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A member registered Dec 31, 2023 · View creator page →

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A cute game, but I was unsure what to do in the island. On my first run, I just entered the ship and the game ended. On a second one, I collected everything I encountered, i think it is time to move onto the next island I guess hahahaha needs a bit of polishing, but it was a fun experience!

I had a little bit of difficulty with the progression of the game.. Other than that, I liked how cute the art was, and I genuinely was scared when the first bear appeared XD the change in the music was really good as well. 

Very good game. I loved your use of lights in this! I wish that there were some visual or sound feedback on hurting the enemies, as well as an enemy health bar or something like that.  Other than that, a very cool take on a tower defense game, mixing with those upgrades made an really nice experience!

The game was quite interesting. The low poly art is very good. Although it is simple, I managed to built my shelter and finish the game.  I just wished that the items to collect would have a little highlight (specially those two on the corners of the level), and that we could carry more than one piece at time. Besides that, a good game indeed!

As others mentioned, I too struggled with the game progression. But as well as other mentioned, the art style is phenomenal. Very stunning. With more polish, it will be a really good game

i have only one critics about your game: I don't want to run away from the cats! Hahahaha Just kidding. The game was adorable, I love your art, the sprites and your pixel art style. The sounds were cute as well, I just felt like the cats were so fast! Great game!

Astonishing. I am very impressed to think that was made in a week! I loved pretty much every aspect of your game: the art, atmosphere and the voicelines as well. The tutorial was a huge plus! Really great game.

The idea is unique and the art is very beautiful, specially the player animation! About the gameplay, when I placed the dog on the portal, its sprite was increasingly bigger! I don't know it that was intentional, but eventually it covered the portal. I gave a few tries and got around that bug. Nonetheless, good game!

The game is very unpolished art and soundwise, but it is impressive that you put out such smooth gameplay loop and movement settings in just 5 hours! I was also impressed by the amount of upgrades you could choose between cycles.

Simply amazing! The art is very good and the game plays nicely. Even though I passed some levels, I wanted to achieve 3 stars on them! Props to the good tutorial. Great work

Making sandwiches were the most fun part of your game to me, even though most of them was bad and stinky! The game is fun, and the art is cute. Special props to the voiceover thanking my sandwich when I finally hit one right! Good game

What I liked the most about your game was the unique art style and the whole atmosphere set by the black/white pallete,  and the getting more intense as times goes by was very well done. However, I was a little lost regarding what to do in the map, even though I restarted twice to read the tutorial, it was sooo quick and then I gave up reading and started playing. Nonetheless, it is a good game!

Just incredible. I loved how we take control of who's causing the storm, not the ones affected by it. The gameplay is smooth, and the graphics are lovely! Great game

I loved the aesthetic of your game! The progression was good and the final boss was indeed a challenge. I couldn't beat it, and I did try so many times, but it was very hard to either parry or dodge those projectiles. Nonetheless, the game is great, loved the art style and the particle system of the weapon!

More games, more games! Post here and I will play all of them!

Incredibly well done! 

I think that you guys pretty much nailed with this game. The low poly art is incredible, the music and sound design good as well, and the core gameplay loop is VERY enjoyable and also fun to play, while fitting perfect into the theme. The highlight for me was the small details you've added, such as drinking leftover bottles, smoking and watching some animal planet or whatever. Simply perfect

Played and rated it!!

Wow! I really like your general idea! Combining an deckbuilder roguelike with an cassino slots is DEFINITELY an recipe for success, if you put more effort into it! 

Played your game and leaved my feedback on your submission page! Very fun and beautiful game of yours, great work! :)

Very impressive that you guys put out such an good game like this one. At first, I wasn't sure what nor why I was collecting those stuffs (including the characters), but the gameplay shines afterwards, when you have to manage the group you gathered. Very well done, has a nice pace and the art is phenomenal. It sort of reminded me of Darkest Dungeon. Anyways, GREAT work!

