Damnnn this one is so good, the combat feels responsive and fair, love the parry system, the execute is a great touch and feels super satisfying. Also a great tutorial.
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The mechanic is definitely unique, I'm sure I've never seen a combat system like this. The game has lots of character and I love the art, especially when he's pointing the gun at you. It's fun to juggle all of the mechanics. I think that you could improve the battles by making them tend to be shorter rather than longer (by increasing damage or decreasing max hp) since the final one felt like a stalemate for the longest time. But apart from that, great game!
First of all, I love the aesthetic - I can't tell if it's trying to be cute or ominous but it definitely succeeds at both (especially the foreboding feeling when night falls). The music is also great and fits the vibe perfectly. When the first boss hit I realised I thought I had a LOT to manage at one time (energy, moving sheep, waking them up, keeping them near the middle etc.) and got destroyed, but by the second time I realised that the game was actually prety fair. I also hate paying taxes. Very good game.
I liked the stunning mechanic; it was intuitive to figure out how you could kill each boss. A few things to improve: some of the attacks weren't telegraphed enough, like the 2nd boss that instantly flicks around to the other side. Also, the boundaries were invisible which screwed me over a few times. But apart from that, the gameplay is fun, and the graphics are good too!
Love the fast-paced gameplay and tight controls to match. The bosses are well-designed and fair, and there's a good variety between the three, although I would have loved to see more chances for melee attacks rather than ranged since it fits the idea more (Balancing around melee-only would probably take a lot of work. Maybe weakening them in the early phases with ranged, then going in for the kill with melee?) But regardless, one of the most fun games of the jam and executed very well.
Loved it, definitely one of the most unique game jams I've seen. Nothing comes close to the power I felt when I created the ultimate weapon, the fire circle manifold spin leech bow. Fits the theme kind of loosely though. But you can definitely do a lot with this concept. (+points for a good tutorial)
So, a few thoughts. First of all, the sound and visual design of the game is great; it looks really polished and professional, love the animations, and it feels cool to play the character. In terms of the gameplay, it would have greatly benefited from a tutorial or some explanation. Also, the health bar is way too big for the damage that you do. If you made the gameplay more forgiving I think this game could be sick.
Easily one of my favourites, I love all of the details such as the gun animation and revive effect, as well as the little animations for every enemy. Also solid gameplay, love the timing-based attacks and the strategy needed for each boss. Would benefit from some more ability/attack sound effects though.
also i think oilmancer was harder than the boss
Very fun, I found myself playing it quite a few times. The heat mechanic forced me to actually think about what I was doing. My only improvement would be to get rid of the section at the start where you just make one pizza at a time, it's boring when trying to speedrun, and would be a good separate tutorial instead.