* * * * * R a t e d ! ;) * * * * * Nice and fun!
Thanks, I’d appreciate it if you could rate it too!
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Ultama-Ferrum's itch.io pageGame's Take on the Theme
Spin - You must spin the Beyblade to regain momentum and stay alive
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
I made all of the art and coded everything, but none of the music or sounds
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
For music and sound: https://pixabay.com/music/ Screen transition is straight from binding of isaac
I find gameplay fun and simple, its good the way we move forward to the next stage and how we learnto play, I rate graphics and fun on top, but all is good, also if you have time, please rate my game, thanks!!
Loved the explosions when you kill the boss! Overall pretty good game, especially since you made it in scratch and it fit the theme really well, good job!
Not bad for your first game! While the balance issue is present (just as the other user said, you can spam click and never die), I still like it.
Considering this is your first game I think you did a nice job ! I think there is just a bit of an issue on the balancing, since just staying clicked on your top you can beat every boss, without using that I still think it was enjoyable.
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