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Howl you doin?View game page

In dating there's always 2 sides to yourself, the one that you show your partner and the one you don't.
Submitted by notarvis, Kurts Kiwi Friend — 3 hours, 18 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

We created all of the art

We created all of the audio except 1 song

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The game was good but how do you get blood cause I just stayed in the cinema and won


You go out of the cinema and attack people "F" . (when in werewolf form). 

Wait, so you played the game within the cinema and still had fun? 


yes I just stayed trying to attack the people and collect the popcorn and the game is short so I didn't get bored


Really fun game! Nice work! EXCEllent art! I had so much fun with! Congratulations!


Thanks man! Ha ha I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Pretty fun game, the core idea is smart, good take on the theme! But when I see the gifs you posted, I see character's animation that I didn't had in game (I only had the werewolf moving, not his attack and the human version had no animation at all), it's a bit sad as it probably had a lot to the fun of the game :/ 

Good job nonetheless, I took pleasure testing your work!


The games animation states are buggy. The animation in the gifs are in the game,.Are you pressing f while in the were wolf state? The only human animation was walking left and right I didn't have enough time to animate everything. But either way I'm sorry that the attack didnt work for you however that happened.  Thankyou for commenting and testing our game. 


yeah I was, I could eat people and have the blood bath that come with it. There is a chance that I have just been unlucky while testing :/ (I played the game twice to have both endings and I had the same problem the two times) 

At least thanks to the screenshots I can see that those animations do look good!


Alright that's weird...I'm the artist so I can only speculate atm.  I'm sorry that happened, are you using a different browser or Is there anything that might indicate why the issue would be happening to you? Not to blame you, we had out issues with getting the animation to work, there was even another attack animation but that was removed due to the complexity of animation code for the developer. I'll ask him and see what's up. I would love to update the game and fix these things, If we do I'll let you know, as the animations are a big part of the game. 


I use chrome, and I just gave the game another try and this time I had the animations! I guess that was unlucky of me, strange that I had it both time in a row yesterday and that this time it worked fine, but now I can say that those animations do add a lot to the game!


Ah great it all worked out in the end :) Yeah I use chrome too so I'll have to ask my developer. The world is full of strange things, the internet even more so. Thanks! :)


Good game. You can add level system where each level need more time and less people to eat(or drink). You can add people who throws net at you if they see you as wolf. Good concept anyway.


Thanks!  yeah originally we thought of many different things, like levels as they would work with the idea of more dates ha ha. Nets or something similar would work well with the countdown system. 



Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Interesting concept, pretty funky lookin, their emotionless faces as you slaughter everyone. My only recommendations other than ai, would be to make the music start when you transform, and different song for when you are a human. Overall a solid unique game!


Ha ha there was a "panic" emotion but there were other things to worry about. I'm glad you liked though, totally a feature ;). Yeah I did think about different songs for different movie showings too. Overall there's lots we could do with the game. Thanks for playing and the feedback!


The art is so good, this reminds me so much of the early 2000s newgrounds style flash games, and I love that!
Also brilliant game title!


Thank you :) We looked online for some werewolf puns and lucked out, so we can't take credit for it though.


it ways that i won, but all i did was stick in the same room and walk around. I dont get it


well the blood meter to the left is supposed to go down and when it reaches zero you lose. The aim is to get the player to go off and kill people and refill. We had many issues fixing bugs that balance was left behind. I’m sorry that you didn’t have fun. Thanks for playing and commenting.

NEat and Nice art !!
Please rate my also :)


really fun and neat game, little too easy


Really fun game and great art.

good job.


Thank you :), and also thanks for playing and commenting!


Hey mate. Some feedback:

- Firstly let me say that making a werewolf dating sim is really funny.

- I do wish, however, that you would have told me what to do inside the game itself, as having to go outside of the game kind of breaks the flow of it.

- Speaking of flow, I wish that the game wouldn't last so long, as I spent most of my time waiting next to my date, I just had to go to get blood twice.

- One last thing, the art was pretty good for a game jam, but the Player-Human form is kinda weird IMO.

Developer (1 edit)

Hello, yeah the game has its issues, especially with the game play balance between wolf and human.

Thanks for the feedback, do you mean like a introduction like yours to explain the situation? I agree it does just straight throw you in the middle. But we had to cut corners, and well I guess it showed. I'll take that advice into the next jams.

Well I wont deny the win screen human looks off XD  Thanks for playing and feedback!


Hey mate. 

Not sure that I understand what you mean by "do you mean like a introduction like yours to explain the situation? " especially the "like your part".

When I said " but the Player-Human form is kinda weird IMO." I meant the in-game sprite.


I was refereeing to the images/slideshow you have at the beginning "Hey its me again" "I need you to clean the city". By like yours I meant your game "magnetic-wizard"


Oh okay. Yeah doing like my game could have been a good idea.


This game was fantastic and utterly hilarious! I love the concept of trying to balance both the wolf side and the human side's needs, and all the art is amazing, especially the really smoothly animated werewolf attack!

There's a lot of potential here to go even further and even funnier, and I'd love to see it expanded upon in the future!


Thank you, appreciate the positive feedback! :D


Thank you, I’m glad you like the animation and the humour of it all. :)


Nice game! It's a little easy though because there are lots of people in the bathrooms!


(deleted one of your comments because it was duplicate)

thank you! Yeah, I didn't have a lot of time to do game balancing and decorating because I was new to 2d and animations, so getting that right ( its still not 100% ) was hard :D

