An interesting class-based platformer.
Pros: cute art, interesting mechanic, nice music.
Cons: movement felt really slow and clunky, jump was pretty floaty and had no height control, the wall stick has "it's not a bug it's a feature!" vibes since it doesn't really impact the gameplay in any meaningful way apart from allowing you unlimited time to question all of the life choices that led you to this moment before inevitably falling to your death, more often than not all it did was make me stick to platforms I was trying to jump onto if I started moving sideways a bit too early in the air. I didn't really feel like the theme fit into the gameplay very much, yes you can change your class when you die but since each checkpoint can only be passed with one class the necessity of dying in between makes it feel like it could have just as easily been a button you press to change classes, the mechanic would work fine and arguably better without the theme which makes me feel like the theme didn't really influence it. I have no idea what your thought process was and could absolutely be wrong though. The last checkpoint also felt pretty punishing since every jump was a blind leap of faith and it was impossible to recover from a single mistake, which was only frustrating because it took so long to get back each attempt.
Overall this is a really interesting take on the platforming genre and getting platforming controls right in only a week is insanely difficult so the fact you made a playable game is still impressive. I would love to see this take on the genre expanded upon and polished more.
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