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A member registered Jul 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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Android has been broken for a while because of version mismatch and I can't update it until the remake is done. I should probably just take it down, I was just hoping to have the remake done sooner

The PC version or Android?

Looks like you hit your goal, congrats! I'm still 3 ratings shy of being able to hit the minimum, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could help me out if you have time

Agreed! This was my second Brackey's jam and here's to many more!

OH no worries. I have the same number of comments as rates so I just assumed everyone who rated commented, but that means there must be someone who commented without rating haha

A cool couch coop vs game (I don't have a gamepad or a player 2 so I wasn't able to actually play a match but I still ran around and got a feel for the game)

Pros: awesome music and sound, cool aesthetic, great amount of polish, have a 2 player game for a jam is a super ballsy choice.

Cons: I would have liked to see a bit more in terms of custom assets, the jump was a little floaty for my taste but it was responsive enough, the ability to play with two players on keyboard would be nice (one using J L to move and R shift to jump for example)

Overall this was a really cool choice for the theme and I think it could be a lot of fun with more time put into it especially if you added online capability.

Looks like we're in a similar boat, I need 4 more ratings to hit 20. I'll try out yours shortly, would appreciate if you checked out mine as well if you have time

Not sure if you still have any time to play games but I'm 4 ratings shy of being able to place so if you have the chance I'd greatly appreciate it

I rated yours and left some feedback a while back (you left it on my thread) I'm still 4 ratings short on being able to place (not that I expect to win either) I probably can't make up those ratings in the last half-day but if you have time I'd appreciate you checking mine out as well

I need 4 more ratings to hit 20, would definitely appreciate if you check mine out

Congrats at hitting 20!

you have 53 rates, your game does not belong in this thread.

Rated and left feedback!

The end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end

PLEASE tell me the title is a Stanly Parable reference hahaha

A really interesting platformer.

Pros: cool art style, really good polish, tons of mechanics, very challenging, great music, I love the idea that your ability to practice each level is somewhat up to RNG

Cons: could have used more sound design, the jump was a bit floaty for my taste, the dash would kill your upward momentum even on bouncy blocks which felt unintuitive, I would sometimes randomly just stop moving a particular direction and then I'd have to move the opposite way to be able to move again.

Overall this was an insanely smooth and polished platformer for spending only one week on it and I'd love to see it updated after the jam cause it's the type of game I'd actually play on my spare time.

Thank you so much for your feedback! I've been working on an update to improve the game after the jam. What I've added so far:

The flashlight is now much brighter, and the lights have been taken from the bells so that they're more difficult to see (though there's now a faint ringing you can hear the closer you get to one), the entity now patrols a tighter radius around the player, and his walking speed is now faster than the player's walking speed though his sprint is still slower than the player's sprint to make it possible to outrun him early on, the player now has two extra seconds of sprint to make escape viable, and the entity will now adapt to how many bells you have, searching a tighter radius around the player and moving faster the closer you get to completing the game.

Based on your feedback I'm adding to my list of tasks changing the ground to have a bit more variation, adding a vignette based on proximity of the entity, and replacing the stinger with a "chase loop" of some form that changes volume depending on proximity to the entity. I also plan to make the final cutscene substantially better as I had to throw it together in only 20 minutes and it's really not good.

Thank you so much for your feedback and ideas as this will actually help me improve the game further in my next patch.

Also thank you for your kind words about Skye, it's been an incredibly hard time but I am fortunate enough to have some supportive people around me who understand she wasn't "just a cat" to me and they've done a lot to help me through it.

Rated and left feedback!

Anyone who has less than 20 rates leave your game here. I don't believe that rate for rate is the way to build a community so I'm going to play everyone's games in order of least rates to most rates regardless of if anyone rates mine. However, if you would like to rate mine you can find it here: 

at the time of writing this I have 14 ratings, if when you're reading this I have 20 please spend your time on someone who needs it.

All I ask is that if you post your game here you also play all of the other games that have under 20 ratings, if everyone who posts here also rates everyone else's game here then we can all get to 20 (if I've tested yours before still post it so everyone else can rate it)

I rated your game and left you some feedback a while back (you replied to my post offering ratings), I'm in a similar boat as you and 6 ratings shy of being able to place. I'd appreciate it if you find the time to check out my submission

Rated and left feedback!

A PS-1 style 3rd person hack and slash.

