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Coral GardensView game page

Explore the ocean floor as a chibi coral gardener! Revive your reef, collect trash, and avoid enemies in this 3D game!
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Game Title
Coral Gardens

Developer Name
Coral Gardens Team

Short Promo Blurb
Become a coral gardener and save an ecosystem from collapsing!

Full Description
Become a coral gardener and regenerate a coral reef. Extract plastics from the ocean. See how environmental protection policy can greatly improve coral reef regeneration efforts.

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Artistic Statement / Use of Theme(s)
Our game incorporates the themes of the jam through policy changes which make the player’s goal of restoring their local coral reef more attainable. Our team was inspired by the real world efforts of the many coral gardeners working to restore coral reefs across the globe. We hope to equip players with the knowledge and drive needed to restore coral reefs.

Development Summary
Our team researched coral restoration efforts and thought it would be a great idea for our game. We were surprised to see all the strong positive feedback from our prototype submission which helped motivate us through the end of production. Creating engaging levels was a challenge we were able to overcome with iteration and playtesting. While our team struggled in all areas of development we are proud of our current build!

Release Plan
Our game is playable on web browsers using keyboard inputs. A few environmental art assets need to be replaced with their final versions. We plan to continue adding new levels, player upgrades, and gameplay mechanics to the game. We will continue to develop out game until it is polished and ready to be released on Steam!

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I think it might've been my computer but the game ran very slowly once it entered the 3d space :-( however, the art was wonderful and I think you have a great concept!


Quite well done and polished (apart from few issues) game. Likely among top 3. It is enjoyable to be down there, speed-boosting currents are fun in particular. It was nice to see news of optimistic changes brought by the world and not the player alone. My main issue when it comes to playability is I'm invert-mouse-Y kind of brain, so lack of that option has me tumbling around and missing targets more than I should, but sadly that's pretty usual among jam games.


This game turned out really nice! I actually rated this one's earlier iterations, and I'm really impressed with how far it's come. The art is super cute! One of the main things I took notice of as a potential fix was that there was no way for the player to stop moving (at least for me). This made it quite difficult to trim and plant coral. Aside from that, the added tutorials/instructions were great! I think they should be even more obvious though - small white text is easy to miss.


Cute game that reminds me of older 3d platformers. I do think the camera is too sensitive which makes it hard to control. I did think it was hard to figure out what i was supposed to do, i think the signs and their message could be more noticeable. I also like how each level is based off of the previous one so you could try and plan with currents to make further runs easier for yourself. I'm not quite sure about the timer deciding the length of the game, i know it goes down every time you run into a fish but most of the time that happened to me was because of the sensitive camera, so i think another system could be put in place. 


The game was really cute and fun, especially with its 2D and 3D art style and environment. It was easy to navigate but very difficult to stay in a single spot when trying to do something small and intricate. The tutorial was really helpful and a great touch.


The controls are very floaty, it makes it difficult to play :( Otherwise, it seems very well put together ~ I appreciate the tutorial at the beginning :)


very charming visuals and soundtrack and I loved the free roam in the 3D space. The camera was a bit too sensitive for my preference though and led to feelings of motion sickness.


Loved this game! The loop of your actions in one level affecting the state of the next is really effective. My only complaint is that it's sometimes a bit unintuitive to click on things due to the narrow hit detection and high mouse sensitivity, but it's otherwise a very compelling and unique experience.