Thanks a lot for checking it out, glad we could provide a good experience! The main menu is still super placeholdery haha, we should have it cleaned up within the next couple of days, same for all the inconsistent pixel ratios that are left in from where we were just testing functionalities.
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Yep, Everything except for a couple of shaders was done within the last month by our team! The banner art was made by
Thanks a ton for playing our little project, glad it was a fun experience! Our initial idea was the golem becoming different rock types but we decided that allowing the player to have a combo of two powers they choose instead of being locked to on as per the rock type they were was more powerful in puzzle design. So yeah, the overall theme did suffer from it a bit but you're still metamorphosing your move set a lot haha :)
Hey thanks a ton for checking it out! The gem past the gate allows you to walk through the gate and destroy it! There are 2 ways of completing the puzzle, one of which requires the gate to be opened, try to find it if you got the time! The game is quite patchy I agree but I take most blame for that, couldn't coordinate the team properly due to exams haha.
Had a whole bunch of fun playing this! I'd still much rather play Slice and Dice as it stands as they are almost the same game, except Slice and Dice has more of everything, lol. The visuals and music are really good hear and I liked the twist of only having a single player character and a much more controlled class progression compared to SnD. The main mechanics are kinda down to a tee the same as the original content, including the janky dice rolling physics, lol. I'm sure it can be developed further to break itself away more from SnD, it has potential and I really liked all the polish that went into it.
Incredible. Just incredible. When the theme Methamorphosis was released, this is exactly what I was hoping to see people make! The game is a blast, feels super polished and I especially love the fact upgrades are not direct gains. Eg. you trade range for damage with the wolf head. I'd definitely love to see more of this concept down the road!