Pros: NAILES the aesthetic, awesome music, really feels like a PS era emulation, cool models and level design, THE NOSTALGIA, I LOVE the way the resolution changes

Cons: it's nearly impossible to critique this game because everything that makes it bad is fully intentional. The clunky controls, frustrating movement, useless dodge-roll, these are all just PS-1 staples, it reminds me of how frustrating games used to be but that's also the charm. The only thing I can say is I would have liked more sound design.

Absolutely fantastic game! Maybe my favorite so far.

Rated and left feedback!

An interesting little 2D stealth game.

Pros: great aesthetic, cool mechanics, interesting story, nice music

Cons: it's sometimes a bit unclear where you're supposed to be going/what your supposed to be doing, you can get spawn camped, theme here is only in the story (no shade, I did the same thing haha), I'm not sure if there's an ending? I got locked in a room with a pillar after collecting everything and I interacted with it which put the orb on it but nothing else happened and I couldn't leave

Overall this was a really solid and polished entry. I enjoyed it quite a bit.

I'm 6 ratings short of being able to place I'd appreciate if you try mine out

Rated and left feedback!

An interesting class-based platformer.

Pros: cute art, interesting mechanic, nice music.

Cons: movement felt really slow and clunky, jump was pretty floaty and had no height control, the wall stick has "it's not a bug it's a feature!" vibes since it doesn't really impact the gameplay in any meaningful way apart from allowing you unlimited time to question all of the life choices that led you to this moment before inevitably falling to your death, more often than not all it did was make me stick to platforms I was trying to jump onto if I started moving sideways a bit too early in the air. I didn't really feel like the theme fit into the gameplay very much, yes you can change your class when you die but since each checkpoint can only be passed with one class the necessity of dying in between makes it feel like it could have just as easily been a button you press to change classes, the mechanic would work fine and arguably better without the theme which makes me feel like the theme didn't really influence it. I have no idea what your thought process was and could absolutely be wrong though. The last checkpoint also felt pretty punishing since every jump was a blind leap of faith and it was impossible to recover from a single mistake, which was only frustrating because it took so long to get back each attempt.

Overall this is a really interesting take on the platforming genre and getting platforming controls right in only a week is insanely difficult so the fact you made a playable game is still impressive. I would love to see this take on the genre expanded upon and polished more.

Rated and left feedback!

A cool hybrid isometric-shooter tower defense game.

Pros: a nice aesthetic, cool blend of genres, good audio

Cons: controls are a bit weird (camera is isometric, movement is not), aiming feels a bit imprecise, it kind of feels like the only meta is to put a ton of turrets at the spawn points early to spawn camp the enemies which isn't particularly exciting gameplay, otherwise you get overwhelmed very quickly in the later waves. I'm also not sure how well this fits the theme, feels less "an end is a new beginning" and more "dying to progress".

Overall this was a really cool concept that I think could work really well as a full game with some more polish to the aesthetic and controls.

you posted here already and I already rated it and left you feedback :)

Rated and left feedback!

An interesting 3D platformer with multiple movement mechanics.

Pros: art was simplistic but really worked with the style, certainly ambitious, really solid amount of polish and accessibility.

Cons: it's really difficult to pull off a 1st person platformer and unfortunately I don't feel like this one quite cut it controls-wise. Still incredibly impressive that you made a playable 1st person platformer in only one week but the lack of momentum in the jumps when you stop holding forward made it feel unintuitive and making fine-tuned movements while grounded felt really inconsistent causing me to sometimes fall off of platforms. The music was cool but it felt a bit creepy and didn't really fit. Some other auditory player feedback like sounds for footsteps, jumping, landing, dying, etc would have gone a really long way. I also feel like it didn't fit the theme much beyond using the words. It felt like you forced an existing idea into the theme rather than fitting the theme into an idea.

Overall it was a really well-polished experience and I'm impressed you pulled it off as well as you did, despite my frustrations with the way the platforming feels. I think with more time to polish the controls, add some more levels, and toss in a few more sound effects this could be a really fun game that could do well in the Speedrunning community. Reminds me a little bit of the game Jumping Jax my friend made a while back.

Rated and left feedback!

A simple "yes no" game with clear inspiration from a few internet phenomena that happened a while back.

Pros: simple and easy to understand, cool art and music, satisfying sound design, fun narrative

Cons: not a lot of content, the adherence to the theme is a bit of a stretch, not much polish, not a super creative concept.

