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Adam Duehring

A member registered Mar 05, 2024 · View creator page →

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There are no current plans to make the game mobile friendly

No current plans for a translation, I make the game myself and the only other language i speak is some german

(2 edits)

Hey! There is currently a bug where if you dont type confirm in all lowercase, the game doesn't start, if you type confirm in all lowercase, it should work. Sorry about that! Bug is fixed and will be pushed next update

If there's a way you'd be able to show me how to do it in like, Photopea that'd be awesome!

oh yeah that looks really nice! I'm not any good at photoshop, so I wasnt sure how to fix the noise on the left image

Hi! thanks for commenting, regarding adding these features in a future update, I made this devlog explaining the future of developments for Vermis, and for the art I pull the art directly from Plastiboo's book Vermis, so not much can be done in the line of changing the art since its supposed to be based directly off of the books, perhaps there's some adjusting i could do with shaders or what not, but that would be the extent of what I could do.

noted, i'll have to look into the bugs

Ah, also forgot to mention I should have fixed the bug that caused the game to crash on pressing tab.

my bad, you have to type go inside. I'm still currently working on making hidden entrances visible when they are discovered.

type go forward to enter the hidden chambers, i've been working on a way to make it so secret passage ways are visible once found but its a wip and im not entirely sure when that will be implemented.

okay I figured it out, it was instantly pressing the quit button on pressing tab if you had the input area in focus, will push out the fix on next update

Oh jeez, that is the first time I've heard about that bug, but its happening to me too when I play on my end, I'll look into it

feedback noted, thank you! I'll work on putting these in a future update

ah i see I forgot to upload the pck aswell, i'll fix that

Really awesome stuff, its amazing to see that both you and I created a video game inspired by Vermis, mine is just a direct fan game to the books.

some items do not have any use yet, the stone staff should be equipped on start, if it isnt then its probably attributed to the bug i found that reset all items required stats to null which stop it from being equipped

thank you!

hmmm, what starting class did you pick? 

I have the same issue when testing the game, I haven't implemented a fix for it yet but I will work on one, should be very simple

i just pushed out a massive update, hope you get to check it out soon

Current version ends right after the stench champion, there's nowhere to go from there. game will continue to be updated though

thank you thank you

Working on it until its finished, or until plastiboo sends a dmca for the fan game 😂

in the most current version I'm working on, the font is changed, not sure exactly when I'm pushing out that update though.

forgot to mention, response text from game will now type itself out akin to the intro sequence