Just wondering to see
Godot, Unity or maybe Unreal too. But Unity is the most used one and the second is Godot
ok thx
probably Construct 2.
Godot for me
me also
me too
notepad and a thirst for js
Plus MS Paint for graphics? ;
saaaame good luck bro (except im using vscode)
Unity! : ]
only unity
pygame : framework
GameMaker Stdio 2
Nice, it's good to know i am not the only person that uses it
i too am using gamemaker studio 2
Probably SDL and C :)
unity like always
construct 3
Godot for me.
Gonna go with Godot
unity, but I'm a beginner so we'll see how this goes...
Unity for me
unity unity unity unity unity UNITY ONLY
Raw code in c++
I'm gonna go with löve2d, perhaps could turn out a little more challenging than it should but hey, it's for fun
Unity, but I'd love to try Godot some time
Godot, and Inkscape for graphics
I'm using Godot
looks like most people are using unity
No engine. Native html5 and JavaScript. I just want to see how big of a mess it will become.
i am using unity
Godot is best boy
No engine: https://itch.io/jam/blackthornprod-game-jam-3/topic/1167023/minecraft-in-pure-cs...