Overall this was a really solid experience. You aimed low and you hit your mark beautifully with less than a minute to spare by the looks of it. I could see this being a pretty cool game if it gets updated but as it is for a jam it's a solid entry. Not groundbreaking but it succeeds at being what it's trying to be.

Rated and left feedback!

(1 edit)

A delightful and beautiful relaxing, physics-based flight game.

Pros: gorgeous visuals, relaxing music, intuitive controls, overall really artistic concept. I appreciate that you took the theme artistically instead of literally. It doesn't have a major effect on the gameplay but it's encompassed in the entire game being about the circle of life. When one flower dies the next seed goes on to grow anew.

Cons: not much, you really chose a very achievable scope and nailed it! I will say the power of the wind being based on distance took a couple of minutes to figure out so it would have been nice to have that explained, things like pause screens are always good but it's not going to lose you any points to not have one when everything else is so polished, I was going to suggest some UX like indicators for which direction you're going or where the next checkpoint is but I'm on the fence because the lack of "game" things kinda helps the artistic message of the experience. It was a bit hard to fly up with the game not being full-screen but that was easily fixed by just downloading it instead of playing in browser. (obligatory audio professional with audio in his name cares about audio and might be a bit biased) I would have loved to see some sound design and not just music, it's the only way the game really felt empty to me.

Overall this has been one of my favorite games so far and it was delightful to experience.

I would love some feedback for mine! (you posted your game on my post like this one a while back and I probably won't get to it sorry :/ I'll try to give you feedback at some point after the jam at least cause I appreciate you paying it forward)

I'm still 8 ratings away from 20, would really appreciate you checking it out if you get the chance! (I rated yours and left feedback from my own post like this one a while back)

I'm still 8 ratings away from being able to place. I don't expect to come anywhere near winning but it would be nice to get on the board!

Rated and left feedback!

A platformer with the unique mechanic of throwing your head.

Pros: really cool art style, truly unique mechanic, platformer is always a ballsy choice for a jam

Cons: (please bare in mind that I didn't enjoy this game. I'm sorry if any of my feedback comes off as harsh, it's all purely meant to be constructive criticism) I REALLY wanted to love this game. It starts off so strong and has a really interesting mechanic. Unfortunately, the core mechanic was just too frustrating. The fact that the heads slowly drift downwards coupled with the slidy physics makes it feel almost impossible to platform with the heads with any kind of precision. Add to that the arbitrary time limit of dying every x amount of time and it felt insanely difficult to move as quickly as needed while still being able to perfectly line up your jumps for the incredibly unforgiving heads. I found myself spamming heads just to have a platform big enough to jump on consistently, which never left me enough time to reach the next platform before dying, and because they were constantly drifting down the platforms I made wouldn't stay in place long enough to be useful for my next life. Because of this, I wound up in a situation where I died so many times that the platform that raised with each death became permanently out of reach and I had to progress with only stacking heads which would also trap me in the second to last spawn area causing me to have to brute force my way out every time. I loved the energy and concept behind this game, the art was fantastic, the style was creative and super cool, the core mechanic was incredibly fun and intuitive, the whole thing felt well polished, I expected to love it, but the gameplay just became so frustrating that it killed the experience for me. It took me roughly 45 minutes to complete and it feels like my eventual success had nothing to do with developing any skill and was only the result of me being stubborn enough to keep beating my head against a wall.

Again, I'm sorry to be so critical. I think this was an amazing idea and I think you're an excellent and creative dev who likely went a bit too ambitious with your concept and therefore didn't have time to fully refine the gameplay. I plan to watch future games you release because I think there's SO much potential here the execution just really didn't do it for me in the time you had.

Some other minor critiques are the lack of audio, the fact that the controls aren't displayed in-game (not a big deal since you have them on the page but it's still nice to have), the lack of a pause screen or any accessibility options (again, not strictly necessary but always nice to have in a jam), and I feel like the death mechanic doesn't really encapsulate the theme. Death is unavoidable but dying doesn't feel like it impacts the gameplay to the point of being a "new beginning" imho.

Overall I think this was an incredibly ambitious and awesome game concept and I suspect the scope wound up being a bit more than was possible for a week. Still mad impressive that you got it submitted in a playable state and it's always cool to see 100% custom assets. It also seems you did this solo as near as I can tell? And this appears to be your first game at least on itch. Considering all of those things the fact you created this at all is still mad impressive and in no way do I mean to insult you, only to give you feedback that might help your next jam. You got a follow from me and I can't wait to see what you make next.