The visuals are nice, the overal mechanics are very interesting, Im not a good card game player but this game is fun, I like the concept and usage of tarot cards thats a deck of cards we can find outside of the game. I find it verall a cool game!!!
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Tarot Trials's pageGame's Take on the Theme
You wield a wheel of magic cards that spin around you.
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
All art by us. Some sounds and music by us.
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
Boss music by Montogoronto and Psychronic (from Pixabay)
The music comes so easily into your head xD
The idea of having a tarot deck that spins around the player defining what they can use is well found even if it can be frustrating sometimes! xD
Hey guys!!!
As a big tarot fan, this game was right away my cup of tea! I love the visuals and the art, the music and colors pleases me, and the bosses are super creative. It was so fun using tarot cards I know and turning them into attacks.
You guys have so much talent.
Awesome work!
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Love the visuals and gameplay! Really great work!
(PS: If you're willing to I'd love it If you rate and give me some feedback on my game! I'd love to see where I can improve for the future! :D )
Solid visuals, interesting bosses, neat gimmick. All around quite a nice entry and quite fun to play. Music was pretty nice, if a bit repetitive, and the game would've benefitted from more sfx. Boss design was neat, though they kinda felt like they dragged on a little. Appreciate the recommended cards section for each fight. Ngl, would not have realized how The Lovers worked if not for questioning why I was told to bring a jump. lol
The art is great, I loved the design of the bosses and I liked having to find a way to damage the bosses without something telling me how to do it, it was a lot of fun and intuitive.
I think the mechanic of the card wheel is interesting, because you have to think not only about what cards you carry, but also what order you put them in and how you position yourself with respect to the boss, which I think adds strategy to the combat.
Maybe a little more visual or audio feedback would help when dealing damage to the boss, but it is a very small thing.
I really enjoyed it, very well done! :D
Intuitive controls and mechanics. Gameplay was FUN, but I felt the bosses could be a little more challenging. Really loved how much strategy you managed to strum up with the cards/powers. The narrative aspect of gaining new powers related to the boss was amazing. Well done!
i love the card mechanic fully, it allows for custom builds and strategizing for placement, I would've liked maybe some ability to control the speed of the spin , but really fun and overall I enjyoed it
Im in love with your artstyle, your screenshots immediately made me want to play your game! Cool concept!
Great use of the spin theme! had a few performance issues with stuttering and i dont have a potato pc, but I assume this might be just on the web build. Fool boss was fun but i did find myself just kinda waiting for some abilities to spin around, would be cool to have a way to do something that maybe increases the speed of spinning your cards or maybe discard the current ones to speed up the spinning so I can get to the damage ones again sooner when i'm full health and dont care about dodging. And sometimes i would get the damage card but I wouldnt be quite in position to use the ability so then i would adjust to get into position but then the card will have already passed, so maybe a way to hold a card for a short amount of time could be cool.
I didnt manage to beat the chess board map, i assume i had to kill the knights but felts like it was taking too long and I died.
Nice, fun design, really creative theme implementation as well. I had to position not just to avoid damage but to choose weapons as well. This is a nice thing, but I think a better balance can be achieved. I really, really like the art; it's very original and beautiful. The deck-building mechanic is fantastic as well. Really nice job!
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