Played and rated it! Congratulations on your first solo game jam! Keep up the great work, and participate more in the future :)

I love some low poly art! That paired with the calming music made my run so relaxing :) Your take on the theme was interesting. I was wondering if the ship is impacted by the wind somehow? Cause sometimes it was hard to move around. Also, the velocimeter seems a bit off. Finally, as a suggestions, I feel like the boat could steer easily! Hahahha Nonetheless, it is a good game, made me relax for a few minutes

Played it! Like I said in my feedback, great take on changing perspectives! :)

Very cute game, with beautiful art and sound design. I liked how the game changed perspectives, from a platformer to a topdown game, both gameplay and art-wise! Props to the use of light when shooting with the main player :) Great game guys!

Done! I leaved my feedback on your submission page!

I liked how the cycles changed to fit the theme of the jam :) it is an simple survival game, as others have noted, it needs a bit of polish, but of course this can be done afterwards. The most important part is to share and participate in the jam

I played it and already rated (you saw my post already). Just replying here for the sake of it :) Very good game, as I said in my feedback, keep up the great work!

I played your game and leaved my feedback on your submission feed! As I said there, I am not that into horror games, but this doesn't mean anything about the quality of your game. Being your first game, I am very impressed indeed!

I am not that into horror games, and I genuinely was scared as hell playing this! This is not a problem of the game whatsoever, as it feels that I am playing something that wasn't produced in a single week. The graphics are very beautiful, and the combination of the sound and the atmosphere was... terrifying.. in a good way! For those who crave for this type of game, I am sure you will like!

A solid submission! Everything fits so well into the theme, while the gameplay loop itself is very nice. The background music is very catchy, and the art is very good! The money I earned through hard work was unfortunately lost due to a lot of unclean children :( I thought that the difficulty was good, starting out nice and simple and then the final levels would need more strategy to clean everything. Anyways, great great game!

What an interesting take using auto-battler and inventory management! It worked really well as the game is super fun. I spent a few minutes in here. The art is great and I really enjoyed that the main portion of the screen is the inventory management part of the game, while the runner is relatively small. Very unique! Some things I noticed when playing: It indeed gets somewhat easy when you stack some potions, and the mouse hovering is a bit buggy. But nonetheless the game is great!

My guys! Keep posting and I'll eventually test them all! I am loving testing out each of your games, but please make sure that you check mine as well :)

Rated it! Very impressive, I cannot even think about how was your experience developing this in HTML lol Congrats!

I really like your game! It is simple, yet super enjoyable! Your art is phenomenal, the towers being the little guys and the enemies being the storm itself fits the jam theme perfectly. Also loved your tutorial and the art for the mouse cursor. About the gameplay, I spent a hot minute in here, and I noticed some things: the loop itself is very good and catching, but maybe increase by a bit the amount of money you earn per wave? Although difficulty wasn't a problem (at least until the part I got to), I wanted to keep changing and improving my defense layout. Of course this is not a criticim whatsoever, as your game is very well polished and super fun. Congratulations!

A simple, yet fun game. I loved the intro cutscene and the fact that we are placed in the middle of the storm! One thing thack tricks me is that storm are in the back of the second row of buildings. Maybe if you place between the two rows of buildings would give more sense of being the storm? Anyways, spent a good few minutes here! Good job

A very good game! Loved the low poly art, and the UI is very helpful! I enjoyed the transition from the rainy season, which as indeed calm, to the dry one, where I couldn't survive long enough. The atmosphere was settled! Good game!

Of course, I am at streaming_1 voice call in Brackeys discord server

It is in fullscreen! I get stuck just here (the very start of the game). 

As I said, if I click over and over on the octopus, sometimes it will ask me the same question, but with weird wording, like:


I can upload an screenshot for you to see, I didn't upload another one right now  just to avoid spam screenshots here..

Still no luck! After the game started, I just clicked on the octopus. Then the octopus wonders why is there an otter underwater. Then after clicking once more on the octopus, it asks what can it do for me. And that's it.. After clicking again a few times on the octopus, I think the same dialogue "What can I do for you?" Still appears, but the letters are exchanged in order, but I don't know if that is intentional. The menu for the satellite opens, but no missions inside.. I am sorry if I am missing something obvious! Would be happy to try again later as well