Beautiful game! Couldn't get the multiplayer to work but I really liked the art of the game.
Sepulchral Servers of the Simulacrum's pageGame's Take on the Theme
Spin your mouse to spin the literal hard drive you manage as an NPC in an MMORPG
I made a Multiplayer game using Playroom
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Art yes, Music no
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.,,,,,
great work! didn't get to test the multiplayer out at all but this was a fun game to learn and balance your resources for either surviving or doing damage. enjoyed it!
The mechanics are complex but simple enough to understand. I like the artwork (looks a bit blurry when I go fullscreen), and the music is pretty awesome. The game isn't registering my ugly circles during active gameplay but not a huge issue. Some attacks could be balanced further as well. Overall great job! (Some Homestuck and OFF vibes as well which is a plus)
Great art and sfx and it the mood is really well designed however drawing a circle shouldn't be that hard.
Fun game with an interesting mechanic. Probably some of the best UI I've seen, very responsive and aesthetically pleasing.
Gaining cache was buggy, many times dashing would remove cache instead, unsure if intended. The last boss was the most interesting and fun if a little too chaotic.
Overall very fun and interesting game, especially that UI great job!
Thanks for playing, The cache gain mechanism wasn't explained as well as I hoped it seems. Losing cache while dashing is intended, if you dash while your white bar isn't full (dash on cooldown) it gives you a dash at the cost of spending cache (it also increases the length of your cooldown). I'm happy you enjoyed it, I plan to tweak the mechanics a little once I'm allowed to update the game so I'll keep your feedback in mind.
I didnt manage to defeat the last boss but DAMN this game is so well made, very polished, balanced, and fun! Goodjob!!
Damn the music has no right to be THIS good, big respect I got hooked up instantly !
the last boss was hella hard, but beside that everything is on point !
Thank you! but all credits go to the amazing artists and musicians who provided their music for free for me to use. Big shout out to Youlfuca who composed all of the boss themes and the ending theme! Sorry about the difficulty in the final boss, I left it till the end and kinda rushed it a bit haha.
This game is just glowing with polish! Nothing feels out of place, all the camera movements and VFX feel tight and responsive, and I really feel immersed! I really appreciate the consistency and confidence in sticking to "You are an NPC in an MMORPG", too. From the Itch page to the intro cutscene, you really set us up great to subvert expectations. Great job!
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