sake of learning and experimenting. It's neat you noticed that too, I think it would've helpd the song. And great suggestion on stacked 4ths, will keep that in mind.


Pretty and catchy! I really enjoyed listening to your track, very tasty chord progressions, and when the syncopation hits? That's the good stuff. I'm weak to swing, you see. Amazing work!

Developer (3 edits)

Thank you thank you, that's so nice to hear! ^^ The swing came in later in the process, so I'm delighted to get the seal of approval from a connoisseur >:)


Hey man, your agent here!






LMAOO xD thx!!


Well that definitely fits the context and the vibe of AC, congrats :-D
Your composition is very interesting, it keeps taking different turn and switching its creative mood - while still keeping a coherent direction overall, which is not an easy thing to pull off, and you did it splendidly (I really hear and feel the Nintendo composition influences there hehe).

Your mix is great as well, considering the amount of instruments and the arrangement of your song, that's pretty amazing - except for your flute/woodwind instrument which I feel always comes in a bit too hot/loud but that's a matter of personal taste.

I've actually listened to your track 3 times already, because I'm having a great time breaking it down and analysing it, where does your theme leave to come back, and which instrument takes it back. Very entertaining piece to listen to !

Overall a champion composition and submission - but I wonder if the complexity of the track paired with the length of it wouldn't actually take the player out of vibe or at least affect the "sunny beach" colour of things (for example, most of the complex Nintendo tracks for this kind of games are usually quite short, so it's easily loopable and doesn't become overwhelming for the player to listen to - and to stay catchy).

Developer (2 edits)

Woww, thank you for the kind words and feedback here!! I'm very honored you'd analyze my music, that's honestly so cool for me lol! So glad to hear on coherence and the mix too, def worked on that.

No yea, it's great point on length/complexity, I'd definitely agree. Esp 2:20+ was a big limit test. 'Taking out of the vibe' is a helpful framing for me to think about how to balance variation effectively. And very helpful tip about complex Nintendo tracks!

Thanks again for engaging with this, really means a lot!!