The visuals are really nice, the isometric tiles work great, the movement is really smooth and I like a lot the usage of spin here, I rate graphics, fun, control and music on top but all is nice, also, if you have some time, please, rate my game too, thanks!!!
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A Game of Clock and Mouse's pageGame's Take on the Theme
A ‘Game of Clock and Mouse’ seeks to include the element of “Spin” in every aspect of its creation and being. The primary motif of the Clock was selected based on the spin theme, and all mechanics designed thereon were created with that in mind. To that end, by linking cooldown based attacks to specific directions on the tilemap - the player is forced to rotate and ‘spin’ around the boss to alternate their attacks. This is further reinforced through the spinning minute and hour crit-hands underneath the mouse, which rotates every turn and every two turns respectively. The cornerstone mechanic of ‘Rewinding’ also seeks to embolden this sentiment through its rotation of the attack directions either clockwise or counterclockwise. Visually the motif of Spinning was also included at every step of the way - everything from creating a spinning stage background to designing the mouse idle to be always circling. Even from a composition standpoint musical themes were intended to be recognizably looped to reinforce the feeling to the player.
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
The font asset is from and the Spiraling Background was based on a Giphy image made by @CmdrKittenere:
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