The cards mechanic is super cool, making it a game of positioning around the boss. Also love the visual style. I couldn't get past the Empress; I assume you have to kill all of the suits of armour, but wouldn't that take a really long time?
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Tarot Trials's pageGame's Take on the Theme
You wield a wheel of magic cards that spin around you.
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
All art by us. Some sounds and music by us.
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
Boss music by Montogoronto and Psychronic (from Pixabay)
I really like the system of choosing your different weapons and opponent before swapping over to a first person shooter like game.
I thought all the different cards were really fun the only thing I will say is I found myself standing around waiting a lot with no super urgency of danger while I waited for my attack cards to refresh.
Also every time I loaded in to a new level every time a new asset was used or I looked around for the first time the game would freeze for an extended period of time making the fights a lot more difficult. along with the second boss never dropping their shield at least I couldn't figure out how to do it.
overall I really liked the use of the theme and the game play as a whole was really fun!
Initially, I was very confused but after dying once to the jester, I got a much better understanding of the game.
Your use of the theme was very well done. At first, I just thought it cool but during the second boss fight,t I was able to strafe around enemies in a way that I could spam my cards a lot more than I otherwise could; this took the mechanic up a notch for me, in terms of fun.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to beat the second boss. I figured the yellow cylinder was a shield and I tried attacking knights without their shields on but those knights would never die and the boss's shield would never disappear.
The art was well made. The animations for some of the attacks were very cool; the jester's jump is probably my favorite.
I wish there was more in the way of SFX. The weight of casting a spell or having to dodge a laser beam would be much more potent with SFX. Although, at least having music does greatly make up for what would otherwise be a silent game.
The whole card system between bosses is very cool and I like how you hide some of the cards early on. It gives the player something to look forward too while also avoiding overwhelming them.
A well-made game.
Very cool game, I really like the artwork. The spinning cards were a bit tricky to use at first, but once I got the hang of it it was pretty satisfying to pull off attacks and maneuvers.
There was never really a point where I felt at risk of dying, I think a slight difficulty boost would encourage giving more thought to what cards you bring and trying different strategies.
Overall though I quite liked it, nice work :)
That retro shooter style is hard to pull off well, and it works great here! Well done, the bosses and UI both look phenomenal.
The spinning cards mechanic was really interesting, it made me move around a lot more than I otherwise would, and that went a long way here.
I really like the principle of the game :D
The use of these cards as weapons that gravitate around us is really great! And the art is really beautiful :)
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to fight “the lovers”. When I clicked on the “fight” button, it stopped the music but didn't start the fight.
Anyway, I really enjoyed playing this game!
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